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Everything posted by limsup

  1. Have you considered the performance impact?
  2. What graphics preset do you use (or to which preset is your setting the closest) ?
  3. limsup

    Frustration therapy

    Loved that on CNC-Eyes, I was on Nod, and we were loosing, then the crash happened, everyone got booted out of the server, and on reconnect it totally mixed up the teams, putting me to GDI. It was basically a free for all, with everyone going for all the empty tanks laying around the map
  4. Unlimited. In my humble opinion, adding and defining a time limit should be at the liberty of a server owner/administrator. I say this as one, who is not particularly fond of games dragging into hours - a game should eventually end, but not by an "artificial" solution, such as a ticking timer, it just feels for me a bit unnatural...
  5. Indeed, and the Unreal Development Kit (a.k.a. Ren-X Engine) was born on November, 2009.
  6. Too late indeed
  7. I spent an hour killing my self as a $ 1000 character with the enemy Harvester driving through me. Died like 50+ times, it didn't even got to Veteran.
  8. Outposts
  9. @djlaptop Need an extended version, so I could loop it while playing RenX
  10. No wonder... They've been pretty much out of rotation since last summer... See Paradise. It's more like an ∞
  11. Internet Explorer 11 usually works, and is part of Windows 10 still...
  12. It is. It has been thoroughly tested.
  13. It has 11 spawn points. How many would you suggest then?
  14. @Gliven was in the HMMWV
  15. Finally a map where the Light Tank can shine
  16. Wow! Sarge Shrewd lined the men up for parade
  17. That's perhaps an over-generalization. I personally think, that on your (impressive) YouTube video you have also utilized a far broader skillset, than relying on pure luck. In my humble opinion sneaking is a difficult, complex operation and should deserve acknowledgement. In the end, the objective of the game currently is the destruction of all enemy buildings - sneaking could further that goal even when the enemy base is not breachable at that moment by tanks. I feel it is also the most effective when done by seasoned players (it often fails when groups of inexperienced players attempt it).
  18. Know the feeling all too well Navmesh should fix it though...
  19. T h i s i s a T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e B u l l e t i n f r o m T r y - O u t # 1 - Perhaps it would be wise to prevent getting vehicles from the crate inside the Barn Or did Sinterklaas arrive on a Mammy?
  20. Will Engineers and Technicians / Hotwires be able to repair it, or only Chem Troopers (and Tiberium fields)?
  21. Contrary to what the message says after you picked it up, it most certainly does not increment speed in a +5% manner, rather adds "5" speed to your current speed.
  22. limsup


  23. Half a year and 20.000 downloads later
  24. limsup

    C&C3 units

    Perhaps it could be useful for City-Flying...
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