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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Yeah I was also thinking of this. But that sort of depends on the other mappers as well and what they wanna do with their own stuff. I'm fond of the idea of helping making them though, that would scale the production time up properly. Maybe I'll do just that first. Ah nice doing a master eh? That would take up some time I imagine, especially at start. There is a way to cooperate which I'm using right now, but it takes some discipline. We cannot work in the map simultaneously because we would then overwrite each others work by saving the file over a file. However, what I'm doing right now is I'm using streaming levels, with Crash Site, which are always loaded. It has 2 levels, 1 main level and 1 ship-interior level. UNLESS I communicate with my college that I'm about to edit his package, I never ever touch his package, due to risk of overwriting each others packages. If we stick to working on our own packages (the .upk (normal package) and .udk (map package)) and just link each other with the streaming levels, all we have to do is just restart the editor in order to re-load the newest changes in! Works as a charm. When prepping the map for final release, we just merge the streaming levels into one .udk (map package) level and release! All the other assets which have been spread out are easily moved to one .upk (normal package) package. If we actually have to work in the same package, we got to make sure that we communicate properly about entering, editing and exiting the packages in time in order to avoid loss of work. That's sort of my view towards cooperation. Anyways Schmitzenberg, if you like, I can also help you out with your current map first and we can look at this later on..? Also see: http://www.stubbornhorse.com/?p=135
  2. So my one map (yes curse me because I only have made 1 map... and.. a shitton of content) is nearing completion CnC-Crash Site. I've been looking for an other project, I'm still in doubt what to do. Create more custom content or just create a nice map. I've got a tonne of knowledge now on how to do things and I feel like it would be a shame if I didn't do anything with it. One thing I've learned in the year that I'm working in UDK is that I'm better off with a team if I would like to see progress quickly. Therefore I decided the next map I would make is going to be with one or more teammembers.. Hence the question; who would like to team up on a map ? I've got an idea for a new map, that is basically based upon this picture below: I like the dark and weird atmosphere and the difference in height would make up for interesting gameplay I think. I still would not really know where to place the bases etc.. Again, as I said, I'd like to create such a map but not alone. In order to see progress faster I'd like to team up So what do you guys think? Would such a map work out for Ren-X ?? Would it be interesting enough to develop? I'm not really sure whether I'm willing to start up this project or help others first. Depends on the possible cooperation really. I'd say no air vehicles here as a start. Post your comments below!
  3. I have yet to play a single pub on this patch yet The 64 player mutator will be running on the server and I've made some adjustments to make it run even more smoothly on the server. This sounds really interesting.. could you post some more info about the adjustments?
  4. Nice work @ Rypel! I'd suggest to move the Nod base towards the GDI base a little bit, it feels a bit to large as far as I can see on the screenshots.. Don't have the map to test it yet
  5. I have that when I alt tab out of the game and return back in! Maybe it's something within UDK? I suggest you start your search into UDK and not specific into those plugins or Renegade-X You should also delete your cache within your game folder
  6. Hey people, For the ones that are interested in investing lots of time into the perfect river / ocean / lake and water / snow / sand flow in general, here's you can create awesome normal maps and shaders, see the attachment. p.s. I've never actually used this myself but it looks really cool! So don't ask me for support. Water_Flow_For_UDK.zip
  7. I agree that the old bridge was boring. Maybe have it damaged near the middle? So we can also drive off easy? Looking forward to your prefabs! If that does not work out for you, you can also look at this tutorial, maybe you need to use the spline actor yourself.
  8. Nope I wish it was this easy. I could have given the community loads of buildings if this were the case. I work with Autodesk Revit daily (as a building engineer) and have tons of real life building models. Those models are made out of a different kind of geometry than polygons. For you reference, we need polygons for the game industry, and we need as LESS as possible of them. http://wiki.bk.tudelft.nl/toi-pedia/Mod ... ons#Theory <----- very useful link for your knowledge from one of the leading Dutch universities (even in the world) For example, a normal Renegade-x rock has 8000 polygons in LOD0 (the highest level of detail) One of the buildings we draw in Architectual software comes closer to 1.000.000 polygons easily. It's because the design process is different. The amount of polygons comes forth out of the NURB -> Polygon conversion. In the architectural software we draw in NURBs not in polygons. For more info about that: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid= ... gws_rd=ssl
  9. Please tell me that I can use the Destroy kismet node on the Purchase Terminal class. But yeah, I get what you mean, it's gonna be refill-fest whenever you try to defend the base About creds, it was in discussions. Some say it's just nice enough, but yeah, it's too easy to get money even with one base silo You can destroy the invisible PT actor by Kismet. The static mesh is something you can't destroy. Then again, I'd set the PT material to LOD3 via kismet MIC and spawn an emitter that gives sparks and stuff to show off that the PT is broken / out of order
  10. If you want to have a short airstrip I think you're better off cutting the airstrip in 3ds and keeping the same UV's so you can use the same material in UDK. Don't forget to shorten the collision mesh as well, else you can still 'hit' the airstrip by it's collision mesh. If you don't want to do this, you can currently cheat your way around the collision by creating a thin static mesh with the builder brush on top of the airstrip, with a transparent material, without collision. So weapons only shoot the thin 'air' and not the strip and/or landscape that's underneath. Beacons will also get placed on top of this air
  11. If you provide a proper SDK / and or / folder structure we should just be able to copy that over to the SDK and not redo lots of things Thanks for implementation though. If we use that we actually prevent the draw call from happening. In this case I actually want the draw call to happen, because else the effect im after would not work. If you really want to spawn an actor and hide it you need a specific purpose for that actor. (for example: swapping actor classes). Then again you could also use the destroy actor. I don't know what we could use the 'hide' thing for anyway. But let's stay on topic here.
  12. Why not just create this yourself? Use the builder brush to create a static mesh and apply a material to it. Don't forget to create a blocking volume as well as those created meshes don't have collision.
  13. Still working on this! The guy i'm working with was a bit busy lately so I couldn't drop as many updates as I would like. Still development is going strong and I aim at mid January for release (due to the interior). Some screenies: Happy new years!
  14. Maybe, I had already done this in the past, but the health part of it turned out to be very tricky. Therefore I decided to make this first. I'll pick this up with one of the coders if they have time. Meanwhile, I totally forgot to post this, I also included a function that allows us mappers to change the team number and name on the fly. It's done via kismet. Check out this image: http://i.imgur.com/a6r2jC0.png
  15. Updated CNC-Snow to V1.1 Current maps in the server: CNC-Crash Site : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cselfidlu0ck ... SauHa?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=135&t=74944 CNC-Beach Head v1.2 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/ynn0f ... d_V1.2.zip viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75638&start=15 CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75566 CNC-Sniper Park : https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqwvodgol04r ... k.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75610 DM-M13 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... UZnZUJ0UUU viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75700 CNC-Woods : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ch2 ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Woodsv2 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Snow : https://www.dropbox.com/s/w92hn91791pke ... 1.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75599 CNC-Sniper-Vantagepoints : https://www.dropbox.com/s/36lz386gt75eh ... 0.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75605 CNC-Containment : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75679 CNC-JFF-Rockethill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75233&p=150192&hilit=jff+rockethill#p150192 CNC-GoldRushTest : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7CN67 ... FhYUU/view http://constructivetyranny.com/showthread.php?tid=254 If you want more maps to be added, use this template and post below: DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE THE MAP.INI FILE FOR MINE AND VEHICLE LIMITS!!!!!
  16. Interesting map! Looking forward to playing it! I'd keep the middle and the AC crash site as an infantry only place so they have a place to hide when tank battles arise in the middle! As already mentioned, I'd also be careful with base to base fire and line of sight. Keep in mind that the artillery shoots with an arch and has the largest range in game! I see a lot of vehicle paths here, but is there an infantry only path? How long is the walk? I'd keep it under 30 seconds of walking time Nice lighting in the map there! But are you planning on using a different accent of green? I think it might be better for your scene I think it's an interesting map and again, I'm really looking forward to play it! Keep up the good work!
  17. Hey guys, Today I've been working on creating an actor that allows us mappers to have a custom interface for all kinds of stuff. I am planning on using it on static meshes that are not actual RenX buildings but supposed to be. In this example, i'll use my map with the destroyed weapons factory. What it looks like by default: and in the editor: http://i.imgur.com/W960pRp.png Notice how we can enter the team number, building name and tooltip by default. We can also swap out the static mesh that is used ingame. I selected the visible cube by default, so you mappers never forget to swap out the static mesh. I've made this actor based upon the purchase terminal that I've made. I removed the purchase terminal accessibility features though, so we can't access the PT menu when pressing E up close. This is really useful for creating buildings that are supposed to be tech buildings, or making 'captureable' buildings (as I have in my own map) I for instance, would like to have a UI showing when we aim to the destroyed weapons factory. To do this, I need to search the static mesh of the building that I wish to use, in this example, the weapons factory. 1. So the first thing I do is search the weapons factory static mesh in the content browser, and put this new mesh in the slot: We do this to have an as accurate as possible UI show-up. I could also use the cube and put it over the entire building but, since this building is already made as a static mesh, I'm using this static mesh. If you have buildings made out of BSP or modules, I'd suggest picking the proper object to suit your UI needs and putting it over whatever building you have. An alternative would be creating your own static mesh. 2. Once done make sure the location and rotation is the same as the original, then slightly scale up the mesh by a factor so the UI mesh is a little bit bigger than the original. I used a factor of 1.02 in this example: 3. The issue we're facing right now is that we're still seeing the actor, whilst it should be an invisible actor. We get rid of the seeing of the actor by overriding the materials used. First we have to look up how many material slots your chosen static mesh uses. To do this, look up the static mesh you have used in the content browser and doubleclick it to bring up it's properties: In my case, it's the weapons factory, but in your case it could be anything Here we see that the mesh in my example has 7 materials that need overrides. Yours could be different. To do these overrides we make X amount of slots (according to the amount of slots of your static mesh's materials) in the 'rendering' tab in the interface-mesh's properties: In my example I have 7. In these slots assign the correct material that suits your needs, go to the package RenX_AssetBase. In that package, search for MI_Null You'll find: - MI_Null_Concrete - MI_Null_Glass - MI_Null_Metal Choose the material that you need in the proper slots, in my example I'm only using the MI_Null_Metal. 4. That's it! Youre done! Result: Download the mutator: - Interface was implemented natively-
  18. Added CNC-GoldRushTest Added CNC-WoodsV2 Current maps in the server: CNC-Crash Site : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cselfidlu0ck ... SauHa?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=135&t=74944 CNC-Beach Head v1.2 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/ynn0f ... d_V1.2.zip viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75638&start=15 CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75566 CNC-Sniper Park : https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqwvodgol04r ... k.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75610 DM-M13 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... UZnZUJ0UUU viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75700 CNC-Woods : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ch2 ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Woodsv2 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Snow : https://www.dropbox.com/s/hy0nmf6ffbktb ... 1.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75599 CNC-Sniper-Vantagepoints : https://www.dropbox.com/s/36lz386gt75eh ... 0.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75605 CNC-Containment : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75679 CNC-JFF-Rockethill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75233&p=150192&hilit=jff+rockethill#p150192 CNC-GoldRushTest : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7CN67 ... FhYUU/view http://constructivetyranny.com/showthread.php?tid=254 If you want more maps to be added, use this template and post below: DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE THE MAP.INI FILE FOR MINE AND VEHICLE LIMITS!!!!!
  19. If you have a computer from 1990 it won't run Ren-X anymore. What are your specs? - CPU brand + model - Motherboard brand + model - Graphics card brand + model - RAM brand + amount What is your operating system? - Linux/OSX/WinXP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win8.1/Win10 - Last updated: .... ??
  20. You can do this on NVIDIA systems without issues. For AMD systems, it can also be done with a little trick. For more info: http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33929923
  21. Made a couple of screenshots in the old map for your reference:
  22. The current SDK is full of bugs, I don't know who ever released it but it's really shitty. The beta 4 SDK is better
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