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Everything posted by limsup

  1. In my humble opinion, that's debatable. Considering most people have a finite time per day to spend playing the game, I sincerely doubt that most of them would desire to spend their entire evening locked in a single long game, which often means having one team be constantly on the defence. Of course, we could do a poll...
  2. Yeah, it added some extra fun to the game! We had quite a few games where the losing team turned the table on the team which was on the offence (until they had their armour column wiped out by a greedy, crate loving teammate)
  3. @Henk has disabled nuke crates on CNC-Snow a while ago
  4. https://imgur.com/a/4OI4rSy
  5. Nice pirate ship, who's the captain? 😁

  6. > > A i r - T i t a n < < __________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > C o n g r e g a t i n g B o t s < < __________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > T r y - O u t b e c a m e t o t a l l y i n v i s i b l e ( a f l o a t i n g n a m e - t a g ) < < __________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > T h e L e a n i n g T o w e r o f I s l a n d s < < __________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > A r t i l l e r y g o t a f l a t t i r e o n S n o w < < __________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > G l i v e n a p p a r e n t l y h a s n e v e r r e a d N e w t o n ' s l a w o f u n i v e r s a l g r a v i t a t i o n < < __________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > N e i t h e r h a s t h e d r i v e r o f t h i s A P C < <
  7. Both Field and Field-X have a visual bug related to the Obelisk firing. This is most certainly not server dependent, as I have witnessed it on multiple servers (TS3, CT, AGN, Try-Out's, and last but not least: my own). See: https://imgur.com/g8NPgYx
  8. Your Prism Tank and Mirage Tank looked awesome too! I am sure many of us would be delighted to see more of your work
  9. I understand that there shall always be some people, who object against- or outright refuse to participate in any kind of activity, that would require an account, be it Steam (i.e. this topic) or even a Renegade-X Forum account. But overall, it would address quite a few moderation-related issues ( like faster identification of players who are cheating/flaming/impersonating others) and could contribute to the Leaderboard too, all of which would improve the general "Quality of life" of the Renegade-X citizens. In my humble opinion, dedicating a few minutes of our time registering for a free account would be a very minuscule "price" to "pay" for playing this great game - which is, and has been entirely free to play.
  10. In my humble opinion, I believe that a registration/account system would benefit the game significantly. Should by any chance the Development Team have the capacity to implement one somewhere down along the road, I think many would welcome such a feature
  11. Some use them for area-denial tactics too...
  12. Almost forgot - @TK0104 did a very nice introductory video on the fundamental concepts of mining:
  13. Emphasis on the "full" part, it does not mean there isn't any measure already in place, nor does it mean that there would not be any advancements in the future regarding that
  14. Read your private messages, please.
  15. In my humble opinion, seeing how controversial the mining process is, and how many problems (1) can arise from it - I would even consider abolishing them and replacing them with a different mechanism. (1): over-mining, faulty mining, mining that is perceived by some as faulty mining, conflicts resulting from mining bans, lack of general agreement on best practices, etc... A small list of previous mine-related debates: Ps. I know full well, that many people consider mines to be an integral part of the "C&C Renegade Experience", I am just merely suggesting a discussion of possible alternatives, with the hope of starting a constructive debate.
  16. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Levels
  17. What you're referring to is actually a CAVE. Sn4ke was talking about a room
  18. As for most people actually. So far I do not have the slightest clue as to what may be the cause of it. @boxes was in-game too, and it looked fine to him too (both before and after he adjusted his graphics settings to match mine)
  19. This river has been like this for me ever since the beta of 5.3
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