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Everything posted by limsup

  1. Does this have anything to do with the numerical interpolation of some waveform?
  2. Except perhaps, if they manage to deploy it *within* a blue light-bulb of the strip... Well, indeed - as @Madkill40 said it: "Go to where the bastards congregate"
  3. Although I was not present at *this* particular instance (mentioned above), I did witness at least 2-3 separate events when Arctic Stronghold was loaded, and in mid-game, suddenly every single player was booted out of the server. Strangely, we could rejoin immediately, and the map itself retained its state - it was as we "left" it, although players were reshuffled... Same thing happened a while ago on "Eyes". Perhaps @Fffreak9999 could provide more insight to this problem via server logs...
  4. https://renx.wiki/wiki/Stealth_Black_Hand
  5. Well, from his point of view, he could ask himself: "Who shall stop me?" If some exploitable scenario exists on a map, and he knows that no persecution shall be made against him, what would there be to force him to abandon his ways? (Clearly he has no intention of stopping exploiting this phenomena)
  6. Indeed. My only problem is that [to my taste] recently (after Steve's passing) they started to make an increasing number of sacrifices for form over function. What makes a current Macbook, PRO? With so meager amount of ports present, its an adapter/converter jungle. Actually, it is their cables and stuff, that's overpriced. Sometimes it makes me wonder, is Apple really a cable/adapter manufacturing company with a small notebook division? On the other hand to my outsider point of view Apple has recently became lazy (comfy) with his dominant position on the markets... Like Intel, no real progress since AMD was comatose, their 7th generation Core i CPUs outperforming the 3rd gens with only a handful of percents... Then came Ryzen, and ohh, so now we'll going to have a Core i9 Basically the same design for iPhones third year in a row, same goes for Macbooks. Okay, some design are timeless, but still... P.s. Sorry for going off-topic!
  7. I've never really tried to play games via Parallels... It is a very clever software, but I wonder, how could it perform in games? Bootcamp should be fine, but then you would have to carve out a partition for Windows, right? Btw., I only used Mac OS because of XCode.
  8. It didn't... According to Try-Out's observation, it doesn't happen every harvester-trip, but it does happen on an average six times an hour. There was an instance, when it got stuck 3 time in a row.
  9. That would spice things up for sure! Career truck drivers wanted! Payment in bars of refined tiberium. Remember, don't attempt to manipulate the Tachograph!
  10. Absolutely great! The only thing it's missing is the surprise crates granting you some unexpected effects! (Like speed-upgrade, nuke, or abduction, veterancy perhaps)
  11. I also have witnessed this behavior.
  12. Would most definitely deserve it!
  13. I can't understand, why they didn't make contact with the Ren-X develpoer team? There's the lengthy coverage of those games (mods) based on the W3D engine, and mentioning: " Five years later, when most of the Tiberian Sun team left to work on Renegade X in 2011 (more on which later) ..." and “The possibility of moving onto a new engine has been a big discussion point internally, but a lot of it comes down to the fact that we’re not getting any younger. A lot of us have full-time jobs and families, so we just don’t have time to learn a whole new pipeline, a whole new engine, and essentially create a whole new game” ... "That job was taken on by Totem Arts, a group of modders who broke away from Tiberian Sun Reborn in 2011 to work on Renegade-X, a ground-up remake of C&C Renegade in Unreal Engine 3. it’s all overlaid with the gloss of an engine that, particularly for contemporary gamers, makes it a more palatable option. W3D Hub seems to accept that and has been co-operating with the ‘X’ team to work towards the common goal of keeping the C&C RTS/FPS crossover formula alive." So, dear Kotaku, then why didn't you interview the Renegade-X developer team, where's the "more on which" part? Mind you, I do appreciate the article, did learn numerous things from it, but in my opinion the article in it's current state is incomplete.
  14. I think I have found a spot, where I became "stuck"... Also, +1 for the demons in the Nod Power Plant's shaft - didn't see that coming! Almost jumped out of my Lazarus Armor! Must be the ghosts of the Pirate Ship
  15. @YagiHige Thank you very much for your answer! It was most enlightening - looking forward to what the future will bring Of course this is already an amazing achievement, and even that is an understatement!
  16. Having done my fair share of IT projects, I understand what you are saying. I hope you understand my point of view, that my curiosity remains unsatisfied.
  17. It makes your point of view (camera) spin out of control, but eventually it wears off... End-Game pedestal seems to be not working (at least placing a Nuke on GDI's). Will do some more tests later... (That was on CT Testing Srv, which Fffreak9999 kindly updated a few hours ago with the recent version of Paradise.) Very nice map though! But what about that pirate ship attacking HoN??
  18. Yes, of course! 31.710 now, with almost 1.000 download / week. Still pretty impressive for a "proper" game (meaning not some mobile app hastily put together) in ßeta, especially without the backing of a big studio! Well, personally I believe with some intelligently planned marketing, numbers such as these would still be achievable. Since the game is still in ß phase, I believe they aren't forceful with its advertisement. On a side-note, I am very curious, what strategy / plans the Senior Developers have in mind for this game in the long-term? (What milestones remain before going gold, the issue of quality assurance / support, et cetera...)
  19. I have also observed this. Not sure if it is intentional or not (by the Devs) though...
  20. How should we interpret this? Have you played it on Mac OS X operating system, or a Mac (hardware by Apple Inc.) running Windows with BootCamp? According to Wikipedia, the theoretical performance of the Radeon Pro M460 should be 1863.7 GFLOPS (single precision), so it could mean it is somewhat near the performance of an nVidia GeForce 1050GTX... I am uncertain what would that mean regarding the frame-rate. Also, there is the matter of the unusual, 2880 x 1800 resolution... The CPU should be more then enough though. Maybe he has other uses in mind, not considering RenX to be the primary deciding factor in his purchase, rather digital content creation, or other Apple specific software, or ergonomics...
  21. When we were already half an hour into Under, suddenly: "shiit poi joined" - @ThePirate
  22. Elements, by Ludovico Einaudi Battlestar Galactica OST by Bear McCreary CNN International - not music per se, only background noise
  23. We do have a Medical Center on Fort... So I think that it's worth a thought experiment. Even so I think that a repair vehicle could be more of a nuisance, than useful... That can be particularly challenging... You have my sincere sympathies! It has happened often to me in the past, and even more so now, that our only meaningful armament, the Heavy Pistol was taken away from us (adv. engis). Before the recent patch even I, with my horrible aim could take down occasionally the stray SBH. Also, I realized only recently, that the Technician's voice (under attack) was probably changed to better gain the attention of our "tank buddy".
  24. Understood, still, it's hard for many of us to repair mines concurrently on the top and bottom levels of HoN... Should ask my thesis advisor, who has a PhD. in Quantum Mechanics about quantum-entangling the mines, so I would have to repair only one! Or how fun would it be, if the mine's position would be determined randomly within the building on predefined spots like Schrödinger's Cat, when stepped upon such a spot Jokes aside - not every player is gifted with extraordinary reflexes and speed as what you have clearly demonstrated. The purpose of mines (I think) is that of nullifying infantry (single person or rushes). For the time being we will have to be more observant of our surroundings and more creative in layouts. I accept your argument. @Luhrian Pre- or post patch?
  25. I would like to add the following to what @kenz3001 said: In my opinion the level of tech one uses does not NECESSARILY determine one's successes (aside from the opposite extremes). There are other factors, such as skills (aiming, observation, team-play), luck, and coordination / strategy that have an impact. Of course, tech can - to a certain extent - elevate one's game-play, and I personally believe, that the case with @poi ❄ and others is nothing else than gifted people having first-rate hardware. Is their success sooo illogical, that you have to conclude, they are NECESSARILY cheating?! (By the way, I have been numerous times MVP, and best support / defense whilst playing at home, on my ultrabook's Intel HD 4400) Sorry, I have meant that one could still ENJOY the game with less advanced computers. No need to discriminate people based on the configuration they have.
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