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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. slio makes a huge difference when the ref is dead so there not usless
  2. kenz3001

    Landscape Bug

    i believe this is a bug ... try building geometry or converting the landscape to have different patches
  3. its all good ... just meant its no good telling Yosh coz he gets all frazzled looking @ the editor
  4. no good reporting them to Yosh lol i didnt know where this one was till now .. i knew it was a thing ... pm me the canyon one .. and xmountain one if / when possible (its hard to talk to Yosh as hes in Japan lol)
  5. i also found this i tried it with other chars but only managed to do it with a SBH
  6. noooooooooooooooooooooooo ! we need a end of year pug tho ... but for now
  7. if it only happens on walls it might be a problem with placement of the volumes ... if so some one pock me on the forums or TS about it
  8. islands was a good game
  9. first game of the last PUG
  10. yes and hopully i think i sorted my shadow play out
  11. ok just for the sake of it ... blocking volume guy (main weapon is a blocking volume gun that shots blocking volumes)
  12. nope ... too many as there is
  13. only one that was recorded
  14. dont look @ me
  15. nope ... shadow play seems to be a pile of steaming shit lately
  16. ill be there
  17. phhhh i wish it was that simple
  18. we cant stop this entirely as vehicle blocking volumes block both ground and air vehicles so we just cant slap down a massive vehicle blocking volume as it would interfere with air combat so there is real fix for this
  19. i probably wont make it tonight
  20. dont forget to "Q" spot beacons
  21. i beleve this is already a thing invite only
  22. you using any mutators? you tryed reinstalling? a copy of your .bat arguments would help and may be a copy of the logs (minus sensive stuff)
  23. sorry no for some reason shadow play decided to just loose all that footage
  24. thanks for telling every one exactly how to do it ... it was not in the original map and will be fixed in an upcoming patch
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