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Everything posted by limsup

  1. limsup

    C&C3 units

    Perhaps it could be useful for City-Flying...
  2. "Abduct all" was cooler But yeah, those were fun times https://imgur.com/MwkoQoT
  3. limsup

    C&C3 units

    I want the Scrin Mothership
  4. limsup

    C&C3 units

    Imagine a fully upgraded Avatar with dual laser cannons, flamethrower, and stealth generator running around. Heroic Mammoth Tanks would finally have a challenge
  5. limsup

    Earth 2047

    Greetings Brother, from Red Zone R-1 (Sarajevo Red Zone)!
  6. 0:17, miss those times (Finger slipped? )
  7. I have experienced this in the past, a few times even without a vehicle. The counter would just keep counting down. Was prevalently happening on Whiteout and Lakeside... On Islands I only had this issue with the soft borders near the center of the island, between the 2 tunnel exit points.
  8. While it is true, I wasn't here in those times when EKT still existed, so I am unaware of the backstory of this particular "incident"... I was just wondering here, how could one "abuse" a setting, which was provided by the developers for server administrators, and is freely configurable? I mean what is the point in taking away the freedom from server admins to decide such limits? Same with team swapping. Although I have mixed feelings regarding this, in my humble opinion it should be in the freedom of server admins/owners to decide - and for the players to flood said server-folks with complaints, if it is off-balance So, why not raise the issue to the owner of that particular server? Theoretically that should be more convenient, than modifying the code itself... I wholeheartedly agree on this, such things should need some reasonable limits.
  9. Actually, not some, but many people do. And after some effort it does work for them.
  10. Yeah... what makes you think that Artillery would immediately listen and comply? I love it when most of the time random people start using them and are not mindful of their own repair crew... Also, you have stated that people should be forced to use VOIP. Then what method would you suggest (communication channel flood aside) dealing with "self-appointed" commanders, and would you think it would mandate all other players to follow someone's orders?
  11. This has been around ever since the first alpha release...
  12. Umm... I kind of have some issues with the following remarks: Are you suggesting, people should be *forced* to use VOIP? Why would it be unfair? It is in everybody's freedom to do so... Don't forget Chlenix! I shot him once, and he anointed me "Gay".
  13. Henk, dedicated field repairs are often being underappreciated, the glory tends to belong to tankers, but You and other repairs did good, you are the backbone of the armor division
  14. Don't forget slow and Denuvian!! Please do not make it sound trivial. It isn't.
  15. Exactly! It would be nice, if it would also "remember" the person's PID too when issuing this command, as some of these people tend to change names frequently in-game. At least this way the command would only need to be issued once per game...
  16. Nope, it isn't I still get this most of the times even on separate PC-s on which I have the game installed. Sprinting, and random jumping fixes it usually after some 5-10 seconds. I was killed on numerous occasion by not being able to steer clear from enemy fire in time, after calling in an air-strike.
  17. NO. It is trivial. This needs fixing as soon as possible...
  18. Actually I have a BD-XL drive, so on a 100GB disc, this would pose no problem
  19. Or even the heroic... With the new VP system Heroic Mammoth Tanks are an extreme pain, a pack of them nigh-indestructible
  20. Actually I like my games on optical disks, they look pretty nice on the shelf in their fancy boxes... (This has absolutely nothing to do with having an ODD in my machine) What about this cover (from Ren-X's ModDB site)?
  21. limsup

    Mesa Poll

    Kind of funny, how this poll turned out to be basically development team vs. the beta testers By the way, where are @Schmitzenbergh and @kenz3001? With their votes, dev-s could take the lead
  22. Wonder if an EMP grenade could make it resurface, like the subterranean units in Tiberian Sun (just kidding)
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