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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. will try and find away to fix this
  2. no love for the beach of head ? but mehhh i need to upload a new version anyways so mehhh
  3. we have been talking about this for some time ... but we haven't had the time
  4. yer i know about this ..but im going to start work on that map soon and it shouldn't be an issue any more
  5. time for blocking volumes to make a return to lake side
  6. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrp
  7. when i was making the map i had a similar idea but the nod hole wasn't a thing back then ... the original plan was to have scaffolding from the silo to the top ... but now i could use the holes will need to look into the pros and cons with this
  8. Is the code to allow the capturable helipad added to the games core yet Kenz / Yosh? no its all done via kismet right now
  9. this is what you get for bitching about blocking volumes ... we are thinking about lowing the time to 5-7 secs so this cant be done any more
  10. why you make my maps look bad ?
  11. i got no clue what this means edit: ahhh i see ...; but next time a screen shot or something would be helpful ... you should know better being a mapper
  12. yer about beach head lol im going to update it soon
  13. moar peeps
  14. lol yer first one goes up tomorrow cool vid ... i could never play with the contrast that high .. i would be blind in 2 games lol
  15. nope its not kill z (the hovercraft is the lowest point on the map and you dont take damage there)
  16. the lava that you see (the redish bit ) is just a mesh ... it dont have the ability to damage this is nothing there that can course damage other then a lava volume ... and that will destroy anything that touches it (the lava volume does not come close to the bar ... so its not that) ive tested this and i cant seem to get any damage from that spot
  17. canyon hasn't been updated yet ... as for the apc place ... i ddint know about that one
  18. blocking volumes are better then soft world boundary now you understand now stop bitching ! ... also hi ill be there
  19. didnt know you could get up on it ... ill fix that soon
  20. Yooooooooo i think i fixed the getting out of map issue .... but there is an issue were if you travel vertically (steep angles) in / out of the volume you get the count down bug (count down wont go away and you die) nothing i can do about that there is another issue but i need to talk to a coder about it ... and i dont wonna post about it just yet (it relates to a timer bug)
  21. already fixed this hopfully it will be in the next patch asap
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