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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. This. And, to do a visual inspection, change the view mode to zero extent and look at your volumes. (drop down triangle top left, view collision, zero extent) I always use that to debug, gets you to the faulty volume faster
  2. Send me the files and I'll try to fix it for you
  3. you should've just extend the original ones and override the default material init. What would be even better is, if you would ask the developers to make the static mesh a variable, so we can override the material, just like i'm trying to convince them
  4. Nice nice, if the guard towers are broken that's up to yosh to fix renegade-wide. you might wanna check all teh buildings, most of them seem to be floating. What I usually do is create a flat area and then drop the building down (with a 2-grid snap) so it always fits nicely. As for the landscape shader, I have to agree with most of the guys here, I think the texture feels overstretched, I think you either need to use different normals or completely scale down the tiling. The foliage seems to cast a shadow, this feels very weird, espeically on the grass. It gives a jittering effect on my screen which is really annoying. Please downgrade the amount of specular on the repairpad, I think you wanna add the metal-ish effect to the diffuse channel and add scratches and stuff to the specular. The way you made it right now doesen't feel natural to me.. Can you also make a different shader for the middle part of the repairpad for the diffuse? maybe something like; http://www.textures.com/download/metalbare0153/55196 http://www.textures.com/download/metalbare0158/55216 http://www.textures.com/download/metalbare0115/19457 Don't forget to make the repairpad as 1 skeletal mesh (due to the mutator we're working on) You might want to tweak the rocks color or the landscape's color a bit to match eachother, also notice that the foliage rock color is off... All and all I really like your map! It feels very good and I can really tell that you've put a lot of effort in it!
  5. Not yet, i'm planning on getting one today. There is a major issue with the searchlights in the map, they cause a log-spam that's like 1 second. and it goes like that every second. So before we add the download link, this needs to be fixed or we crash our dedicated box.
  6. You can't edit the purchase terminal menu unfortunately. The purchase terminal is a flash file, a .swf If you want to have a custom purchase terminal menu you'd have to take the original flash file, edit it, redo the logic and the icons and then put it back into the game in your own package. To open it, you'd have to "open GFx movie" via kismet. So yeah, it's kinda tricky. The way I do it (and some other mappers) is just by using a trigger where you can press E upon, to spawn a vehicle using a vehicle actor factory in kismet. See Crash Site for examples and Beach Head and Cliffside.
  7. Added CNC-Reservoir -> Damn you Henk, you forgot to include the .ini file, doesen't anyone read the statement below? Current maps in the server: CNC-Beach Head v1.3.2 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/viq9z ... V1.3.2.rar viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75638&start=15 CNC-GrassyKnoll : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75566 CNC-Sniper Park : https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqwvodgol04r ... k.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75610 DM-M13 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... UZnZUJ0UUU viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75700 CNC-Woods : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ch2 ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Woodsv2 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Sniper-Vantagepoints : https://www.dropbox.com/s/36lz386gt75eh ... 0.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75605 CNC-Containment : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75679 CNC-JFF-Rockethill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75233&p=150192&hilit=jff+rockethill#p150192 CNC-UphillRedux : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=138&t=76017 CNC-CliffSide : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nllW ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75858 CNC-Artic_Stronghold : download link pending viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75868 CNC-Reservoir : https://www.dropbox.com/s/luoozu49s7gzs ... r.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=135&t=74941 If you want more maps to be added, use this template and post below: DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE THE MAP.INI FILE FOR MINE AND VEHICLE LIMITS!!!!!
  8. Adding to the server now. I don't have a clue regarding the repairpad not showing, I studied the SAM site and other 'vehicles' but they look the same! the only difference is that they have AI in them. Also, you have a static mesh (that hexagon) and a static mesh, you want to merge both into 1 skeletal mesh. So the ramps are part of the skeletal mesh.
  9. I couldn't find anything that caused troubles for coastalsmall anymore, maybe it was something in the past in the native game that caused troubles, who knows.. anyways, we can always try again
  10. Im gonna try and implement this nice piece from the Crytek humblebundle, just for the lols should be loads of fun having 20 people in 1 bus haha. If anyone wants to help me code this, help is appreciated
  11. Allright then, sounds good Henk! I've compiled your mutator, however, I think your package (or the package you sent me) is missing content; I am missing the static mesh that's underneath.. I also miss the materials Edit: When I start playing the skeletal mesh doesn't show up, don't know why. In editor: Play in editor: code; Rx_Repairpad.Rx_Repairpad_GDI class Rx_Repairpad_GDI extends Rx_Defence placeable; var() SkeletalMeshComponent BuildingMesh; DefaultProperties { TeamID=0 //========================================================\\ //************** Vehicle Physics Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Health=1000 bLightArmor=false bCollideWorld = false Physics=PHYS_None CameraLag=0.1 //0.2 LookForwardDist=200 HornIndex=1 COMOffset=(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=-55.0) PeripheralVision=-1.0 bUsesBullets = false bIgnoreEncroachers=True bSeparateTurretFocus=false bCanCarryFlag=false bCanStrafe=false bFollowLookDir=false bTurnInPlace=false bCanFlip=False bHardAttach=true MaxDesireability=0.8 MomentumMult=0.7 AIPurpose=AIP_Defensive //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Visual Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCmp CollisionHeight=60.0 CollisionRadius=260.0 End Object CollisionComponent = CollisionCmp Components.Add(CollisionCmp) Begin Object class=SkeletalMeshComponent name=PadMesh SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.SK_DEF_RepairFacility' //AnimTreeTemplate=AnimTree'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Anims.AT_DEF_Turret' PhysicsAsset=PhysicsAsset'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.SK_DEF_RepairFacility_Physics' End Object Components.Add(PadMesh); BuildingMesh = PadMesh DrawScale=1.0 VehicleIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_VehicleIcon_Turret' MinimapIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_MinimapIcon_Turret' //========================================================\\ //********* Vehicle Material & Effect Properties *********\\ //========================================================\\ BurnOutMaterial[0]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' BurnOutMaterial[1]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' DefaultPhysicalMaterial=PhysicalMaterial'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.PhysMat_RepairFacility' VehicleEffects(0)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire01) VehicleEffects(1)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire02) BigExplosionTemplates[0]=(Template=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Munitions2.Particles.Explosions.P_Explosion_Vehicle_Huge') BigExplosionSocket=VH_Death //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Audio Properties ***************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=AudioComponent Name=ScorpionEngineSound SoundCue=SoundCue'RX_VH_MediumTank.Sounds.Med_IdleCue' End Object EngineSound=ScorpionEngineSound Components.Add(ScorpionEngineSound); }
  12. To spawn stuff: Press F5 and enter: sandboxspawn so, sandboxspawn renx_game.rx_vehicle_buggy so, sandboxspawn renx_game.rx_vehicle_mediumtank as for the prism tank and mirage tank (as they are mutators) sandboxspawn rx_prismtank.rx_vehicle_prismtank sandboxspawn rx_miragetank.rx_vehicle_miragetank
  13. The guys have asked me to test with them so I've setup a server for them, screens;
  14. Very cool, as for the landscape, check this out; http://worldofleveldesign.com/categorie ... filter.php
  15. Very cool, is that vertex paint?
  16. Okay, so here's the solution: 1. After you've placed the backup back into place, search ..\UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngineUDK.ini In there, search this part: Change "+ModEditPackages=RenX_Game" to be "+EditPackages=RenX_Game" So, like this: Now it will never compile RenX_Game anymore. (if you DO want to do that again, revert these actions) Now, as for your code, there are some things that are missing. I'll explain myself: 1. Please set the TeamID to be a variable, so we can change the team ingame! You could create 2 classes, one for Nod one for GDI, but you can also just have 1 class and change the TeamID. [Optional] Do you also wish to have this repairpad to be updated though kismet? If so, you'll also have to include a SeqAct that hooks up to your class Rx_Defence_RepairFacility. 2. Make sure the mesh is a variable! If it's not a variable we can't access the 'rendering override' tab ingame, so if other mappers wish to apply a different shader / texture to the repairpad due to environments or whatever, they can't. So what I'd do is; class Rx_Defence_RepairFacility extends Rx_Defence placeable; var() repnotify TEAM TeamID; var() SkeletalMeshComponent BuildingMesh; DefaultProperties { TeamID=1 //========================================================\\ //************** Vehicle Physics Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Health=1000 bLightArmor=false bCollideWorld = false Physics=PHYS_None CameraLag=0.1 //0.2 LookForwardDist=200 HornIndex=1 COMOffset=(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=-55.0) PeripheralVision=-1.0 bUsesBullets = false bIgnoreEncroachers=True bSeparateTurretFocus=false bCanCarryFlag=false bCanStrafe=false bFollowLookDir=false bTurnInPlace=false bCanFlip=False bHardAttach=true MaxDesireability=0.8 MomentumMult=0.7 AIPurpose=AIP_Defensive //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Visual Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCmp CollisionHeight=60.0 CollisionRadius=260.0 End Object CollisionComponent = CollisionCmp CollisionCylinder = CollisionCmp Components.Add(CollisionCmp) Begin Object class=SkeletalMeshComponent name=SVehicleMesh SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.SK_DEF_RepairFacility' //AnimTreeTemplate=AnimTree'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Anims.AT_DEF_Turret' PhysicsAsset=PhysicsAsset'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.RX_DEF_RepairFacility_Physics' End Object Components.Add(SVehicleMesh) BuildingMesh = SVehicleMesh DrawScale=1.0 VehicleIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_VehicleIcon_Turret' MinimapIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_MinimapIcon_Turret' //========================================================\\ //*********** Vehicle Seats & Weapon Properties **********\\ //========================================================\\ /* Seats(0)={(GunClass=class'Rx_Defence_Turret_Weapon', GunSocket=(MuzzleFlashSocket), TurretControls=(TurretPitch,TurretRotate), GunPivotPoints=(TurretYaw,TurretPitch), CameraTag=CamView3P, CameraBaseOffset=(Z=-100), CameraOffset=-300, SeatIconPos=(X=0.5,Y=0.33), MuzzleFlashLightClass=class'Rx_Light_Tank_MuzzleFlash' )} */ //========================================================\\ //********* Vehicle Material & Effect Properties *********\\ //========================================================\\ BurnOutMaterial[0]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' BurnOutMaterial[1]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' DefaultPhysicalMaterial=PhysicalMaterial'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.PhysMat_RepairFacility' VehicleEffects(0)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire01) VehicleEffects(1)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire02) BigExplosionTemplates[0]=(Template=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Munitions2.Particles.Explosions.P_Explosion_Vehicle_Huge') BigExplosionSocket=VH_Death //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Audio Properties ***************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=AudioComponent Name=ScorpionEngineSound SoundCue=SoundCue'RX_VH_MediumTank.Sounds.Med_IdleCue' End Object EngineSound=ScorpionEngineSound Components.Add(ScorpionEngineSound); }
  17. I know how to fix this. I'll post it tomorrow. I got a backup for you for the scripts only. I also fuck ed my SDK like this multiple times. You'll be fine
  18. If there's anything specific you need I might be able to help with that. But other than that I don't really want to start working on anything big that would take up a lot of time. Porting the assets mostly, that's the biggest hurdle
  19. Removed the following maps due to official release and thus preventing mismatches from happening when joining this server (because it will overwrite your existing files): - CNC-Crash_Site - CNC-Snow - CNC-GoldRushTest - CNC-TombRedux - CNC-TrainingYard Updated CNC-GrassyKnoll Added CNC-Artic_Stronghold Current maps in the server: CNC-Beach Head v1.3.2 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/viq9z ... V1.3.2.rar viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75638&start=15 CNC-GrassyKnoll : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75566 CNC-Sniper Park : https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqwvodgol04r ... k.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75610 DM-M13 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... UZnZUJ0UUU viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75700 CNC-Woods : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ch2 ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Woodsv2 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... 3VJMVkzblk viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721 CNC-Sniper-Vantagepoints : https://www.dropbox.com/s/36lz386gt75eh ... 0.zip?dl=0 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75605 CNC-Containment : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75679 CNC-JFF-Rockethill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75233&p=150192&hilit=jff+rockethill#p150192 CNC-UphillRedux : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=138&t=76017 CNC-CliffSide : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nllW ... sp=sharing viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75858 CNC-Artic_Stronghold : download link pending viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75868 If you want more maps to be added, use this template and post below: DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE THE MAP.INI FILE FOR MINE AND VEHICLE LIMITS!!!!!
  20. Hey Henk, since you also have these assets and a lot of knowledge on this, could you team up as well?
  21. I Ghas zome good news, I have purchased a humble bundle for $13 with a TONNE of 3D assets which are free to use in commercial games etc etc.. developed by *drumrolls* CRYTEK! LINK: https://www.humblebundle.com/cryengine-bundle The files are all maya and fbx files so we should port m over quite easily. Crytek said it's possible; The license sais; So thommy if you could post the map files here or share the dropbox / onedrive / gdrive folder link with me im gonna add stuff soon. I understood that this map was cursed due to Havoc89's hard drive crashing (full of assets), now we're back in business
  22. Thanks, We've been working hard on getting that thing to work properly. It's quite hard to get it to work seamlessly via kismet. Multiplayer toggle nodes behave differently in kismet than they do in singleplayer. The rest of the map is mostly done now, we're expecting a full test release soon! and after that a full release (if all works right)
  23. I love the idea's here, but to get this to work I think we need a dedicated team that's working on this 24-7 with enthousiasm and for free. Since a lot of people also have moved on to UE4 I don't think this is going to lift off, sorry
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