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Everything posted by limsup

  1. Surely you remember, that the two of us have discussed that matter on Steam chat a few months prior. You then graciously gave permission for the implementation of a precomputed visibility volume to further improve framerates - this comes at a significant cost in terms of the length of the already very demanding light-build process of Paradise. However, fffreak kindly volunteered and has lent his considerable processing power and built the map for us.
  2. Wow! It is great to have you back @DoctorAnubis
  3. To be honest, last year's release has brought very thorough cullings and thus FPS improvements, which only got better with the addition of precomputed visibility. I would like to caution people here, that since the map's original introduction in 2017, it has been greatly optimized since.
  4. At any rate, I am not aware of ACK contributing anything to RenX... Tho I'd sure be interested if he ever made a map for this game.
  5. I was using the game's configs with the game's binary. That goes without saying.
  6. Not working for me. As usual, I get the sound bug immediately on loading in the next map.
  7. Sarah is our UI programmer, so you might have been knocking on the wrong door
  8. I guess we will be seeing him next time when he'd make a post about RenX in 16K a year from now
  9. What's your CPU temperature while that happens? (You could easily cheack that with this small and free of charge program)
  10. It is a server setting "bForceRespawn", admins can decide to turn it on or off. The last patch merely set that variable to "true" by default (as far, as I know).
  11. Except it hits the memory ceiling of what Microsoft Windows allocates to a 32-bit process, which is 3(!!!) GB (And that's not just VRAM)
  12. I've suggested that already in the past, guess we just have to keep this idea in the forefront until developers reach a decision on it
  13. Just as a quick advice until that gets sorted: press jump, and while you're in mid-air, you may enter it.
  14. Yeah, we should figure something out with @Henk eventually...
  15. Oh yeah, most people miss this fact - in times of old I usually gotten heroic on CNC-Snow right after the top tier tanker I've been repping!
  16. On most maps that area is already blocked. @DaKuja
  17. Problem Solved, AGT and Obelisk targetting logic updated, AGT and Obelisk AI made immune to crush damage, cruise missiles, and any other kind of damages. Freeze ocurred when advanced base defence AI died. Locking topic.
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