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Everything posted by limsup

  1. Disclaimer: I have considered to write about this, to the pre-existing topic of „Balancing of EMP-Grenades (against mines)” but was advised to start a separate thread, as according to my personal observation, the phenomenon I wish to discuss has gained increased significance after the latest, v5.29 Patch. Abstract: According to my recent observations (post v5.29 Patch), the EMP Grenade’s functions potency regarding to clearing enemy mines has increased rather drastically. I would like to hear the Community’s opinion on the possible implications of this matter. Yesterday, as we were playing with the now updated version of Renegade-X, on the map titled “Snow”, as a Nod Technician, I took on the initiative to mine the Nod base (on that particular map consisting of Hand-of-Nod and Air Strip). The level had a mine limit of 15, which was – in my personal opinion – sufficient. Only 10 minutes have elapsed, and I witnessed a massive and abrupt decline in the mine count. I did run through the release notes previously, and immediately became suspicious of the EMP Grenade (I did not witness it first visually, as I was busy repairing vehicles in the tunnel). Then in a short time, it has happened again! It seemed, that no matter how often I re-mine the front entrance of the Hand-of-Nod, the mines keep disappearing en-masse. When I finally assessed the situation, I began to reposition the mines further from the front door, hoping to exceed the range of the stray EMP Grenade. I did not succeed. This has led to me conducting a few experiments on Constructive Tyranny’s Testing Server. With the help of Initiate, we took on to assess the precise effects of the EMP Grenade on Hand-of-Nod, with different mine-formations. The default mine-layout was the following. The first EMP Grenade, thrown directly from the first step of the building, hitting the front door (which was closed) immediately took out all the mines from the front door, to the door-post near the Master Control Terminal (the one that’s closer to the buildings rear). In this case the number of mines laid, and then disarmed was seven. Repeating the experiment, this time from the rear door of the building concluded with all mines being disarmed to the line of the Master Control Terminal. In a third run, I have intentionally left the Hand-of-Nod’s front door open, and Initiate, my assistant has threw the grenade inside. The result was that 14 out of 18 mines placed throughout the entire lateral (inner) length of the building were disarmed. Conclusion: at the current state of things, EMP Grenades are EXTREMELY effective against Proximity-C4 mines. I infer, that most(!) of the Buildings could be rid of mines with the maximum of 2 (3 at most) EMP Grenades. I believe this leaves us with two options: strongly revise defensive strategies (with the marginalization of mines), or fine-tune the EMP-Grenades for a more balanced effect (range / max. number of mines affected / disarm effect attenuating on the periphery of the explosion range). I would welcome your thoughts on this!
  2. I would refrain from that, and would urge you too in doing so, in light of the debate on the following topic: Fffreak is right, and karma is capricious - on the bottom line it just brings more color to the game I was just unfortunate enough to jump out of my Mammoth in a place where the Scrin Crate has just transitioned into realspace... Would have been happier, if the Scrin would have picked up the Stealth Soldier instead!
  3. Well, I just have learned a valuable lesson regarding this... Yesterday as we were playing "Islands", I was doing front-line repairs for GDI's armor division, which was at that time laying siege to the Nod base at their entrance. I suddenly saw an empty Mammoth Tank, then I had ascertained, that it didn't have an owner. So, not wanting to lose such an asset needlessly, I made some use of it. But then Laser Chain-gun Black Hands started pouring out of the Nod base, wearing my Mammoth down to around 170 health points. I thought I'd retreat behind the rock formation to make repairs, and when I exited my vehicle, an Abduction Crate spawned just on the same spot. Talk about luck! While the Scrin were probing my *never mind*, and me, pondering on Fffreak's words, that how many other good crates are, and how rare Nuke/Scrin are, an artful Stealth Black Hand stole the Mammoth, much to the delight of @dtdesign, who himself was in another Mammoth near me. Lesson learned: I shall pay heed to dtdesign's advice! Entschuldigung, dt!
  4. I really can't understand this "correlation"... Please, do clarify! I severely doubt, that we get any feedback from the host operating system regarding the display refresh rate. Besides, if it were even possible, what would that achieve? Segregate 1-2, maybe 5 people?? Please reflect on this...
  5. A sudden spike in points on either side / excessive spending by a side within a small time-frame perhaps? With adaptive AOW timer...
  6. According to the download counter on the front page, Renegade-X has just reached another milestone! Congratulations to the Developers and the Community! In your opinion, what should the future hold for this game?
  7. It depends... Up to a degree (for some) it may very well be so, but these accusations are beyond measure, de facto pathological. In my opinion, there should be some boundaries to this phenomenon.
  8. Thank you, I forgot to mention, that last question was intended towards Madkill. Stealth tank - so it could happen both being above (I suppose since Madkill was in an Orca), and under the "bridge" portion of the wall...
  9. To @Ryz and @Madkill40 : Was this observed only by exiting aircraft, or could it happen within the Wall's main entrance exiting an arbitrary vehicle? Furthermore, could you please tell us, which team were you on when this happened? (Not sure if it has any significance, but still...)
  10. I do not understand, why should @poi ❄ or any other person he accused have to prove anything?! The ACCUSER is the one, who HAS TO back up his claim with EVIDENCE. Furthermore, if anything, his behavior seems to demonstrate, that he is maleficent.
  11. Well I did not intended to get personal, but it seems to me, that you have some issue interpreting the very first post of this thread... But that was not your only question, that has been answered multiple times and still you hang on to your own interpretation, throwing accusations at respected, long standing members of the community: (sorry for inserting these here, imgur was down for maintenance)
  12. Could you kindly tell us, on which edition of Walls did this occur? The baseline, standard one?
  13. I believe he refers to his suspect's floral-themed avatars Regarding the other matter: First, and foremost I would like to accentuate, that the accusation of someone being a cheater is a very serious matter, on which you really should have some solid evidence! There are some questions, one should ask oneself before making such an allegation, such as the following: - According to your observation, what does the suspected player do, that should be impossible under normal circumstances? - Is that an actual impossibility, or you simply ASSUME it so, because it surpasses your own- and some of the other player's skillset? - Is the suspected cheating observed only by you, or others also see it? If so, did you ask their opinion on the matter? - Did you look into the wellspring of knowledge, that is the Forum, for possible precedents? - Why would the Moderators tolerate such every day, blatant cheating all these years? - Why would the 55-58 other potential players on that server tolerate the Moderators tolerating cheating? - Have I played this game long enough, have I OBSERVED the suspect’s modus operandi long enough to come to a definitive conclusion? Here are some factual things: - Some players have an absolutely high-end configuration, with dual- or triple monitors, 144Hz, 4K, $300 top-of-the-line mechanical keyboards, and cutting edge laser mice. Or simply excellent, low-latency fibre-optics. Well now, imagine what that tech could be capable of coupled with outstanding reflexes? - Live and learn – here’s a video from one of your probable suspect’s point of view… The unfounded insinuation of others is plainly unethical.
  14. I agree - could we somehow make it possible for teammates to identify others who are walking with airstrike binoculars in their inventory, for the sole reason to enable a more effective coordination of airstrikes? I do know that this is physically visible on a player, but if people with airstrike binoculars are present at different sites of the map, each with his own intention, trying to execute their plan concurrently some possibility of coordination (in my personal opinion) should exist. In the past I have died numerous times with airstrike in my inventory, because for 5-10+ minutes long others kept spamming it, denying me the chance to utilize the $800 airstrike It makes one an easy target for snipers and tanks (plus the occasional Stealth Black Hand). To my observations, apart from the occasional successes (when the enemy isn't paying attention to the airstrike in the heat of battle, or a particularly smart air strike targeting and timing) the only general use to this is assisting in the breaking of front-lines (assuming that the enemy line has no viable means of withdrawal). Apart from this,multiple consecutive airstrikes are often used to torment the enemy base already under siege, providing setbacks for any attempts on mounting a defense. The way I saw it, when the enemy armored division is already knocking on your front door, your own airstrikes don't seem to be of much help in stopping them... P.s.: one exotic use-case for the airstrikes: I have observed some people to utilize airstrikes in order to take out prodigious (and entrenched) snipers, with varying degree of success...
  15. Thank you for the valuable insight! I think that any advancement would be most welcome! If this could be realized, it could mean a huge leap forward in terms of game-play, especially regarding the harvesters, which tend to become stuck on a number of maps...
  16. In a recent match played on the map “Islands”[standard edt.], the number of human players being small, so 20+ A.I. players were voted in, to “fill the gap” until more people join. When I joined in, I found it curious, that 4-5 bots were standing still on the interior middle ramp of the Hand-of-Nod. At first I dismissed it as a temporary glitch in the bots path-finding routines, but shockingly soon enough other bots have just kept running in to that “central mass of bots”, and got caught up in it! At the end of things, some 5-7 minutes after my first observation, a fellow player counted 17 bots standing in a roughly 4 m2 area without moving a muscle! (see screenshots) Suffice to say, the enemy team gladly capitalized on this, conducing the collapse of our defenses. This has led to the Nod team’s undoing, as we could not terminate the affected bots, nor could we relocate them elsewhere, while the GDI bots came pouring in our base. Thus, I would like to ask for the kind opinions of the senior colleagues on how should such a situation be handled in the future, and what could we, “ordinary” players do to resolve such a phenomenon, in situ, or to avoid it altogether? Considering this could adversely affect a team, and the opposing team would most likely veto any public voting aimed to resolve such a situation (as war is about opportunism), what could you suggest? Lastly, I would be interested in the underlying cause of this phenomenon. Is it simply a way-point related issue, or could other factors play a role in the accumulation of bots in a single point(nothing obstructed their way, except they themselves)? Should by chance Fffreak9999 read this post, his opinion would be very welcomed J (I think highly of his in-depth answers)
  17. I also did experience this, albeit I have no photographic evidence to speak of...
  18. A fair and comprehensive answer. I agree with points 1, 4, 5, 6, 7; I dispute point 2; and can't say anything regards points 3 and 8 without knowledge of the underlying infrastructure. We should trust Agent on these. (I never really thought about the storage aspect...) Personally I like to try out unfinished maps, and would gladly do some testing / debugging. Mind you, downloading a map from the Testing Server is really taking quite some time - if this could be accelerated by some means, it would be most certainly welcome.
  19. I very much agree with this point - Subversion is not difficult to use, is multi-platform, and diffs are a very efficient means of transport regarding to time / bandwidth! Our development team has been using it for 7+ years for many projects.
  20. Is this a Corsair K90? How do the Cherry Red switches perform? I myself am the owner of an original IBM Model M keyboard, which has switches roughly equivalent to Cherry Blue. Although it has far fewer keys (not even Win keys, since mine is an 1987 model)
  21. Just a thought: What merits would 8k have regarding the gameplay of RenX - hypothetically? I mean besides the greater pixel density making the displayed image on the monitor appear more crisp? Would the Unreal engine handle the scaling with grace, or would it be handled by the graphics adapters driver? Could the exotic setup (dual-DP) of the bleeding-edge graphics card/(s) in conjunction with beta, or freshly released graphics drivers possibly prove to become detrimental for a player using such system? P.s.: I do believe, mere whim to be a good enough reason for playing in 8K, as I myself love to test new hardware
  22. Thank you very much for the explanation!
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