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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

!noob freak :P


reservoir took 1 hour and an half hour! please don't choose this map again first :P

Edited by TK0104

Oh guys, I forgot to mention something.

IF certain people can't stand a 1h+ match they should consider to leave PUGs forever. I'm serious, those people shouldn't even consider to join a PUG in the first place.

PUGs are organized games. You fight until the end. You fight until the enemy defeats you or your WHOLE team (or the CiC) decides to !surrender.

IF you want to surrender because you are personally bored you're a bad teamplayer and should go to sleep.

Instead of SPAMMING the world chat constantly with complaints about such a long match you should HELP your TEAM.

Keep your mouth shut and play on, help your team whereever you can, but don't spend time on disturbing other people playing RenX.

Thx for your attention.


PS: the latest Reservoir release needed that kind of testing. Cuz there is no way the mapper & the testers could test that setting.

@ the Commanders: please give @Henk a nice report about the map balancing. THX a lot! :)

  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

I will make a different thread so we can discuss the map.. It doesn't really belong here I think 





Edited by Quincy


Tank battle for literally and hour and a half until Nod farms heroic faster due to mammoth rushes. Infiltrators kill Nod ref. Didn't stop them though, everybody was floating on 10K credits. 10+ infantry rushes get shut down easily. Game ends through sheer brute force from the front door (Nod)

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  • Totem Arts Staff

More like:

GDI and NOD forces meet up at the damn dam.  GDI was lead by Commander KrypTheBear and Nod is lead by jeff.

0:00 - 7:00.  GDI and NOD forces begin the battle with recon forces going out over the field and exploring the dam since it is the first time for some soldiers.  Skirmishes ensue over the field and the interior of the dam to capture the tech buildings. 

7:00 - 10:00.  GDI and NOD tank battalion go to the field with many repairs.  The dam is fought over with infantry as snipers are able to support their respective tanks.

10:00 - 11:00.  An GDI infiltrator fails to destroy the Hand of Nod with 0% health.

11:00 - 50:00.  GDI and NOD divisions attack the field and dam at full force.  No ground is gain on either side.  Soldiers from both sides are starting to sow signs of battle fatigue and some desertion. 

50:00 - 70:00.  Rush after rush fails as many lives are lost and the soldiers moral has diminished.  Not even Oprah handing out promotions could bring back the tired souls back in fighting spirit.  Finally the NOD refinery falls to infiltration then later GDI loses their barracks to a Nod tank battalion.

70:00 - 90:00?.  The entire Nod force are heroic and comes in as saviors to relieve GDI's suffering.  GDI surrenders before the War Factory falls.

18 minutes ago, Xtractor said:

Was it Because of the Server or the map ?

nah, it's due to my notebook. But I think this map needs some performance fixes. others (pc) have problems too if I remember that correctly


Planning on returning for this PUG. Won't lie, wasn't ready for a long game, thus I'm glad I didn't. Was planning on Sunday PUG, but I forgot my schedule does prohibit me by an hour. Thus, I'll try again next week, if I can. Hope I'd get to play Glasses when it comes up.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I had fun with the map that has the dam. It was first time that i see it but i managed. My team at nod was awsome. Every time i felt the threat of mammoth tank punching through i grabbed artys and mendoza and put it down while teamates backing me for the repair. Also got alerts folrom teamspeak whem gdi try to attack the pp , it helped a lot. I really enjoyed the part fighiting both different areas. I didn't make a lot a score but iam glad i block so many times the enemy on his way to base. Especially when mammouth reach air strip already and my team and i hit them with firepower. And also as a tech i could keep 2 artys intact which of course do more damage rather than me just grabbing tank and shooting. Being able to keep repair those tanks made them shoot consist fire. Tha'ts one of the things i really like in the game. Just love it :)

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Have to say I really liked it. It was long, but never boring for me even though I defended. What I see from this threat is the fact that the losing team disliked the lenght of the game more than the winning team.

Credits / Economy is something which should be changed a bit. But afaik @Henk is working on this. Balance wise the map seams really balanced, cause both sides had chances and and both sites were 'equal' almost the entire game. 

Playing another map (Glasses for example) would have been nice to be honest!

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, YagiHige said:

Planning on returning for this PUG. Won't lie, wasn't ready for a long game, thus I'm glad I didn't. Was planning on Sunday PUG, but I forgot my schedule does prohibit me by an hour. Thus, I'll try again next week, if I can. Hope I'd get to play Glasses when it comes up.

Yagi, you don't need to (constantly) announce your arrival. You're not taking away 10 slots. You're a normal player like everyone else. Be there, be not there. If there's a slot hooray, if not then not. 

PUG drained me a little there, it was nice that quite a lot of people were still up for another round, but I simply wasn't ready for another one. And honestly, if I say "If you wanna do one more round then you need a new commander" and people start mocking me for that, I wonder in what sort of a community we are playing this game. 

!rec GDI, I could get commands through, everyone was listening. Enjoyable, albeit exhausting match. 

Edited by KrypTheBear
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  • Moderator
18 minutes ago, (Ger)Luhrian said:

Lost the Connection again...

I am sorry guys.

We finished them off soon after, so don't worry.

Crash Site

Nod crushed by meds within 15 minutes, not much to see here. Nod was down to 10v12 for most of the game, because of players AFKing.


Good game. Nod with advantage early on, killing the first 3 harvesters, SAM sites and dealing perma to refinery, WF and PP all with arties and SBHs. This gave them the veterancy advantage for the rest of the game. GDI ref is destroyed first, to mass arties. But 30 seconds later Nod ref fell victim to a hotwire. About 15 minutes later, HoN was destroyed by another hotwire. But GDI didn't manage to dominate the game, Nod slowly took control of the plateau and apache rushed & destroyed barracks. Soon after the rest of GDI base was finished off by apaches and stanks. Not much GDI could have done with the lack of credits and veterancy disadvantage.


Another good game. At ~15th minute mark 5 meds drive in the Nod base, while 2 stanks hit ref, SBH nukes WF and a tech infiltrates bar. All buildings survive, but most take perma damage, including barracks that went down to 5 health. Soon after another stank rush destroys WF. Gunner rush by GDI fails and GDI went on the defence for the rest of the game. GDI ref and barracks fall to SBH nuke with APC & infantry cover.

Team jeff 2-1 team Quincy

I liked this PUG also because snipers didn't have much impact. I think I didn't get sniped once the whole PUG, even tho we played sniper-heavy map like Walls and Complex. Feelsgoodman

  • Like 1

Your snipers on Complex had a huge impact though, particularly after WF went down

Also a heads up, PUG recaps will now be recorded in the TS waiting room channel

  • Moderator
11 minutes ago, CampinJeff said:

Your snipers on Complex had a huge impact though, particularly after WF went down

That's right, our snipers xD And I was one of them. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Players on our team also got sniped a lot by Trouper on Complex around the airstrip, including me 2 times.

But probably less as if certain other snipers would have been around. ;)

Edited by Denuvian
15 hours ago, KrypTheBear said:

Yagi, you don't need to (constantly) announce your arrival. You're not taking away 10 slots. You're a normal player like everyone else. Be there, be not there. If there's a slot hooray, if not then not.

I don't know how that came off as animosity to you. I was just saying, I am trying to attend one legit, but a 70 minute map is not ideal.

Should I just not post anymore? I feel like that's what's being asked of me.

On 1/28/2017 at 3:29 PM, DarkSn4ke said:

Oh guys, I forgot to mention something.

IF certain people can't stand a 1h+ match they should consider to leave PUGs forever. I'm serious, those people shouldn't even consider to join a PUG in the first place.

PUGs are organized games. You fight until the end. You fight until the enemy defeats you or your WHOLE team (or the CiC) decides to !surrender.

IF you want to surrender because you are personally bored you're a bad teamplayer and should go to sleep.

Seriously, fucking, hostile. I'm not a moderator to control hostility, and it's obviously a conflict of interest when directed towards me, but I don't think it's wrong of me to question what the fuck crawled into your ass and re-routed your speech skills through the anal nerve endings to get so worked up about such shite. Seriously. Chill the fuck out. Group A, thinks only committed try-hardys and authentic lumberjacks should attend PUGs. I still have a plaid jacket with a fluff collar from when I legitimately cleared land, does that count? On the other hand, Group B thinks the PUG should probably be enjoyable, not an obligation, which shouldn't be asking for a lot out of a videogame that any member here would like to feel love towards, but often cannot because of the toxic elitist community.

If Group A can't avoid being toxic and elitist, how is Group B supposed to grow a spine or bushy beard and play with the level of commitment you're asking for?

There, that was at least AS hostile. Not a fan of "eye for an eye", but I'm not going to even begin to pretend that the problem with the community are all the "people who easily leave a match or don't communicate enough". I just don't see it that way, it can't be everyone else's fault except for like 23 and half of 9 other people (that is, 23 & 9/2's). That's just not realistic expectations out of the average player.

13 minutes ago, YagiHige said:


I'm not a moderator to control hostility, and it's obviously a conflict of interest when directed towards me, 

It wasn't directed towards you, lol. It was directed towards the people playing reservoir during the long ass pug.

Certain people wanted to quit because they were bored. If they had quit, they would have destroyed the balance of the game.

The players during the pug are hand picked prior to the game to be balanced. Why the hell would you(not you yagi) just abandon your(again not you) team like that? Why would you(still not you) even play in the pug, where we try to achieve some sort of competitiveness with good communication.

If you wanted to goof around and do w.e. Go join a pub or grab a bunch of people to join an empty server. Don't ruin everyone elses fun just because you cant have fun while "losing". If the game gets stalematey. try an unorthodox strat. if it doesn't work....oh well. Don't just sit there and complain. Also dont just leave your team high and dry by leaving and screwing over the balance.

Also what problem with the community are you talking about? People get salty when things get competitive. Maybe you should take your own advice for group B and grow a fucking spine. some balls would be good too. Holy crap man. You blow up everytime someone so as much sneezes at you.


also Kryp wasnt trying to be hostile either. He was just saying you dont HAVE to tell everyone if you are attending or not. we can find out during the warm up if you plan to join or not.



Okay, I may have reacted a bit too oversensitive. But I won't apology for my post here, let me explain though:

- I stated my opinion as factual as I could [yes, I was annoyed about something -> I was pissed :D]

- I didn't insult anyone, nor did I mention any names

- I joined the PUGs to experience dedicated, organized teamplay.

[Sorry for the many *I's*]

If I remember correctly @YagiHige you quit the PUGs due to imbalanced teams causing 1 team  to lose ~90% of the time [sorry if I got that wrong] - and even as a community moderator you left pretty pissed posts here.

The last few weeks, now even months, the PUGs are great as f*. I think there was only 1 occasion which was very imbalanced due to bad team communication on 1 team, ending with a commander-ragequit. But all in all the PUGs improved a lot! :)

Before that, I literally quit the Saturdays PUGs [too many people, not much fun] and only played the Sunday ones. Then at some point I decided to be a dedicated healer. Which is an unpopular job, even if you conquer the heart of any tanker [if you react in time... sorry Jessca & Kryp xD].

So the only annoying thing during organised RenX PUGs is the tendency of people to lament about stalemate matches. Stalemate because the teams are balanced. And because of the map - which needed a [almost] 40 player PUG test.





I blew up and made valid points. You can't seriously expect to run a weekend match like this. First, your praise be almighty for the team balance, but it's often bullocks out the starting gate. Secondly, you can't rebalance mid-match? That's pretty important for basic-administration 101, if you can't do that, you have worse problems than people leaving mid-match. The fact that they DON'T push people to balance numbers sometimes, is just disgusting in and of itself. Lastly, it was simply way too hostile. I was hostile, because it was hostile, and it demonstrates how hostile it was. They didn't even need be directed towards me, they were directed at people who, if new and gave game chance, would instantly leave. You simply can't be doing this to a community, you're killing yourselves in the worst way a community can do it, I shouldn't be the only one to have seen this elsewhere.

I'll probably put up with it for the long run. I tend to do that. You can't expect, with 1 person moving on here and there, over time, to be sustainable with a hostile attitude toward matches like these. If that's the case, make them AOW again, or otherwise encourage a game to end under an hour. An hour on a single map, is asking kind of sort of a whole fucking lot from a videogame participant.

Honestly, at THAT point, the game could use higher escalation mechanics, or the map could use more openings since it was a particular map that was being tried out. Thought it was agreed long ago, that 39 hour marathon matches were not in the best interest of the game.

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