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This post is about how we can prevent or solve a team balance complain.

Please don't feel offended, but I don't know why it is so difficult to place some people i a different team, just because the most of the people got an opinion about this, and especially to avoid useless discussions, and create an "Organised" game-play that EVERYBODY likes. From the last 10 PUG's i played on the Saturday, the most where unbalanced or there was a discussion about balancing while or after. 

Maybe its better next time to choose 2 people that care about picking 2 equal teams instead of "i wanna play with my friend".
I think a good example is like @Quincy and i did last Sunday PUG, even if i play a lot, it is still difficult for me too to setup the teams equal. So we helped each other to pick the teams, what did turn out well.

In the end i think it don't matter i post a opinion about this subject, since this problem returns often, and people that hear other people complaining about how the teams are picked, just ignore the complains, even here on the forum if you just read back some posts, when they give a response about team picking, its not goes about the team picking anymore, but all about what we did wrong or or what people could do to have a better match.

Maybe its more wise to decide for next week that before the teams are picked that we decide together with 40 people who's not playing on the same team, it saves a lot of discussions while and after the game, and everybody got the feeling from the beginning that they have a chance.

For me its all about have some fun on the Saturday night, with 40 people that like to organize a game where all 40 players are happy with, i think this can be accomplished by letting people with this spirit picking the teams.

But, I could not setup the teams better then others do, but i think we can do it TOGETHER  !!


  • Like 2
4 hours ago, Xtractor said:

Why My apache Stalled at 29:10 ? (Walls)


From what I see you pressed 2 and were moved to passenger seat.
I presumed you did that on purpose to lure in enemy pilots who just lost their orcas.
AFAIK the vehicle shows as empty but is un-enterable when someone is in the passenger seat but there is no driver.

41 minutes ago, Norc said:

From what I see you pressed 2 and were moved to passenger seat.
I presumed you did that on purpose to lure in enemy pilots who just lost their orcas.
AFAIK the vehicle shows as empty but is un-enterable when someone is in the passenger seat but there is no driver.

Oh maybe Id hit that key somehow not on purpose..Hub should show an icon when on passager seat .

11 hours ago, Fffreak9999 said:

Most of the community who are playing in these PUGs do read the forum, will have seen the post by me regarding the map showing the download page, and a good portion of people play mid-week and would have downloaded it already since it is played frequently enough on Marathon.

the only maps causing trouble during a PUG are custom made maps which are not part of the official rotation... has been like that forever?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Canucck said:

"maybe you should smoke weed ryz"

epic advice

Maybe we shouldn't have people playing a competitive game if they aren't even able to answer ONE question in teamchat all game, every game...
Naybe we should have defenders who know the difference between our base and the enemy base...
Maybe we should have repairs who know the difference between enemy team vehicles and our team vehicles..
Maybe we should have miners who know there is a mine limit.
Maybe we should have people who don't ignore the team orders like 1/4th till 1/2th at some times did... 

If all above happens and we still get slaughtered like paralyzed animals I might go into smoking weed. If we still have PUG's which, depending on which side you are, is more like a PUB with half the team afk / not caring... I won't.

Edited by Ryz
Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

Ryz talking nonstop. GG

Team ignoring Thommy non-stop... BG!

Edited by Ryz
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the constructive and critical feedback after the game on TS, that was the best part! We didn't agree with each other about everything, but at least we listened to each other...

I know that I sometimes (uhm often :P ) have to sh*t my mouth more, but that's not easy when you are trying to get a decent game going and care about it. In the aftermath we discussed some things, but I am afraid PUG's have moved away from their main purpose for some people (also depending on which side you are, in my case almost always on the losing one). This behavior where the PUG's are more social events than serious games goes even more for the Sunday PUG's. I wonder if some people even know the real purpose. Why do I think this?

In the aftermath on TS people mentioned: 
"You shouldn't expect too much from PUG's"
"Maybe we can organize a competitive PUG on another day (while the PUG was to be a competitive game since PUB's aren't often)
"Maybe we should make rules" (which we have but people don't follow)
"Maybe you shouldn't care less (which would have ended the game more earlier cause I mainly defended)
"Maybe people should do the things they like only on a PUG (like yesterday someone volunteered for mining and defence, but forgot to do it...)

Yesterday was bad, today was worse. I am not going into detail about everything, but at one time (with 11 people) Thommy suggested an arty rush. A few minutes and almost no feedback later we had:
1 / 2 arties (depending on how soon they got shot down)
2 Snipers
2 Stanks
4 repairs (from which one or two might have been in a vehicle when it got shot)

How on earth can you play a competitive game if HALF the team is doing random stuff?

Since people won't be enforcing rules, and since there won't be much more balancing I have another suggestion:
- Have an A list with people who (generally) care
- Have a B list with people who use / abuse PUG's as PUB's to do their own stuff or aren't willing to respond or can't use headset

Than allow (for example) 1 person from the B list to a team for each 9 people from the A list. The above example with only 2 people on 11 following the plan was a very rare example, but on the last PUG (after we lost one person) we still had two others on our team not responding to anything whatsoever. It was basically 8 vs 11. If I am correctly informed we at least had one person on our team which was banned before for ignoring the rules. 

You might say we 'block' people from playing the game and that this might kill of the player base, but I think it will be exactly the opposite. Games will start to have more quality and less random wins or loses and people will have more fun. The 'blocked' people can also be added together on a PUB server while being on TS btw and do their 'social thing' there since they don't care about the game(s) itself.  Also the PUG's will last for 3 or 4 competitive games, instead of a less than 40 minutes PUG where one team gets slaughtered two times (like today), or a (for example yesterday) one 'ok' game on Goldrush and 45 minutes game where one team is being suppressed in (front of) their base just enough to make them last for a a while without any really action going on.

I am desperate for competition where I will lose fighting or win by effort and not have the opposite where I will win / lose cause of random mistakes and miscommunicications like for example the main defender being AFK cause he went to get a burritos or somebody (even on a PUG) who put all the mines at a random place or whatever...

Again: this goes even more for the Sundays than the Saturdays. If we can't expect competition from a game which is meant for it, than what can we expect from the game(s)?

Edited by Ryz
Posted (edited)

^^If there is Know people that is not worth playing in the PUGs (including me) .

Why in the teams selection are they picked ??

Me If I understand well the commands I will comply but that is just 50% of the time so I will do whats I think is best for my team .

Unfortunaly I cant be fully trusted for a specific starg.(My bad)

But I still think I can be usefull nevertheless with my lacks.


Edited by Xtractor
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

PUG - March 18th 2017


Round 1: Goldrush


Edited by TK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff
19 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

On Goldrush a Path/Havoc combo wrecked the field healers all the time. And apparently Nod had no answer to that.

That was literally me with a Havoc and my 15% accuracy, and Cannuck just playing spotter/finisher with Patch. It's not my fault that literally none of your Artillery turned around and vaporized 2 Kevlar infantry standing right on your sides. 

Also, are we ever going to bring up the fact that Thommy's team choices in general should probably be questioned? Issues are present when Ryz is your first choice when Cannuck/dien00b and a host of other good/responsive players are on the list that aren't guaranteed to trash your morale at one point or another. 

I really don't think the Saturday PUG FELT that imbalanced at all though. I feel like people just wanted to point out a few players, even though during BOTH games there was no steamroll, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOTHING EVEN DIED ON WALLS.  


basically Goldrush was just won due to a rush and walls because of incorrect rollout from GDI (only saw quincy as syd and suicidal meds/mammoths)

and holy shit my mic is awful

20 minutes ago, yosh56 said:

I really don't think the Saturday PUG FELT that imbalanced at all though. I feel like people just wanted to point out a few players, even though during BOTH games there was no steamroll, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOTHING EVEN DIED ON WALLS.


The only part when we were aggressive was on the first half of Goldrush(Nod). On Walls(GDI) we never organised anything and only went to the field with lone tanks/chinooks to try (I think) to capture the plateau. I was defending that round so I wasn't really paying attention to the attack. The defence in the base was a bit too much but acceptable, but at some point you're going to crack if nod is knocking on your door for 15 minutes straight and you don't have any counter against that.

But that's just my two cents.

Edit: We did lose a AA tower on walls :P


I'll probably say it too.
With every weekend PUG is getting worse and worse. It seems that all the top gamers are going to, but anyway, the limited game is not the same. I have great respect for such commanders as Jeff, Ryz, Quinc3y, Thommy. But for example, when TONY tries to command, it turns out every time - a loss
Because, I noticed yesterday, he does not understand what, but not exactly a command game. And with such players everything with each PUG is more and more.
More and more players do not listen to orders.
For example, the game on Saturday (Goldrush). TONY said that he is in defense. But HAND OF NOD was destroyed, and TONY responded to this "I kept repairing OBELISK all the time"
Indeed, why run around the base, if you can stand and repair one building.
In general, everything is sad.
As for me on the Walls on Saturday. I perfectly saw both Poi and Cannuck on the plateau, and I saw that Quinc3y is opposed to them, but my internet and my provider told me "you do not normally play, so we'll raise you a ping.":) So I could not do anything worthy. Of course I'm sorry.
In general, I hope that in the future will change something for the better

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  • Totem Arts Staff
11 hours ago, Ks.ol said:

As for me on the Walls on Saturday. I perfectly saw both Poi and Cannuck on the plateau,

That was me and dien00b. I'm the one who counter-sniped Quincey to be exact, and several engineers because thankfully those die to body shots.. 

Cannuck was like... a 500 for a little while, but most of us only had snipers to counter your annoying Chinook nonsense. 

  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

About 80% of my deaths on Walls - whether I was playing sydney, sniping, repairing or desperately sneaking - were to Jeff's apache/canuck's black hand sniper or LCG / poi's Sakura or Raveshaw :) 

I'm not saying the rest of Nod played bad, but these 3 players had the most impact.. along with the repairmen on plateau.

Edited by Quincy
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 2: Walls


Edited by TK0104
Guest Gliven


1.Moving meds out at the start with no repairs when there was apaches already owning the plateau. 

2. Ruud telling people to get into his Chinook gunner emplacements, people hear gunner rush instead, only thommy and havoc buy gunners, no one is left in the Chinook for ruud to shoot his mini guns. When 2 other people understand Ruud. You gave up your 3 man advantage to an annoyance we took care of with sniper fire. 

10-20 mins of nothing happening for both teams.

3. At one point you had Mykenubi, Ukill, and thommy all sniping from the weapons factory. I'm assuming ks.ol was somewhere else sniping as well.

 Thommy, no offence dude, please dont take this the wrong way, but you are not a good sniper. You are probably better than me, but you should not waste your money on snipers. You did a WAY better job as a patch harassing the repairs and Apache. You even managed to kill Canucck and Yosh a few times. You should have kept doing that. 

4. You guys decided to rush with orcas to the hon, when you didn't own the plateau. All of your orca's got demolished because you tried to fly through a gauntlet of Apache and Raveshaw fire. We counter rushed, and you just gave up.

THIS is why you lost. Not because of snipers, not because Thommy was commanding, not because it was the wrong map. Just chaos all around. There were so many experienced players on your team. It does not matter who your commander was. Most of you should have known better. All you had to do was rush the plateau with your orcas, drop off some patches and hotwires, let ks.ol do his job, and you would have been in a WAY better position to do w.e the hell you wanted.

Bibi and Canucck, and even Yosh(snipe master) would have had a hell of a time trying to kill your repairs if you owned the plateau.

1 hour ago, Gliven said:


 ......All you had to do was rush the plateau with your orcas......

This ^^ ..If the orcas rush was heading for Plateau instead of Hon ..it would had been a new game

2 hours ago, Xtractor said:

This ^^ ..If the orcas rush was heading for Plateau instead of Hon ..it would had been a new game

The Orca rush was just a suicide rush as final thing before we were planning to surrender as far as I renember. At that point half the team had given up. 

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

PUG - March 19th 2017


Round 1: Complex

Edited by TK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 2: Whiteout

Edited by TK0104

@Ryz You should record yourself once and show us your top skill since you like to blame the teams for everything all the time. 

Guest Gliven

@Ryz or just start commanding again. #Ryz above the rest! #Ryz and never fall! #Ryz to the challenge!

Judging from sundays videos, it looked like you were trying to take over anyways.


I was not in last few PUGs, will hopefully join next one.

I watched this "Ryz complains for 12 minutes" video and I would like to point out few of my observations and see some discussion happen around them:

  1. Is team balance really in the hand of RNGods?
    From what I recall, it was agreed some time ago, that it is not necessary for commander to pick his team alone.
    Isn't it so that teams get made by people who know well the skill and behavior of most participants in PUG?
    Should re-balance stop being an internal meme and actually happen more often?
  2. I agree with a lot of stuff Ryz complains about.
    Teamwork is more important than individual skill. Is it hard to understand what team could use the most in certain moment?
    If you hear your teammate notice what the team could use the most, and you know that you have the skill, is it hard to switch to the more useful role?
    Is it hard to keep an eye on the team composition and switch to the most appropriate role every time you spawn?
  3. Fucking shit will someone make @Ryz shut up?
    The last thing team of 9 people needs is some fucker clogging up comm channel with unproductive shit that kills team morale?
    Like I said, I agree with the message, but I do not agree with the way that message is delivered.
    Thing is that while playing with bad team, I have very similar thoughts to those of Ryz, but I try to keep demotivating shit-flinging to a minimum.
    I only use it when I see (or at least hope), that me throwing shit at someone else will eventually make them realise "O wow, I'm shit. What I am currently doing is shit and I should start doing something more productive."
    If you throw shit at everyone, but your target audience does not change their ways, all you achieved is that people who did not need your shit also got a lot of it.
    And in the situation which team was in, tactical / strategical info would be much more useful.
  4. Feedback should be given to strategical suggestions.
    What makes me say that is that not all I heard from Ryz in that video was complaining. During the middle of the match there was a lot of suggestions about what could be done in certain situation. However there was no feedback, no discussion, no democracy. After some time he became a fountain of suggestions, which was also a bit annoying IMHO. But that probably happened because there was no feedback on any of those suggestions.


Also not-so-related thing:
Would it be possible to get a compilation of best examples of amazing team communication?
I'm thinking, something similar to this or this. I mean, we have a shitload of material in all those PUG recordings, but filtering it to the best of the best would make for an orgasmic video. Either just cut best team communication out of those PUG recordings and stick them together or even better it would be to have voice chat played over some @LavaDr4gon-style video.

47 minutes ago, Norc said:

I was not in last few PUGs, will hopefully join next one.



Also not-so-related thing:
Would it be possible to get a compilation of best examples of amazing team communication?
I'm thinking, something similar to this or this. I mean, we have a shitload of material in all those PUG recordings, but filtering it to the best of the best would make for an orgasmic video. Either just cut best team communication out of those PUG recordings and stick them together or even better it would be to have voice chat played over some @LavaDr4gon-style video.

This and This ^^: This is real War commanders ,Cant believe all the rest of the teams  just listening and dont talk  :P

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Gliven said:

@Ryz or just start commanding again. #Ryz above the rest! #Ryz and never fall! #Ryz to the challenge!

Judging from sundays videos, it looked like you were trying to take over anyways.

@Norc, but you are right and the way you describe it is exactly like it was '12 minutes of complaints.' I shouldn't have done that and even mentioned to @TK0104 that my behavior was over the top.  I usually never act like this, although I complain a lot :)

Talking about commanding. I have nothing against doing this (again, been months), but it takes more than hand out orders. I make sure that I follow the commanders orders every time. Since at least 1/3rd of the team doesn't (or doesn't communicate they do, so you still don't know) in most of the cases I know that it wouldn't make any difference if I command or just comment from the sideline... 

@poi ❄ you example with 'you should record yourself and show your skills' isn't really fair. This game isn't (in many cases) about individual skills. I am a teamplayer and care about the commanders rules, no matter if I have to defend for an hour or do stuff I don't like. That's not a skill, but just making sure that I can't be blamed for the fact I complain about no teamwork, but be guilty on it.  Considering the blames I hand out. I cannot compensate for (for example) the behavior of a defender who is on the other side of the map and has to hear from the team that he lost the building he is defending cause he didn't notice. As long as these things happen I have a point that it's the fault of (some) of the team. It would have been different if the defender (in this case) got overpowered. You should join one of the times where half of the people on an 11 players team are ignoring the commanders orders and see how much fun you have... 

Edited by Ryz
  • Moderator
5 hours ago, Norc said:

Teamwork is more important than individual skill.


3 hours ago, Ryz said:

This game isn't (in many cases) about individual skills

Honestly the more I play PUGs the more I think they actually ARE about individual skill.

Obviously it feels nice to play in an organized team - dedicated defender, dedicated sniper, dedicated repairmen and tankers. Clear comms on teamspeak is also very helpful & pleasant to play with. Other than that, there's not much commanding and teamwork needed. Just get tanks and kill the enemy harvester while protecting your own, works 90% of the time.

But this is all for nothing if the enemy team has better players. No matter how good your teamwork is, if the enemy team has an insane sniper that you have no counter to, if the enemy team's infantry will win 1v1 duels more often than your team's or if the enemy team's tankers are more effective than yours... you will lose. Organization won't help. Tricky tactics/random rushes will fail most of the time.

After all I think this game is about how much credits you can accumulate and how effectively you can use them. Players like Xeon or Denuvian will buy an arty for 450 credits and with the help of a 350 credits technician they destroy 3 meds, 4 harvesters and 2 hotwires worth 3100 credits +4 harv dumps. And they will accumulate tens of VP, while giving none to GDI. Meanwhile poi will buy a Sakura for 1000 and kill infantry worth 5000 before going down herself. How do you counter this with organization and teamwork? Against a sniper, you literally can't do anything. Against tank mass you can try to group up with 8 meds and push out at once, yes... but count the amount of credits you will need and how many meds you will lose in the process.

That's just a general theory, obviously there are some cases like when a 350 credits hotwire manages to sneak in and destroy the priceless airstrip and turn the game around. But then again, that's about individual skill (and, in this case, luck) and not teamwork.

tl;dr: I think balanced teams are more important than organized teams and a team with better individual players will win over a theoretically organized team with lower skill. Which btw makes people who keep complaining about lack of organization and "no plan" when their team is just getting blatantly outplayed individually (whether in pugs or public games) even more annoying to me.


  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, Quincy said:


tl;dr: I think balanced teams are more important than organized teams and a team with better individual players will win over a theoretically organized team with lower skill. Which btw makes people who keep complaining about lack of organization and "no plan" when their team is just getting blatantly outplayed individually (whether in pugs or public games) even more annoying to me.


In the case of some extremely good players their skills matter. But imagine you have 'the best' attackers in a team killing everything in the enemy team, while your own team has nobody defending (well enough). That would mean that both bar / HON and strip / WF could go down. Your skills don't matter (that much) anymore if you cannot replace (for example) your sniper. 

So; skills matter, but they also depend on the rest of the people in your team cause they need to keep other things going while you utilize your skill. I can imagine nobody will be better than another in repairing, but still you need a person willing to do this 'boring' job... 


IMO everything matter..and  if the chemistry of the team is good ,A commander could bring it to victory with a mix of Skill and less skill players .

Imagine a perfect team with the players you think that will form it ..Now Clone this team for the other side .

2 perfect teams against one other ..Who will win ?They are the same skilled ,like a mirror ..yes I think everything is important (Skill,strag,comm,Leadership,luck,Focus,...)


  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 3: Arctic Stronghold


Edited by TK0104
  • Moderator

Keep in mind having balanced teams and organised teams aren't mutually exclusive. The former is just about knowing the strengths of each player during picks and the latter simply requires the commander to set dedicated roles in the pregame. It might be better to have a second-in-command to help pick teams if a commander isn't confident about it.

15 hours ago, Ryz said:

 I can imagine nobody will be better than another in repairing, 

Not my field, but the better field repairs are the players who will actively communicate with their tankers about enemies in their blind spots and are mindful over common sniper positions. I imagine some players might position themselves so enemy tanks can't see/aim at them as well. Knowing how to properly B-hop helps.

Also on a side note, if you have a question like: "How many meds do we have?", "Do have have field?" or "Whats the going on in the ref?" - use your map. Its faster, often more detailed and doesn't clog up the teamspeak channel with unnecessary chatter. Ask away if you need further info. Also please stop using teamspeak for suggestions. There's literally nothing gained from using teamspeak over teamchat. If a suggestion takes too long to type out or requires some sort of fast response then the suggestion itself probably needs to be rethought. Intel and orders should take priority.

  • Like 2
16 hours ago, Ryz said:

...I can imagine nobody will be better than another in repairing...


40 minutes ago, Xeon Wraith said:

Not my field, but the better field repairs are the players who will actively communicate with their tankers about enemies in their blind spots and are mindful over common sniper positions. I imagine some players might position themselves so enemy tanks can't see/aim at them as well. Knowing how to properly B-hop helps.

agree with this. Field Repair is no solo job, if you want to survive and also keep your tanker(s) alive you need to communicate.

But there are tankers and tankers... some just don't care about their healers and position themself very poorly (for themselves and their healers..)

Guest Gliven

If you are repairing a tank, and you don't take appropriate cover and you died. Your tanker will die as well. If the tank you are repairing is getting hit, don't stand directly next to the tank, you will die from splash damage. If you die for whatever reason, and you don't tell your tanker that you died, They will die as well. If you are solo healing 2 or more tanks, and you die. your tankers will die. and you will lose the field. So yes, some people are better than others at repairing.

If the tank you are repairing is only facing one tank (other than a flame-tank, or a mammy). Tell them to stop moving and take all the shots while you repair. Most instances you can out-repair all the damage, that way you have cover. This is very effective for mediums vs lights/arties/stanks. ONLY use this strategy when out in the open. If you can hug a corner and exchange shells. You are better off peek shooting.

With that being said, You as the tech/hotwire need to be aware when the enemy tank tries to flank and kill you. you need to make sure you always put your tanker between you and the enemy. 

Even at repairing buildings. If you just sit there and repair without throwing some remote c4 around door ways or choke points in buildings. And you die because people rushed in and you did nothing. its your fault. Or if you are in the airstrip tower/barracks and you are getting sieged, and stand next to the wall, and someone throws c4 on the outside. If you die. its your own fault. The airstrip is harder to not die from outside c4 than the bar. but you should not be hugging an outside wall if possible when repairing a building. Also this only applies when someone isn't holding the door open and tank shells aren't going through the doorway at you.

Stuff like this, you would think would be common sense. But even experienced players fail to do any of this.

Guest Gliven

@Ryz sorry for throwing you under the bus, I think you are a good player. But if you are part of a "rush" and your "rush" fails. Don't just sit there and wait for it to work. You need to be more flexible. There has been too many times where you complain for minutes at a time when your team doesn't stick to a plan. Or they fail to execute it. Things happen. for example. You get detected, or people are pre-occupied with something else to just drop everything and return to base to get organised. It takes time to prepare for an attack. The best time to prepare for a rush, is during a counter rush. The enemy team has just pushed into your base and you finally pushed them out. Everyone should be in your base and hopefully have enough money to organize something.

Giving suggestions to the team is fine, but when you are constantly giving suggestions and claiming "if we don't do something we will lose" you are actually being more detrimental to the team than actually helping. You are clogging up the coms big time. If you feel the need to vent, do it off coms. Most of the time you play during the pug, you have machete with you. You need to use that to your advantage. You always complain about losing your tank because you have no heals. Put machete in a tank and heal him. OR put yourself in a tank and have him tail you and heal you. He doesnt have to strictly follow you around. He can heal other tanks to. If you or machete find this boring, thats fine. This is just a suggestion.

You complained about Xeon moving into the middle of your stanks and getting you detected. Xeon was doing his job. Everyone on the other team already knew stanks were in the field. We were prepared. Stank rushes only work when you RUSH. Hence the name of the attack. Instead of wasting 1/4 of your team just waiting. You could have used the stanks to take control of the field. Stanks are actually very good in firefights. Use ambush tactics when enemy tanks are alone or already damaged. Stanks can 1v1 meds with the appropriate movement and cover, especially on gold rush with lots of cover and varying ground elevations. You dont have to use stanks solely for sneaky building kills. 

Rant over, sorry for another novel.


Posted (edited)

@Gliven, np! All clear to me when I read it now, sometimes not in the heat of the moment. Let's focus on tonights PUG and hope it will be a good one. I will make sure to get some booze here to ease the pain if it isn't :P

Edited by Ryz
Guest Gliven

hey @Ryz Would you be up for commanding today's pug? I will command the other team. We can ask jeff, quincey and others to help us pick teams.

2 minutes ago, Ryz said:

@Gliven, np! All clear to me. Let's focus on tonights PUG and hope it will be a good one. I will make sure to get some booze here to ease the pain if it isn't :P

Pro tip: shut your mouth and let the commander do the work for you 9_9

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Gliven said:

hey @Ryz Would you be up for commanding today's pug? I will command the other team. We can ask jeff, quincey and others to help us pick teams.

Sure! If others agree with it offcourse. 

Edited by Ryz
Just now, poi ❄ said:

Pro tip: shut your mouth and let the commander do the work for you 9_9

Than the commander has to open his / hers mouth. Last week (or two weeks ago) there wasn't even a commander and it all turned out good cause people listened to eachother. But I will keep the above in mind.

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