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Why do we like/love RenX and how did it started for you?

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I just wanted to ask, why do you all like renegade-x and how did it started for you?


I can tell you my story....

...TLDR: OG Renegade nostalgia brought me to Renegade X - gameplay and community made me stay.

...I played OG in 2002 and for many years I loved to play it, than my gaming clan decided to tear oneself apart, and OG ren lost also a lot of players when WOL was shut down, so I decided to make a break from gaming. Round about last year, I felt the need for reasons of nostalgia and I had some free time to play OG ren. I found out, that gamespy also was shut down and I googlet for alternatives from the community, if there are still servers and how is it possible to join them.

With that googleing, I found RenX.... and I was excited that there is a remaster with great graphics, modells and that also for free. At the beginning I had some difficulties to understand the game, because it differs a bit from the original one. After some time I understood it better and I found more and more joy in it. I love the gameplay, even in hopeless cases it is possible to make a turnaround with your team. I love these matches, this seem hopeless and then still can be won, this is so exciting. Last but not least, it is a very pleasant and great community, it is not a big community, but that's kind of the charm too. We know each other and we know the skills of the people who are playing and there is not much toxic, in my opinion. And I never was that close to devs developing a game, I knew it is a lot of work to develop software, but I had never the chance to see how a game was developed and you have my full respect for that.

And one important thing I want to say, thank you to the whole DEV-TEAM to make it possible for us to play RenegadeX. We know you do it all in your free time, and you have to pay for a lot of stuff yourself. It's not self-evident, that after more than 8 years (not really sure atm) a Community project is still maintained and gets updates and especially not one as big as Firestorm.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I grew up playing C&C ... so when I heard Renegade was released, I got it as soon as I could... played it for years. Played A Path Beyond and Reborn. Always looking for new ways to play this great gamemode.

I remember hearing about Renegade 2007 (and the footage looked awesome next to OG Ren)... but I didn't have Unreal Tournament...

Years later, like 2013, I had stopped playing Renegade and had forgotten about Ren '07 (hadn't followed it at all). I stumbled across some mention of Renegade and that reminded me of the '07 version... then google led me to Renegade X ... then I sadly realized my computer wasn't powerful enough to play it (it ran at like 5 fps lol)... And I didn't get a good enough PC until 2014.

So i've been playing since beta 2 ...got sad watching the community drop like flies due to "UDK.EXE HAS STOPPED RESPONDING" ;(

Stuck around beta 3 but life sorta happened and was tired of RenX for some reason. I remember I got into GoldenEye Source at this time, and honestly it felt dull after awhile, not because the gameplay was bad, but the experience was lacking so much compared to what Renegade could offer. And that's what led me back and haven't left since.


The community is certainly a strong point of this game. And honestly I think the gameplay lends itself to that. You can just mindlessly run and shoot all day. You have to plan, communicate and be creative. And alot of that leads to far more entertainment than most games can offer.

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3 hours ago, Gex_str said:

Latter question was already answered by people year or so ago:


Sorry, I didnt see that post, I used forum search too and havent found something similar.

Is it possible to merge the threads? >> Migrate roweboats and my post to huskers?

Posted (edited)

Answering to your question still, due it's more recent post, I've found Renegade X, searching for something Renegade about a mod or something and afterwords something the Unreal Engine trivia and I got into this 10 years ago. From @kenz3001


Edited by RyanTurner
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  • Totem Arts Staff

Back on topic tho.... How did I get here..hmmmm its a long story riddled with spelling mistakes and lots of yoooos... So here we goooo... 

Yooooo my name is kenz3001now a dev but it was not always this way.... I stared out like most of you, trying to find new things, in my case I was a keen unreal player playing unreal 2k4 and ut3. Ut3 had some good moments but I was looking for some silly mods and game modes... Now before I go any further I played the shit out of cnc renegade back in the day so I knew the game... Now I got that out the way.... I found a small full conversion mod called renegade 2007 and thought shit I played the shit out that game back in the day let's give this ago.... And shit it wasn't released ... This was back in 2007 before it was renamed to renegadex... I kept looking back at the project until I finally desided to finally join my first forum renegade-x.com... Yes renx took my forum virginity... And the first thing I did was pm fobby and ask Will there be titans.... Little did I know what would come... The months rolled by I met some cool peeps on the way like zunnie (rip) all the guys over at mpf.... The day finally came renx mod released and man I played crap out of it... 


One day a post appeared on the forums documenting the ins and outs of setting up a renx map... And thought to my self how had can it be... Hahahhaha... With next to no tuts out there for the ut3 editor it was a task getting my first map (xmountain) to work didn't look good but it worked that was the main thing... Over time the map look and played better and better... Still looked like crap but mehhhh game play was more important... More maps came... More people took a hand to mapping amd modding... Soom the questions kept hitting me so made my first tut series 


By now black Dawn was in the works and some how coz on my community input I became a tester... Woop... Black Dawn released and the mp was in the works was beta testing for a wile and got talking to some of the devs saying I should join the team.. I knew I wasn't as. Good as the other guys in the team. But some how got exempted on the condition I remake xmountain.... So that's what I did... The rest is the same old shit with a dev roll... Making maps fixing maps helping the mapping community... All good stuff.


Still me a dev hahahhaha its Funny how shit happens....


And I don't know if the pm to fobby was ever a stepping stone to the titans In renx and now ts but I would like to think so hahaha... 

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@Snow nah there is no need to merge posts or anything like that. my original post is pretty old and like you said was hard to find. for the new people they are not gonna be able to find it as well.
although now that i am writing this you already know that new people found out about renegade x through firestorm trailer 😄

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1 hour ago, HuskerDoggo said:

although now that i am writing this you already know that new people found out about renegade x through firestorm trailer 😄

Well many new people joined because of the firestorm trailer. But how did they find it or maybe did they saw someone streaming, talking about it or a blog etc.?

And we have some "old players" and my meant intention was, to tell new players why we all like playing this game. I see many threads with negative topics about the game. But people still playing? It cannot be all bad! So I wanted to show more the positive and challenging aspects of renx to motivate people to go through the learning curve and have the same fun as we "old ones" have 🙂 

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The whole C&C stuff started for me at the PS1 where I bought tiberian dawn on a flea market and begann to play it with my dad and my brother, later we got red alert for the ps1 and it was even more awesome. But I never played the pc versions before because around 2009/2010 somthing around there we dont even got a computer. After we got an old windows 98 machine gifted from our school (That ran Tiberian sun slow so only missions where playable) after they noticed we where doing our homework at a typewriter. We bought a box full of older PC games (ofc on a flea market) and there was it! Renegade I and my brother begann to play it and found it cool after we played almost everything on it we got our hand on custom renegade maps with bots and my first custom map was somthing called Garth 2 or somthing like that idk anymore. Then i wanted to play multiplayer but never had gamespy so yeah i couldnt, so I watched videos about multiplayer matches and saw a mod called a path beyond and reborn, then began to play reborn for many years had very much fun, game got fucked after w3d hub ruined it with updates. Heared around 2014 about RenX with a way too weak computer to even beginn to install the game due to a grafics card that dont got shadermodel 3 .. or somthing like that. only a nvidia 1G garfic card let me play here and man the first match was cool, even if I got fucked up all the time unlike reborn where I and my bro brought our teams many times the win..


I like RenX because of its Gameplay where teamwork, strategy, IQ and your skills are asked and because playing a game with friends make much more fun to play. And having a free game that got a nice comunity that is fairly toxic but mostly normal people play it is somthing at least I dont see that many times anymore sadly.

And if you read this then congratulations you have read all of that text wall.:)

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Posted (edited)

I am gonna be honest and kinda stay at the ground. This is going to be disliked a lot..

I absolutely loved c&c since I played it on ps1 even tho I did not understand a damn about what I am doing since I was sooo young. Therefore once I found out that there is c&c renegade many years later I absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the gameplay, immersion, action, c&c universe but I couldnt play multiplayer. I played thro LAN with few of my friends a few times and I enjoyed the shit out of it regardless.

I had to move on since there was nobody to play with, and I couldnt play campaign forever.

You can imagine how fucking hyped I was when I saw RenX trailer many years later. Just randomly clicked on it on the youtube as recomended vid. I remember watching it over and over again. Good job btw. Nostalgy filled my veins, and overflooded my organism leading me to the brain orgasm. 

As the time went, and my hormones calmed down over time, and the more and more I learned about the game, my balls went kinda itchy over low FPS I had (which is my problem only), and started to see more and more flaws that my teeth couldnt went thro.

In summary, the game did not met my expectations. Cant deny that the devs did tremendous work over time which made the game so much better, but the key things that was the biggest thorn in my eyes stayed. So yeah there is no happy end at the end of my painful to read and graphical essay. And I am sorry for that. But hey I respect the games for what it is.


I may come back. Maybe like the most of the people coming back becouse of some big expectations from RenX:Firestorm. Id love to try it. And I WILL try it. No matter IF it wont be what I expected... I dont care if many key things did not changed... it looks absolutely fantastic, and I am stunned from what you did. Respect to yo all devs ❤️

Edited by Axesor
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The First ever time I played an MP game was C&C Renegade( original) ,Was UNDER a Demo map ..may be .I Was in GDI and had No clue at all what was that Game .The Base (at my eyes ) Was a Huge cavern lol.

Played Many years But When I started playing it, it was already  in a Dying mode.

like most Ren players will Say "There is no Other game like C&C Renegade"

Heard of RenX but at the beginning wasn't very Good for Me ,Hated the UT3 style (the aura around every vehicules )

But Always came back to see if something Had change ..One Day in a Deep  Ren Nostagia redownload RenX After seing How Good it had been .I'm here since and Addiction is growing with time ..The game is always been improved ..It's a  Game That Devs never stop improving ..imo

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I remember watching someone play the PC demo of C&C Tiberian Dawn, I bought it for PS1 and really enjoyed it, then got into Tiberian Sun online games over a 64k modem and eventually bought Renegade after seeing it in shop on holiday, it was a while before I had a computer with good enough specs to play it. Not sure how, but stumbled across Renegade-X around 2014 and started playing it again and still here. Under is the map I remember playing most, still hate it, also Field, still hate this also, nothing has really changed, less tunnel sniping and more tank spam now. I'm glad there are so many new maps to choose from these days. I think I like the fact it's all set in the C&C Universe, Westwood put a lot of time into developing this with story and unique units and the game play is team based rather than just another FFA shooter, I also like the base defence aspect, but I hate the job of being the miner/defender. Never actually completed original Renegade campaign owing to a corrupt save game at the point of getting aboard the Submarine, so no actual idea about story or character development beyond this point.

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I was on spring break when I was 16 or so, down at the beach with my family for a week.

One of the nights I looked up Renegade mods cuz I remembered it was a game I enjoyed and wanted to see if any cool content was worth checking out. Found this gem of a game and watched a few Youtube videos of the gameplay.

I was so fucking stoked to try it out that I was bored the entire rest of that beach trip just waiting for the moment I could get home and download the game myself.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

wow such amazing stories involvomg family and childhood stuff !

I used to spend a lot of time with my cousins  and I didnt realy knew C&C until they showed me their present they got from their cousins on the U.S.
it was bunch of disks of whole C&C (we talking about the 90' right now)
and i watch my cousin play , try it too myself it was amazing, 

the C&C renegade i already bought my self because i remebered how much i like this C&C stuff and by the photos on the cover of the box i knew i would like it ,
(at the year 2002 i think)
me and my cousins were playing the practice mode, with under map and bots. the addiction started there lol
soon there was gamespy, they bought it too and we play multiplayer togther at their house , amazing experienced, great laughs.

and there was a break time from it until 2013 ish i think, where one day my  cousin called me on the phone , panicking, 

lol and since then im playing Renegade X,
always helps me to clear my head and emotions when angry , sad or bored
even though im playing the same maps, each match feels different experience, meeting amazing people on the way.

so yeah, HUGE HUG TO ALL DEVS AND PARTNERS . this game rulz :)

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  • Totem Arts Staff
On 6/30/2020 at 2:17 PM, Axesor said:

I am gonna be honest and kinda stay at the ground. This is going to be disliked a lot..

I absolutely loved c&c since I played it on ps1 even tho I did not understand a damn about what I am doing since I was sooo young. Therefore once I found out that there is c&c renegade many years later I absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the gameplay, immersion, action, c&c universe but I couldnt play multiplayer. I played thro LAN with few of my friends a few times and I enjoyed the shit out of it regardless.

I had to move on since there was nobody to play with, and I couldnt play campaign forever.

You can imagine how fucking hyped I was when I saw RenX trailer many years later. Just randomly clicked on it on the youtube as recomended vid. I remember watching it over and over again. Good job btw. Nostalgy filled my veins, and overflooded my organism leading me to the brain orgasm. 

As the time went, and my hormones calmed down over time, and the more and more I learned about the game, my balls went kinda itchy over low FPS I had (which is my problem only), and started to see more and more flaws that my teeth couldnt went thro.

In summary, the game did not met my expectations. Cant deny that the devs did tremendous work over time which made the game so much better, but the key things that was the biggest thorn in my eyes stayed. So yeah there is no happy end at the end of my painful to read and graphical essay. And I am sorry for that. But hey I respect the games for what it is.


I may come back. Maybe like the most of the people coming back becouse of some big expectations from RenX:Firestorm. Id love to try it. And I WILL try it. No matter IF it wont be what I expected... I dont care if many key things did not changed... it looks absolutely fantastic, and I am stunned from what you did. Respect to yo all devs ❤️

The sad reality is that RenX was never destined to be huge. If you want to make a spiritual successor to a badly designed game, there's only one thing you will end up with. If the game was meant to be a real competitive experience it would completely different. There's just too many factors and reliances on teammates and no real ranked/reason to play your hardest every match. Which can result in meh results for overall gameplay quality. Not to mention it's on an ass engine that does not stack up at all to modern engines. That being said, I think it does well as a continuance of Renegade and captures the essence of it well, while bringing it a step further than Westwood could. I'm glad it exists and I've met many wonderful people in the community and had great experiences with the game and community.

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i grew up watching my whole family play games like Renegade - Red alert - Zero - Generals etc everytime when the pc was free i would open up the C&C Pack and tried every game within the pack. Renegade was always the game that stood out for me even when i watched my family play the game i would just sit behind them and learn it. I played the shit out of old renegade pretty sure i have around 5k hours in that game if not more.. later i heard about a closed beta that was supposed to be a newer Renegade. I applied for closed beta testing talking to Jam a lot and i finally got in there. instantly i fell in love with the game! i died a lot and wanted to get better to compete with those amazing players at the time. I must say i was a little disappointed at first because there was no free aim (im pretty sure the idea originally was to add free aim don't quote me on that) It really felt like renegade but even more fun you could get side arms and everything sounded and felt so cool. the fps was amazing back then and even with a literal potato i got 60 fps 40/50 when recording. my love for it went down when the nerfs and changes started going down.. it slowly started becoming a different game (as of now it's not even renegade anymore just a different game) i had issues with that nobody likes change at first especially when you're so used to old ren where it's snipers are OP? deal with it. EA was harsh in that clearly. I took a long break from this game i think it was about a year, and started playing again that's when i gave the game a long try and instantly fell in love with it again. the devs made this game so awesome, i do wish some changes didnt happen ofcourse and i do wish they stayed more like old renegade but i adjusted and i am having the best time playing. Huge thanks to the devs for making this awesome game, but stop making poi nerfs.. thanks 😂

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Started with RA on PSX, link cable with my bestie, we'd hire the game and the link cable, use one disc each. We played the shit out of that game.. countless weekends hanging out playing it, our favourite were the cruisers, we'd even build them in puddles on some maps just to have them for the sound and intimidation. Mammoth Tank and or shock troopers if you captured tech and or Tesla tank swarms were the other. We'd always get a bit freaked when it would go slow, because we knew a CPU player rush was coming, especially with fog. That sort of thing got us hooked.. it progressed on down the RA/CNC family to Tiberan Sun for me. I even met the guy who made the TS Gold mod, Daniel Liu. I hope TS Gold (the best TS mod back then IMO) units and gameplay can eventually come to Renegade X. I did see some Renegade back in the days but didn't play it much at all sadly, some maps are familiar to me. I also played similar amounts Total Annihilation but those two stood out of that era of RTS and I have not really been interested by anything since.  TS has a special place in my heart.. bleak, sharp graphics and excellent play, large maps. 

Found out about this game on a well regarded hardware forum when someone posted the video, tried it.. and I'm hooked. It's all the best parts of massive BF1942 LANs back in the day, with some of the hecticness of battlefront II, some of the awesome vehicle/infantry team complexity play and larger map feel of Joint Operations Typhoon Rising (RenX could be even bigger), and variation and team strategy of much more complex games like aforementioned JOTR and similar. 

Settled in well, come 3rd 2x in 8 games and was ranked 47th yesterday in daily points. I either gel with games or don't.. this one looks like a keeper. For now eng/tech/arty role works best for me.  Lot of learning to do still with tech.

I'd love to see this on a better engine one day. But what has been accomplished is nothing short of amazing and applause worthy. I haven't played online properly for many, many years, like since when EvE had a browser that you could look at porn on and early fleet battles, first titans and shit like that, or JOTR was around. 14 years ago perhaps.. 8 of those years my internet has not enabled me to though.

But in the last year or so of being able to play online - Renegade X did it. You got me back online gaming.. in a big way. My business life says fuck you all very much for making this game but my brain is loving it! I look forward to see it grow and hope to help where possible. I'd be stoked if EA took it and ran too.. as long as this version can be circulated as well ;)
Not much of a programmer, can edit professionally, can get videos good exposure, can shoop well and help with spreading/PR stuff. 


Thanks to you all. 

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I remember that in 2015 one evening I decided I'd like to try out team-shooters but wasn't willing to spend money on a genre that I had no idea about whether I'd like it or not. So I was looking for Free to play alternatives. 

I can't remember how I got aware of RenX but I do remember my first thought that it looked mighty cool and the C&C universe pulled me in. I am in no way a religious follower of the franchise but back in the 90s it introduced me to more sophisticated gameplay. RA1 was the first game that I actually bought. Before that I only played games us boys would copy for each other on floppy disks. Oh the sweet memories! RenX being fanmade and non-commercial (aka no pay-to-win) was a big one for me too.

So I downloaded it. 

My positive first experience was what instantly got me hooked. Big time.

My first game was on field. Beta 3 Field!!! I was on GDI and mostly used a Med-Tank. Believe it or not but the fact that I was at the choke point at the Nod base entrance motivated me. I could feel, that there was a certain team-dynamic and I assumed that would be a key element to the game.

My team won the match, somehow we made a med rush work and Nod base was lit up. I also remember I ended up as second or third on the leaderboard and thought that I must have been useful for my team in one way or the other. Second match was Whiteout and I placed an ion at the top of the hill and after it blew up my team could establish itself on the hill. Somebody said something along the lines of "Well placed beacon, good distraction, the lul" and even though I had no idea what I was doing I felt gratification.

I of course kept playing and got deeper and deeper into the game. I got to know the community and felt that many people are quite hilarious (I miss you jeffseid!). The community being small was a big factor for me because it made sure I'd always have the same "friends" I could play with regularly.

Long story short: RenX pushed all the right buttons and the Team aspect was the biggest thing for me. It's the only game I ever played in which teamwork really makes or breaks the game and it's so special to me.

I am proud of being around for so long already. It's five years soon. Love you all!

RenX ❤️

Thx to all the devs!!!


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