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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. i just reviewed alot of my vids ... and found that the team with ryz on usaly looses ! i wonder why that is ? it cant be that ryz is on the team its that every one else is on ryz's team ?
  2. shouldent it be LCG vs gunner ? and Patch vs SBH ?
  3. love that first image
  4. fix ya other maps !
  5. all collison modes show nothing ? foliage shouldent effect paths my bet is you have an artifacted volume or a custom mesh has bad collision but if you rebuilt geometry my bet is its a messed up blocking volume any chance you can send me the map and ill take a look
  6. image with path lines and maybe collison mode on might give a better insight
  7. look its a dev bong
  8. i dont give a shit if you like or dislike my assets there not official assets and there for my personal assets permission is needed
  9. well again thanks for asking to use my assets ! fix all ya other maps
  10. renegadex is only 32bit
  11. lol nice
  12. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r260658 ... rding-Help
  13. what router do you have ?
  14. i have the same problem my hardware filrewall (router) needs to be port forwarded to either 7777 -7878 -7778 - 8888 (pick one)
  15. carry on !
  16. speed dose not = less lag distance from the server = lag but as ya in Poland it shouldent be that laggy
  17. nice ... be cool to add some vertex paint to it make some cracks and re-bar showing in places
  18. all fixed plus water for people on low settings and some other things
  19. proboly that shitty folage collision volume
  20. i whats them all
  21. bloody google trying to correcting me but you know whar i mean
  22. you have a message on the screen telling you you are out of bounds if you die from it thats your own fault dont blame the game for your incompatance olny maps with flying units [and now island coz i was sick of bouncing off the blocking volumes] have soft level bounds nice click bait title... what it should say tho is: renx isnt what i want and now im butt hurt about not being able to rapping people as a hotwire with emps and smgs boo frigging hoo and i cat read a thing that tells me to retern to the battle field... but i guess thats a bit long as a title
  23. this is how David and i killed the ref like 2/3 weeks a ago
  24. dont matter ive fixed it
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