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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. they already have a silenced-one-clip-kill-weapon. Most camper dont even realise that someone is hitting them with a damn SMP
  2. Sn4ke

    C&C3 units

    luckily, the RTS "cannibalism" upgrades were LIMITED.
  3. R.I.P. @[CT]Ukills / @Schmitzenbergh DEV NUKE 'EM ALL hotkey :D
  4. if balance decisions were based on 'logic' this game would be.... different
  5. I think the devs intended to make the grenade system more consistent. Patch activated his special ability (TAC-Rifle gren launcher) via 'X', Chem soldier, MacFarty, the EMP classes (Gunner / LCG & Sydney / Raveshaw) and the smoke classes (Officers & any sniper unit) had an extra weapon slot for their grenades. Players either used the respecting weapon slot key, or chose to use the scroll wheel. And I guess - at some point - anyone struggled with the mouse wheel menu (too fast / too slow) while having a good fight, or just wrecked an - e.g. EMP unit - easily because he had his gren slot active and instead of switching back to his main gun instantly (hotkey), he presented his whole item inventory by using the scroll wheel - throwing his timed C4 on the ground instead of attacking you
  6. HWID
  7. Sn4ke


    I recommend that you send this as a private Forums msg to Jeff or as he mentioned above, join CT discord [http://discord.tyrant.gg/]. Also keep in mind to give as many details as possible ## A lot of (new) players lack the capability to adept & learn. No offence meant, but there are so many players around here that think "I got pro-aiming, I'm a seasoned CS:GO / whatever player, I'll kick anyones butt here.." which is just.... ridicoulous. RenX can be frustrating for new players - yes. @j0g32 is working on a tutorial mission. And it's up to any new player to step up and ask for assistance / help / explanation of the game mechanics. Anyone is welcome to join the official RenX Discord Server - https://renegade-x.com/discord - ask for help and someone will try to do so off-topic, you should post this on one of the various feedback / balance discussion on the Feedback section [https://renegade-x.com/forums/forum/9-feedback-bug-reports/] e.g.: [darn, this topic was hijacked. it started with a simple suggestion (change the raver / pic reticle?) ] Regards, Sn4ke
  8. Sn4ke


    @Renardin I can reenact your doubts if it comes to Renegade X players skills in general. Though I lack the knowlegde (evidence) to convince you, I'd still like to try to explain to you why certain players are likely to cause grief among the community (at least among the active players). First of all: Renegade X is a 100% indie game, the developers are not allowed to realise a profit with this game. It's a project which is fueled by belief, passion & love for the C&C universe in general and C&C Renegade in particular. Im definitely no specialist, but I guess to prevent / inhibit the use of cheats / hacks during online multiplayer matches affords a lot of cash / time (knowledge & experiance). So, what's the reason that some players are just beyond anyone else skill level? There's probably not the "one" answer, but several. Experience - Renegade X is rather unique (apart from the original game ) it's a lot different from the majority of the games and to be an "overpowered" Renegade X player you must fullfill many roles / skills & have a really good knowledge of the game mechanics, map design & METAs "Skill" - I know... a rather subjective term, maybe put it this way - you should learn/have following skills: tactical awareness [ability to analyze situations in regards of tactics], "gamers" awareness, good capacity of reactions, hand-eye coordination. Performance / Equipment - some players run on 15 - 30, some on 100++ FPS... some use gamer keyboards / mice [incl. various possibilities to add keybindings / markos to these..], some use cheap stuff, some use common 60Hz displays, some 144+Hz... The current RenX community / playerbase is really small. Any player with a decent level of skill will outperform on any public match. If there were 10-30x the amount of (active) players, less people would wonder wether some players are "legit" or not - just because the more players you have, the higher the chance that there is an even better player (than the supposed "best") around. "Wolves" are just safe to feast on "sheep" as long as the "bears" don't show up And be assured - those players that might be annoying (overwhelming) for the avg. / casual RenX players get wrecked while playing other online games There's just not enough competition around here so people tend to forget that their current predator might be good/skilled, but there are / were better players around. And there are so many tales of past RenX players that would just laugh about us Back to your post: Okaaaaaay, this might be possible (in theory) on certain maps. But this is definitely NOT the norm. Snipers can (apart from some BH/Deadeye expection) insta-kill any unit with a single bullet [headshot]. Most tankers don't even realise that they've lost their repairs / support until it's too late. If your team doesn't have a player to counter the enemy sniper (solo), this team has to coordinate their actions to succeed over the enemy. Anyone can die. And snipers are vulerable to any kind of damage (they have no armor class!!!), just attack the sniper with different classes and request tankers to help you (might be restricted due to map design though...). And don't forget to call out the enemy snipers position (even better: Q-spot him/her so your team can track them on the overview map). Your sniping team mates should handle the problem from now on [if they are teamplayers indeed ]. The problem why the afore mentioned counter strategy might not work out that well is: stack. While playing on a public server (that is not at capacity!), it's easy for any player to "stack" to his preferred faction & team. It's absolutely legit that players organize themself via TS / Discord / Skype / etc. But ofc it's annoying for these players that are playing solo (using ingame communications only). Another reason which might make people doubt their opponents skill is the game engine. Certain actions are only displayed client sided. The best example here: vehicle gun turrets! Just play CNC-Snow & observe your comrades while they are shooting at the GDI bar / Nod airstrip. Depending from your point of view & their positioning it will seem like they are NOT hitting the enemy building, but the tunnel ceiling! Even seasoned players tend to forget this and ask during PUG games: "hey boyz, why are all of you shooting at the damn ceiling???" A lot of players complain about being killed through walls / obstacles. Well, I do know that this is so annoying & frustrating, but there are some explanations for these occurrences: ping [server is located in Europe, some players are located in the USA or Brazil or China and thus have a high latency] hitbox - even if you think that you are 100% safe & covered behind a rock... your hand, boot or part of your head (hitbox!!) might stick out. And if you're not at 100% health, a Ramjet or Railgun bodyhit can finish you (ofc we have to take Veterancy levels into account too ) map flaws - it might be possible that certain objects / obstacles) do not have a bullet collision. [In general this should NOT happen, but you never know... it's literally impossible to 100% test any map] Last but not least: game engine flaws. Rather debatable topic. I've been discussing this with several devs / moderators before. It's possible to use certain weapons & obstacles in a way that.... will look like you're shooting through a solid wall [opponents point of view!]. So it's indeed possible to kill enemies while being in perfect cover [my personal view] .... Well, I do consider this technique as an exploit / hack, but I do know that there are different opinions on this matter.. [the players using this can - in theory - be killed as they are visible for a (very short - ok: the tiniest value you can imagine *j/k*) time span...] My suggestions for you @Renardin would be: ask for help (team chat ), organise counter meassures, request moderator assistance [server admins have access to server DemoRecs & know a lot of players from observation], change your personal playstyle.. don't be predictable. Avoid to run in straight lines, use your terrain, use 2nd seats (no sniper can kill you inside vehicles ). Unfortunately I'm aware, that my numeration of suggestions might seem useless [cynical] to you. But I really tried to help Regards, Sn4ke
  9. no more EMPs Tanks 4tw
  10. @Psypher join the official Renegade X Discord [ https://discordapp.com/invite/t7wr6zE ], you'll find a "Weekly Pick Up Games" tab with #rules [which you should read ] here's the official calender link (time when you should show up!): https://renegade-x.com/calendar/1-calendar/ which is 2 pm UTC+5 (guess this is your local time zone?) Regards, Sn4ke
  11. sorry my fault I blame lack of sleep.... should read more carefully next time
  12. Settings -> Input -> change whatever you want to change
  13. hmm, will wait for the next version. you didnt fix the mesh collisions yet? so many spots where you can hide your character ~99-100% (sometimes a boot is sticking out^^) even inside the bases, e.g. around HoN & WF
  14. empty the SMP & reload should work
  15. just suggestions anyway you're the mapper
  16. the map is WIP, culling not important atm anyway Sarah, do you know when you'll have the time to finish the next release?
  17. yeah forgot to mention this. as I'm med-tanking myself quite often stankz are a real threat at any vet level if they chose the right moment / spot to attack from. If the med tanker is in 1st person, and focusing his concentration on a certain unit, he might easily miss that he's getting hit from the other side. also - field repair has to be some awareness... if they see a stank (few meters away) dont run... just hit E and enjoy the safety of a medium tank 2nd seat
  18. depends on the map vehicle area terrain & players vet rank. Elite stank can 1on1 any GDI tank (given the driver know how to make use of the terrain & alt fire or simply dodges the enemy shells) Even as "Recruit" the stank is a good AT vehicles, but with only 400 HP it's usually too risky (900 $ ). The max. of stankz is rather balanced due to the fact that it's a stealth tank and not a stealth artillery there are so many maps where you can outside c4 a building, cloak & hide and start shooting from somewhere else out of cover (2x techies outside c4 on a 100% building -> guaranteed armor break [unless hotties are AFK repairing the MCT] just dont forget to blow your remotes & start shooting at ~15-10 seconds left.)
  19. 5 soldiers should be more than sufficient for any sakura... unless they're trying to attack her from range?
  20. not necessarily true. depends on your choice of units, feeding the enemy with a constant vehicle-VP-flow weakens you & your team. but I can agree on this: try your best. but please, don't hamper your team (tactics should be the outcome of common sense)
  21. Decreasing LT's purchase price to 500 would be ridiculous. even without initial harvy drop, most Nod teams would be able to LT-rush GDI with Techies / LCG on board, while GDI has 0 tanks (meds) on the field. A single LT might not scare anyone. But a bunch of them... can wreck any GDI vehicle once it spawns inside WF bay (at least on any non-defence map ). My personal favourite options to tweak the vehicle balance between GDI & Nod (not all of them combined but at least one of the following): variation of the current tank shell speed mechanic (at least certain tank shells should have a different speed value) change of either LT's multi / base damage / RoF / maneuverability a Mammoth tank Nerf of any kind, esp. focusing on Elite & Heroic Veterancy rank. Heroic Mammoth tanks have an absurd max. range (120mm Cannons) nerf MRLS splash radius (vs. infantry), equal the splash damage range with the Arty and nerf both. @CampinJeffs suggestion to nerf the tank projectile speed sounds reasonable, but I'm afraid the shifts to gameplay will be huge. Balance tests are mandatory for that option. Guess Jeff will do that himself if the devs decide to give it a try. @Xeon Wraiths suggestion to double the Mammoth tanks vehicle supply point cost, uuhhhhm, not sure yet. It sounds perfect, but starting to change the weight of unit points will trigger counter discussions as: limit the max. amount of SBH / team [or: any specific unit / team]. A flat increase of Mammoth tanks purchase price is also no solution for this matter, as GDI is in need of early Mammoth tanks on certain maps (due to design). A price based on veterany rank sounds more reasonable to me (due to higher DPS & hit points) but on the other hand this solution will end up in mass donations to Recruit players, as they only have to play the base price . If any Nod vehicle gets buffed, there is (imho) no reason to nerf the GDI medium tank. A good LT (with a good map [cover possibilites] and maybe a little help of any other Nod unit) can easily 1on1 a med (unless the med tanker overskills the LT tanker but we're not talking about players skill here...) If I remember correctly, @yosh56 mentioned after the PUG that he thinks a buff to Flame Tanks would be the best solution. Well... the flame tank is supposed to be a close combat anti-anything unit. The problem here is not that the flamer is too weak, but more likely: the map design (if GDI has range advantage or Nod doesn't have good cover possibilities, no gorge to trap the GDI units) or lack of drivers skill / awareness. Most flame tankers love to suicide their tank for nothing (but VP for the enemy..). A flame tank is already super powerful, it's lack of range must be balanced through teamwork (support units: Technicians & any EMP unit]. Regards, Sn4ke
  22. what? it's a good map. both teams can easily defend their harvy (Nod got a slight advantage, due to close strip spawn). the only reason why Xmountain can be a "bad" map (during a PUG): 1 team manages to trap the other team inside their base at once.... ok, then it's boring (usually). Especially if the sieging team has the Sniper advantage. But if both teams push out vehicles & field rep + Support Units (Patch / Sydney / Mob & LCG / Raver / Doza) and fight for the field it's super cool this depends - ofc - on the PUGs tanker balance. but the last PUGs were very balanced in this regard. PUG GDI teams have proven to be capable winning both maps. just focus on the whiteout-hill only. for Volcano: just play standard & safe. kill harvy (defend GDI harvis mandatory) get Gunners, 1 APC & MRLS + 3 hotties for the first arty wave + push meds, meds until someone can buy a mammoth (preferably Veteran++). if GDI manages to hold Nod back, they have good chances to win (Nod side of the Cave is usually more cramped imo), if meds & gunner focus one vehicle at a time to trigger the techies, they can switch & kill the other vehicles instead. again: tanker balance given + 1-2 good infantry / support player / team. or in general: balanced teams.
  23. there are probably too little player counts that know how to "use" the map. Q-spotted enemy units (displayed for 10 seconds on minimap & radar *excl. enemy harvester) team strategy (where are our tanks going, what do we need? -> team counter) HoN / Bar down - do we have ANY hottie / Tech left (*excl. infantry units inside any vehicle observing sneak attempts, maybe helping coordinating [beacon / rush / EMP distraction etc] ... and anything else which you can do with the overview map
  24. Sarah is making good progress on Sunrise waiting for the next release ^^ [bug reports / feedback discussed on Discord, don't expect screenshots here sny time soon maybe I'll post a review with "gameplay" screenshots (no bugs once the map gets released)]
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