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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. did you extract the SDK to the RenegadeX game directory by any chance ... if so ... you gone and did it wrong ... they are to completely different things ... now you need to go and reinstall the game (delete the original folder first) and then extract the SDK to a new folder / location on your PC ...
  2. first load always takes a long time due to the game having to compile the shaders for the map once its done it one time it wont need to do it again untill the map is changed / updated
  3. i forgot to add a clip in to the minimap tutorial ... were ever you have the center node (the note i used) you need to add the coords of that to the minimap props in world props (i need to remake this tutorial)
  4. kenz3001


    can be done ... udk supports it ... dont think it will be put in to effect in renx but if you wish to make a mutator or something here is some info on it >>> http://unrealinfo.blogspot.co.uk/2012/0 ... creen.html
  5. try reading the forums abit first pinned topic in this forum section >>> viewtopic.php?f=136&t=74919
  6. now we need a heal building crate more then ever ill let you ponder over that will watching this epic PUG battle
  7. if your the only person yes
  8. first vid tells you how to get the editor to open with an argument and the rest is a lets make a map >>> renx essential editor tutorials (stuff about cnc mode and renx assets) >>> there are 2 other playlist of making of volcano and canyon
  9. if someone "Q" tags the beacon there will be a message saying beacon is next to blah building ... or if someone "Q" spams a building thats pretty much were the beacon is (just keep an eye on the messages in the top left )
  10. sorry i was raging so much coz people were doing silly little things any way here is some footage form about 2 / 3 weeks ago
  11. yes and i got my recording problem sorted (shadow play dont like Desktop Fusion )
  12. its an editor egg
  13. for this too work ... there would need to be 1. a player controller for the harvester 2. a new system for a player controlled harvester to pick up Tib (dedicated area " modified Tib volume?") 3. a new system to dumb the tib also a dedicated area as the current system relies on the ai to trigger the collection and dumb there are some other things too like team hampering that would need to be addresses
  14. http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewto ... 36&t=74919
  15. you may only get a small decrease in FPS ... but most people that play renx have old hardware (in my tutorial map with a day night cycle i was getting a max of 40 fps and min of about 14 (depending were i was and what was around me) i beleve this version of that map has the day night cycle http://www.mediafire.com/download/d3588 ... haders.zip back to topic as its a city there needs to lots of lights and it needs to be a night map .... but anyway thats what i have in my head
  16. (not the game but SDK files / udk.exe)
  17. kenz3001

    Easter Eggs

    old news
  18. lol as his map is out for testing ... it would be more appropriate for you to change the name of your map or a better idea finish one of your other maps
  19. ahhh its ok ... i have too many vids qued up as it is just bummed that nvidia didnt save the fotage
  20. ahhhhhhh ... nvidia decided not to save any of my vids soooo disapointed
  21. cool you should set it up with swarm coordinator so you can use it and your pc / any other system you have to bring that time down i use 3 pc's in my house 2 amd 8350's and a q6600 and it makes building lights fly (tho it leaves 1 core per pc so that you can still do stuff on the pc's)
  22. dont worry lakeside have been revamped for an upcoming patch
  23. maps can contain code (but not a .u or .uc script ... code as in kismit scripts) you can use the map as an asset dump some of our maps do this but using a asset package is much easier to manage again when you import assets you can import them to the map or a new package ... i would suggest always using a package 300mb is the recommended max size (you can go over this but udk will start biching about the size in the editor) you can do it either way what ever way you feel more comfortable with ... but culling and lods are udk's friend (if you make a level in say 3dsmax it needs to imported as parts so you can unload parts to make the level run smoother)
  24. was very fun to play too bad it ended the way it di with the server messing up
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