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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. the avg. player may have a problem with that. but skilled players still can handle MRLS n Mammoth against INF ouch for all dedicated healers
  2. I'm not sure, but I think last week CT Test Server was out of date (regarding Frostbite)
  3. I know @Hohndo I just didn't want to join a crowded room, as I was idling in the other channel (busy on another TS) let's all blame the organizer then! !noob @Madkill40 @Madkill40 did you read my TS msg? T.O. got 33 glitch screens from your latest FrostyBity release I'm just tooooooo fucking lazy to upload 33 screens atm. Sorry. I'm a bad tester you know
  4. Just fix the double-shot mammoth glitch before you even consider changing anything else on the mammoth
  5. !rec @spagg OP solo field defender on Tomb! well.... fastest gameplay test without gameplay on Islands_Flying ever
  6. nope. just 2 players (who signed in) where there
  7. @Xtractor you really struggled with your apache
  8. did you ask @Redline ?
  9. I'll be there (Feb. dates). But we need 10+ players at minimum. Otherwise I'd do better glitch-testing at that time.
  10. You have to play RenX via Steam. Just add it as a steam-external game
  11. still +5 seconds till first impact
  12. Sn4ke

    T_Bone hates me :/

    that's not funny
  13. Well, thats just like a remote controlled bombardement like e.g. the U.S. Airforce does with these huge bombers, using SAT intel & live feeds / IR etc. What? 3 x 5 seconds = 15 seconds
  14. uhm.... no way. Airstrike killing only INF is imaginable. But killing vehicles only? like a devastating EMP bombardement or what?
  15. control the field like control all base entrances and keep the enemy under lockdown. I know. But let's say Nod does a succesfull Officer Smoke Gren Rush on AGT on GoldRush. It's a lot harder for GDI to control the their base as the GTs are easily busted with stankz / flamers / Arties, then SBH infiltrators have enough space to roam. Also Arties are much more effective on GoldRush than MRLSs, so if GDI doesn't have the cash to max up medium tanks right away and gets enough field repairs, the map is almost lost. But again: it's mostly map design that fuels stalemate match events. If the teams are balanced and both are motivated and fighting until the very bitter end, there's no difference but the map... there's always a slight advantage for some fraction on each map. but... and this is important: for any strategy on any map there is a counter strategy... and even if the numbers of maps are limited (and they don't change that often) strategic possibilities are almost unlimited in RenX C&C mode. But ofc you need the commander and the team to execute various strategies. Otherwise (especially on Public Servers) it's just "business as usual".
  16. see you on the battlefield then
  17. EC is one of the best YT channels ever and yeah.. I like @Quincys & @Fffreak9999s suggestions. But on the other hand I also support @Kaiser739s point of view. Public matches on a Marathon server can be.... well. Boring, if the game gets stalemate if e.g. on Fort GDI loses WF (but has tons of cash) and just keep spamming mass 1k chars to defend. But that's mainly due to the map design as you get a harvy dump every 50 seconds here (same on Islands or Complex, but these are more open maps) But if it comes to organised gaming... I think the current balancing / punishment for losing a certain building is absolutely fine. just think of the GoldRush match on Sundays PUG. Nod wrecked GDI even when they lost Obelisk in the very first minutes. Things would have gone different if GDI got HoN instead, but on huge, spread maps as GoldRush base defence is cruical for most teams.
  18. Didn't play any of 'em yet. I'll stick to RenX PUGs
  19. @Gliven no offense meant I just wanted to give 2 examples. I partly fucked up Glasses cuz I joined late... so what. We just didnt do our best. And I think it was miscommunication. Though @Redarmy has a point about bad execution. If I consider the individual skill level of out team - Volcano felt like a newbie massacre...
  20. e.g. GoldRush: someone calls out bibi inc bar bridge, 2 minutes later Mamba destroys Bar, 2 bar campers didnt react for some reason e.g. Under: we recaptured Nods field side, had Quincy & spagg as arties & Schmitz as LT. I requested more healers, we all died, got no more healers (ok that was probably due to boi & bibi farming healers)
  21. Today I missed @Denuvian One sided PUG like yesterday, I think teams were balanced. Just communication problems (as usual ).
  22. Frostbite is not an official map. People can easily download it via Launcher, but some got problems with that. So I can understand that freak/jeff don't want to add the map as warmup yet if there are only 4 player volunteering for testings. And a 4-players gameplay test is... useless.
  23. I doubt that @Fffreak9999 will add Frostbite as warmup map if there are just 4 players volunteering to take part at the gameplay testing
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