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Everything posted by limsup

  1. That should be sorted by a new hotfix very soon...
  2. Well that puts things into a different perspective...
  3. Hopefully, a whole year would be enough
  4. Except there is NO winter edition of Crash Site. Should there be a significant demand for it, we might attempt to do one next year.
  5. Unrelated. Patch building has suffered additional delays partially due to last minute bug finds and their respective fixes.
  6. Okay, it's my fault. However, as a result, there shall be fewer glitch nukes and the inside of the Scrin ship shall be off limits for tanks
  7. Back, when AlienX used custom crate designs on the AGN server, they were found to be causing measurable lag on the server. By its nature, it could not be overcome, so I doubt that such a measure shall be implemented again.
  8. limsup


    Installation and patches are done exclusively via the RenX Launcher application's built-in update mechanism. Formerly a few members of the community have provided 3rdparty mirrors to standalone packages, but that was not officially supported. The ModDB site was created back in 2007 when Renegade X was literally a mod to Unreal 3, ever since it was re-designed to be a standalone game (based on Unreal Development Kit) the ModDB page gradually fell out of use.
  9. Definitely! 3-6 espressos per day, from the Americas to Africa and Asia, from French roast to Italian (strictly Arabica) For a nice cup of espresso perhaps? Or perhaps a glass of Tanqueray with some fine coffee liqueur? The possibilities are limitless ☕
  10. I do not wish to engage in any debates here regarding the broader scope of things, I would only have a single, very specific, sincere question without any presumption: Would that be desirable? I know it is very well established, that a single infiltrator - if left unchecked - can single handedly destroy a structure, I would merely prefer to hear pro and contra reasons on this matter...
  11. In 2008 I have stumbled across an article about "Renegade 2007". It was very closed then, since I never was part of any clans or Renegade communities, joining it was not an option at that time. Fast forward to February 2017, YouTube somehow brought up some RenX video, and seeing how the date on its upload was fairly recent, I was very surprised that it still exists and is alive
  12. At least it doesn't drag you down with your tank under the map to die, as it originally did (it could even drag down and kill a Medium Tank)! Henk might have invented here the UDK equivalent of a Black Hole
  13. Kane's Fried Chicken, another tool for world domination 😁

  14. Just tweak your energy policies to have your laptop operate at 100% when its on AC. Be sure to set that also in the Intel GPU control panel.
  15. Okay, I think I know why that happens. Since my own PC got fried a month ago, I've been playing on a laptop with Intel CPU and iGPU. Its very laggy for a minute or two upon join and if I tab out of the game and then back. Its basically the TurboBoost feature of the CPU not kicking in immediately, and I suspect the iGPU too needs time to go into full performance @Ascertes
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