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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. that's your decision. but please consider to fix the map and "release" it. When @Schmitzenbergh releases a launcher version with a working "custom map download section" the players (and ofc server owners) will decide if they like the map. You've put so much effort into this map. Why abandon it now?
  2. anyway, CHEM & flametrooper are so OP now. as they dmg health and not armor (chem!!) they can take out 1k chars easily (close combat though) edit: with 10% inf-dmg boost the dont need the hs multi anyway
  3. make an OP close combat unit stronger? *lol*
  4. @TK0104 another - final (?) - update from T.O.*: * (well not a real update... more like a reminder )
  5. Sn4ke

    T_Bone hates me :/

    which charakter class did you use during Saturdays PUG [mainly]? I've spotted you as Deadeye Spy in the middle of GDI base (until an angry mob killed ya ) but I think you didn't use Sakura most of the time?
  6. @TK0104 small update from T.O. the Tomb is blocked, but you can just drive across the sandbags...
  7. @TK0104 is the mapper of Tomb
  8. Thank you @Denuvian At this point I want to re-enact my previous posting about Arctic [WIP topic...] as reported before: behind HoN (and also the other map border in Nods base near strip) is a death trap. Once you go out you die, no matter what you do. Soft Border Glitch. I guess most of the players would like to see crate spawns on this map. If any fractions loses the Refinery (which is very likely) crates would be a good addition (apart from Silo) to farm money / get new units etc. Also losing BAR to a nuke / doza rush or HoN to a sneaky Hottie during EMPs effect is most likely the end for that fraction (without crates ) Gameplay.... Well I think @Ruud033 & @Schmitzenbergh (obviously) designed the map to be like that but why is the Obelisk the only building GDI can atttack with tanks (without rushing into the base). Of couse, GDI got a powerful Gunner rush spot! But Nod can attack AGT, Ref, WF & also bar (if you know where to go... arty physics 4tw) with artys / other tanks - without rushing into the base. Although this blue Tiberium ravine is beautiful... why is it accessable? (not that it's relevant...) and yeah... the crystals are floating the large crystals have to collisions (as well as the rock on the left side) The whole tib region is a land of milk and honey for stankerz. Even if you don't need stankz to destroy the GDI harvy through the whole match (arty & dedicated healer at Nods tib side can do that easily) stankz can do significant counter attack from the tiberium area. I really wonder why Nod stank rushes always use the other base entrance of GDI (99,9% of the time ). You can get close to the AGT without triggering it. Yes. AGT will detect you behind GDIs tiberium field. But there are certain ways to avoid that so Nod can technically rush the AGT without risking detection. GDIs scan the other entrance permenantely....
  9. Thank you Gameplay tests are something testers (or at least the few RenX ones) can't do. But a single game is most likely not sufficient. If you (we - the community) want to do a gameplay test before a map gets added with an official patch there is -in my opinion - just one solution: PUGs. PUGs are the ideal environment to do gameplay tests on new maps - if the PUG organisers & the participating players are willing to do that. e.g. at the moment Ruuds / Schmitz new project Storm looks awesome. But all we can say about possible gameplay is pure speculation. So what could the PUG organisers do [given the map is in a release state, maybe ~98% done + if Ruud/Schmitz want that!]? - add the map as a warmup map so players can take a look into it. maybe 2 weeks as warmup, then do a serious match. Commanders & players can write a feedback / review. that's it. @Ryz oh I guess you want to organise gameplay tests, right? Try and me discussed your efforts to elate more players for map testing. For gameplay tests you need a lot of players. ok. for bug / glitch tests.... let's say the less the better. To find a usable map exploit / glitch you need a lot of patience & some experience with the basic game/mapping mechanics & the will to spend hours n hours doing weird things on the same map (different version) over and over again . Our GIFs [see Tunnels or Snow report] look quite funny. yeah, but that's only one small aspect of testing maps. If there's ever an occasion that 10 players join the T.O. server to observe a test session, 8/10 would call us crazy. 1 would just laugh and the other would help. And we don't want to "educate" anyone in glitching (or certain techniques) [but as mentioned earlier: anyone is welcome to join the test sessions ]
  10. define who's good? everyone is good until he meets someone better [´"good" players usually just have more hours on this game, that means more experience] -> JOIN the PUG You could join the CT TS and take a look if you see some nicks currently playing on their server. So you could already meet some PUG players. It's better to have a mic so you can reply to teamplayers questions / requests / commanders orders faster. But it's not mandatory. A mic could save your characters life prevents getting a typedeath During the warm up players who want to join the PUG have to be in the TS waiting room to get the server PW. you will only get it through TS. Once you have the current PW, join the PUG server and just do whatever you want. except for destroying the enemies base. But building health has been locked for the warm ups anyway... Warum up ends, when the team captains picked their teammates and the teams have been split into separate TS channels. Once the commanders (& the team) decide to start, there's either a changemap poll or an admin just uses a gameover command
  11. Sn4ke

    T_Bone hates me :/

    @Tbone you're a goddamn sore loser spamming vote kicks against XEN during the whole Reservoir match? *lol*
  12. I know but you suggested that the sound could be heard everywhere in the base and my reply is: you have a COUNTER to indicate that.
  13. Sn4ke

    T_Bone hates me :/

    omg technician I was already laughing when I saw that you were Heroic at the start of the video... and #1 in your team
  14. just use the heavy pistol on a different building, or ask a teammate [easily done during a PUG] to trigger that alarm, then throw the EMP grenade. Then the only chance for the enemy to notice your EMP is the visual EM pulse
  15. I don't think PICs / Raveshaws need a buff (MCT / building dmg). They are already quite powerfull. Elite PIC / Rav removes 50% Building health (shield) per clip. Also they got a heavy pistol as sidearm, which is very usefull against defenders if you either dont have the aim with the pic / railgun or dont want to waste clips on units.
  16. no need for that. mine counter is sufficient for defenders to see that someone is trying to infiltrate them. the increased mine disarm sound helps if you are nearby [but out of sight]
  17. Sn4ke

    T_Bone hates me :/

    Best scene: 5:31 how could you miss that? [yeah there was a PIC around..] 'n always those "cheaters" who reveal their little tricks
  18. takes a while until repairers get used to the tankers and vice versa. Also use TS to call out incoming tanks from the side or tell your tanker & the dedicated sniper in your team where the sniper is, so the tanker can cover you and your sniper can go for a hunt. And keep in mind to request repairs for yourself. Some tankers just try to rush into the enemies base while there is no chance of success and most of the tankers fall back into cover (e.g. on Islands). I'm usually not going to follow such a suicide tanker. Maybe I could keep him alive for ~10 seconds longer, but then the crossfire would kill me and the tanks left behind lost a healer -> enemy can push out more easily [ofc depends on the amount of healers and lately I think healer numbers have increased]
  19. oh forgot to mention: there are no server logs for that issue. and we also tested the destructable rock on Canyon. You can partly drive into the rock and get trapped with infantry (everything but chem will die anyway..) But you won't get the graphic issue which you get on Snow. The Steel barrier collision is needed for that [or a any similar collision]
  20. @Henk Update time... could trigger the beacon, but couldnt find and point of view to disarm it [already reported that one, but you didnt fix it ] Next thing is a collision related issue with the new destructable rocks in the vehicle tunnel. You can get this: and that: [yes, I'm trapped inside the rock] reason: if you drive with any vehicle [at least most of them] close to the destructable rock & the steel wall / barrier, you lift your vehicle on different collisions. If you leave your vehicle at this point the server can't handle the data and you get a client sided graphic bug, because - I guess - the server can't exactly decide where the vehicle actually is. You can only enter & repair the vehicle where you left it. But each player got a visual vehicle hitbox somewhere the client programm decides to place it. Then you get this - enjoy it Whereever you see the vehicle, just shoot it and it will teleport around the map [visual hitbox only]. An invisible vehicle that you can enter is still next to the rock... it's not a real game disturbing bug, but we had a lot of fun testing it just a collision issue as Henk had on Tunnels [breakdance] and you damage the vehicle if you shoot at the "visible" vehicle. Even if its somewhere else Regards, Sn4ke
  21. I just wanted to sum up some options
  22. On walls you're most likely the only one attacking me [unless bibi catches me..] Think so too. You can literally watch new players like @Hohndo getting better and better each week
  23. it's Xen and don't forget about Minji, Deadbeat and many others... @KrypTheBear was a good Mammoth cover for me during the Saturdays PUG, same with Havoc and Jessica. Other players (tankers) move in way, no healer can follow (with cover). Guess I got killed more often by sneaky @Marty11 [stank] & pois LT or splash dmg than by bibi or xen. Whats more important for a field repair? Cover from Splash dmg or cover from snipers >_<
  24. Hmmm, I acknowledge the tenacity of many dedicated sneakers. What they (sometimes have to) do is literally counter camping. While defenders camp certain spots, the sneaker repeatedly tries to bypass the defender / camper. Fixing the "one-shot" building kill is a good consideration. Though, Elites should be able to do it on their own within an adequte time span (consider PIC / Rav Elite -vs- MCT), but it's a "slow" building kill, you need good timing & distraction & keep in mind to trigger the "Building X under attack"-alarm on another building. Increasing the Timed c4 timer can work, it would at least lower the defenders stress, increasing the sneakers adrenalin even more In another topic @CampinJeff mentioned the problem that Nod bases are usually bigger than GDIs [MCT-to-MCT-route due to different building scale] so Nod defenders need more time to run to each building [needs more teamplay, good communication on TS, who's checking which building]. For Nod a longer timer would be a better defence buff than for GDI. But for inf -vs- vehicle gameplay 30 seconds for a timed c4 are good in my opinion.
  25. That's true. But it's another topic. Noone left the PUG early [if I remember correctly]. And if they do so, they just write: sorry guys, have to go, have a date.. - and everyone is fine with that
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