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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. Yes there is i beleve the latest version of beach head has what you are looking for.... Just look at the kismit of the helipads iff you cant find it ill make a ss for ya
  2. Ut3's link gun left over from udk's base game that renx was built upon
  3. team only blocking volume is posible via kimit by using a trigger volume into a get team from trigger intorgator into a compare with what team you wish to alow with the = into a dynamic blocking volume but yer using somthing like that would brake game play unless you have somthing special planed
  4. its a renx area objective node just set it to not show area also yoooooo
  5. you can only join ya own (if on your own pc) buy using host / host ip my bet is you have a hardware fire wall on your roughter add ut3 ports to it 7777 7878 8888 tcp and udp
  6. crash sit is a custom map and you need to let udk compile shaders for custom assets this can take a long time depending on your cpu... you may have to reintall the game again to revert the shaders back..... my bet is you courupted the shader file when you fourced shut down
  7. follow this http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/faq/id-19 ... r-fix.html
  8. in the game directory there is a folder called UDKGame and in there there is a logs folder ... the last log would be very helpfull
  9. building shaders most likely
  10. dont have time
  11. lack of hdd space or ram ?
  12. tweak the Fresnel colour on the platu seems a bit yellow
  13. not if you set up the mat right
  14. op crap that dont belong in the game any more.... why cant people just not mess with core game play
  15. ive said the same thing with a happy demeaner a few times but it dident turn heads... what i said was very restrained and painted an image of what is going on
  16. FINISH YA OTHER CRAP BEFORE MAKING MORE STEAMING PILES OR CRAP you must have at least 10 unfinished unpolished turds in the works ... finish at least one before squeezing another one out im all for custom maps but not if they get started and never finished its good enuff is not a good way of doing things .... this sort of shit is what fucked over rens custom map enthusiasm .... "yaeh new maps ... ohhhh its a buggy pile of steaming turd .... ill go back to under and field"
  17. well if you have more then 4gb's or ram in your system and using a 32bit os (no matter if its 98 xp 7 8 or 10 it will only see and use 4gb's of it) if you are running a new os we would need the logs from the new install (they will be different from the ones you provided before)
  18. what GPU do you have ?
  19. all the "flags" on the buildings are physX / apex cloth afaik
  20. cascading shadow settings in the main light you use (domenent directinal light?)
  21. more ? PUG Waiting Room Shenanigans
  22. FU
  23. ill try and make it ... might not be on my pc tho
  24. it seems you need .net framwork installed .. i think 4.1 is the right version (might be wrong) is ya windows fully updated as this refers to a service pack (as far as i can tell)
  25. full log and system specs would be helpful
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