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Was great, but for the love of goats, FIX THE SKY-ROCK ON CRASH SITE! Will not play another PUG against Minji on that specific map again until so. May be a small chance of that situation ever happening again, but I'll definitely "disconnect because internet went out" if it does.


do you normally carry your laser chain gun between your legs dr.schrott?

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 1: Tomb


Edited by ThommyK0104

Pretty good on our side at least, though if I were on the other team I'd be quite frustrated

Tomb - Flamethrower rush and a Mcfarland rush both go through tunns, and magically go past each other (Nod goes open side, GDI goes tunnel side). Mcfarlands destroy strip while Flamethrowers destroy both Bar and WF. Flamethrowers suicide and save the HON. Multi-SBH nuke destroys PP, and Nod marches in with adv. infantry and destroys Ref. 

Mesa - Early Arty rush destroys GDI ref, but GDI plays very safe and holds off Nod tanks for some 15 minutes with Meds+Hotties. After a failed Stank rush, GDI infiltrates and destroys the Nod PP. Nod then gets rolled down slowly for the rest of the game. 

Fort - Flamethrower rush on the WF deals 80 perma. GDI goes for a med rush on the Ref and deals 70 perma, and a solo nuke takes out the WF. Nod rolls down GDI with tanks and a nuke while half of their team tries infiltrating. 

Crash Site - Nod wins with a stank rush that somehow got past meds camping in front of Nod's base. Bar goes down from that, and GDI slowly crumbles after a failed med rush. 

Islands - Nod destroys GDI ref with a surfing buggy and finishes the pug with flamers/artys. 


even when my team lost the most of the time, i always had fun :)

with every pug im raising my renx skills so it was a real good experience :)

Team 2:


- Nice and clear orders from Quincy
- Fast Rushes
- Fast following of Orders
- i think no one has made solo rushes
- 0 spamming or talking nonesense in the ts!

- Most time 1 Defender was not the best idea i think
- Surrender (even if the enemy is rushing the base... think its fairplay to let them win clearly )
- team 2 has some very unlucky moments hehe ;)


Posted (edited)

About saturdays PUG:

It wasn't bad, also not great, What I noticed is that our teamchat kept pretty much clear, so that was a really nice start. I also noticed that approximately 1/4th of the team didn't use mics and this made a big difference at some points of the game.

Gobi was obviously decided because it's usually a Nod map. After we killed the harv quickly, we couldn't pull up a large enough force to save our harv and it died seconds before it could dump it's load. Than we saved for lighttanks and prepared to rush. Teammates reported the left flank was clear so we went left, only to run into two meds. We tried to push for the WF but people ignored the request to leave their vehicles behind / ignore them and push for the base. Only a few lights made it and the rest didnt even come. After this the game was over. People really replied good to mines being down and stuff, but we took all game to get 3 SBH's moving to the enemy ref and even than I guess only two got the chance to shoot. I kinda knew we lost after the first 5 minutes

Our rocketrush almost damaged the oby, but we fired too soon (not everybody was in position). Than an incoming rush to the ref / bar was reported but noticed too late cause the person(s) defending used typed chat primary. The rocketsoldiers where ordered to suicide and go for defence but a lot didn't and we almost lost bar and lost ref entirely. Since there was a lack of money the plan was to save up. When the first signs of a rush where mentioned, the order was to donate two people (Machette and ?) to get a mammy and a med. Minutes later, after repeating the donate request, we got overrun and we died with a lot of unspent money cause the donates just didnt happen and the defence wasnt up, even though enemy attack was reported early.

My plan was to do some small rushes via multiple ways, but Enigmans and Schmitzenberg suggested a rush via the 'new path' on the map. Some others said we just needed to defend, but since Nod has such an adventage early game I didn't want to do this. I am not sure what happened with the rush, but just bad luck I guess. The defenders also didnt hold up (not surprised by that cause of the amount of enemy units). One quick game not worth mentioning...

Some luck on our side with the APC rush which killed the HON, but that almost didnt happen cause even rocketsoldiers tried to get in the APC. After this we had the adventage, but didnt use it. It took us a looong time to get meds and some people spent more time on experimenting with Tiberian Sun vehicles ("Hey you can get a Titan...") I almost gave up at this point. We tried one medrush but it failed, also because a Titan decided to block our range while hitting the ref. Finally we got everybody together, but one or two persons kept firing the ref. When they finally stopped, after a few requests, everybody positioned and hitted the ref at once and killed it. Strip was next and almost got saved untill someone held the doors open and we killed it.

Early rushes, lead by someone who's name I forgot, failed but it was a good attempt. Overall we had good control, but also bad (and good) luck. At one fase we decided to hit the bar with 3 arties but one broke of formation to kill some meds. The bar took some perma damage,but if we had the 3 vehicles together it would have been more and possibly even get killed. Schmitzenbergs solo nuke, at exactly the right time, is what changed the outcome. After this we repelled rushes and did some nice attacks till Nod won.

Overall some good games, but I think a lot of the results had to do with (bad) luck. I also think people should stop doing stuff like experimenting with units during a PUG. When Fort was on, it could have ended totally difference cause 1/4th of the team seamed more interested in new units than teamwork fore a while. Also note that ONE titan can block the entire medrush from shooting it's target from a distance.

Special note for the people defending. We couldn't respell rushes (for that we needed the whole team), but the defenders did excellent against sneakers and the defence was solid. Always good if you don't have to worry about that. Next time it would be handier if everybody has a mic, cause we missed some really important info cause it was typed. 

Untill next week, I guess!

Edited by Ryz
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Ryz said:

[...] Than we saved for lighttanks and prepared to rush. Teammates reported the left flank was clear so we went left, only to run into two meds. We tried to push for the WF but people ignored the request to leave their vehicles behind / ignore them and push for the base. Only a few lights made it and the rest didnt even come. [...]

Yeah, I suggested the left side, just because you can quickly switch target from wf to bar and the opposing harvester is no obstacle on this route. I already saw too many rushes struggling with the harvester blocking the way to the enemy base.

But after looking at Gliven's ingame footage, they implicated a "scary light tank rush" very early on, because they saw them dropping at the airstrip. And they were already maxed out with vehicles (mostly med tanks) heading towards the field from all sides, when we went out with light tanks. So the result probably would have been the same either way.

Also despite I know we were in a hurry, you guys went out a bit too hasty, there were still at least 2 light tanks dropping at the airstrip and struggling to keep up with the main rush (including me). Therefore it wasn't a rush with full strength.

In retrospect a few early artys to kill their harvester and keep them busy, then flame tank rush might have been the better option.

Edited by Denuvian
1 minute ago, Denuvian said:

Yeah, I suggested the left side, just because you can quickly switch target from wf to bar and the opposing harvester is no obstacle on this route. I already saw too many rushes struggling with the harvester blocking the way to the enemy base.

But after looking at Gliven's ingame footage, they implicated a "scary light tank rush" very early on, because they saw them dropping at the airstrip. And they were already maxed out with vehicles (mostly med tanks) heading towards the field from all sides, when we went out with light tanks. So the result would probably have been the same either way.

Also despite I know we were in a hurry, you guys went out a bit too hasty, there were still at least 2 light tanks dropping at the airstrip and struggling to keep up with the main rush (including me). Therefore it wasn't a rush with full strength.

In retrospect a few early artys to kill their harvester and keep them busy, then flame tank rush might have been the better option.

Thanks for the feedback Denuvian. I didn't watch Glivens video, but I knew they had a lot of vehicles. I would have liked to push out with lighttanks very early in the game, but we couldn't cause we lost the harv. That's where we lost the adventage and I guess no rush would have worked anymore cause Gobi is just to small and we were allready locked up.  For the record Denuvian: I am not blaming you or anybody, I just like to keep things 'sharp.'



  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 2: Mesa


Edited by ThommyK0104
1 hour ago, Ryz said:

 I didn't watch Glivens video


3 hours ago, ThommyK0104 said:

Round 2: Mesa


I can't help but to see that like 9 out of 10 times you ignore team orders and go lone wolf lol. maybe I'm wrong but I see this a lot in your videos

5 hours ago, Henk said:

I notice that too, I'd love to see more gameplay in the middle of the battlefield

Someone remind me to start OBS before the pug, I usually just dick around main rushes with tanks, so if you're interested in that sort of stuff I could upload that.

2 hours ago, KrypTheBear said:

Someone remind me to start OBS before the pug, I usually just dick around main rushes with tanks, so if you're interested in that sort of stuff I could upload that.

I wouldn't mind watching RageTheBear dick some tanks. I am totally into that stuff.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 3: Fort


Edited by ThommyK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff

I took the look at all the demos from both Saturday and Sunday and I find them suitable.  The Tomb rush with the flamers and Mcfarlands will be seen.  There is a funny moment with someone (I know who) dying to the meteor on CrashSite.  Then there is the island rush with the surfing buggy but unfortunately theres a problem: 



This is because the server does not register the position of the clients on top of the vehicle. Hence you (back in the old days) could exploit this way to 'ghost' into an enemy base with non-projectiled weapons. 

Can't solve this for you unless @RypeL can find a way to register the people's positions during the vehicle surfs


Still waiting for the video of Quinc3y getting smited down by the Ren Gods

  • Totem Arts Staff

It didn't sound like there much interest in Quincey being the Commander on Sunday. 

Sunday's need 12-man plans, which differ from the standard 20-man plans. ^_^ That Tomb game for instance, near the buildings or not them flames would have met the same amount of resistance. Found it amusing how despite having a STank on Mesa with Quincey he seemed to forget about not having me as an active defender, I stopped actively defending when I saw the Ref and Strip with 3 Tech's between them. My game conked out at Fort, but upon rejoining there wasn't much of a plan being formed from what I heard aside from "Just get meds..." I was surprised Fort didn't last longer.

61 hours of Fractured Space prior to RenX degrades my ability to shoot well it would seem, I used to be more effective at killing LCGs with an Officer in the past. [Or maybe the LCG requires a teeny bit more of a spread]


When you're assigned as a defender, you never leave the base or participate in any rushes under any circumstance unless specifically told to do otherwise by the commander. You sit around at the most common infiltration area (PP at mesa) for most of the game repairing tanks and keeping out infantry while having constant awareness on the mine count and building health. Your job is to let your team know of any dangers that you can't handle yourself incoming from your camping area, shout out "mines dropping", and notify which building needs repairs when your base is under siege. 

  • Moderator
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Gliven said:

Still waiting for the video of Quinc3y getting smited down by the Ren Gods

Me too xD If you also have my reaction on TS/in-game included Lava, that would be even funnier.

1 hour ago, Madkill40 said:

It didn't sound like there much interest in Quincey being the Commander on Sunday. 

Sunday's need 12-man plans, which differ from the standard 20-man plans. ^_^ That Tomb game for instance, near the buildings or not them flames would have met the same amount of resistance. Found it amusing how despite having a STank on Mesa with Quincey he seemed to forget about not having me as an active defender, I stopped actively defending when I saw the Ref and Strip with 3 Tech's between them. My game conked out at Fort, but upon rejoining there wasn't much of a plan being formed from what I heard aside from "Just get meds..." I was surprised Fort didn't last longer.

61 hours of Fractured Space prior to RenX degrades my ability to shoot well it would seem, I used to be more effective at killing LCGs with an Officer in the past. [Or maybe the LCG requires a teeny bit more of a spread]

So let me defend myself, Madkill!

Tomb: Yep, I am partly responsible for the loss - I will try to explain. There were 2 key moments during our rush: first when I saw that enemy team is also rushing with flametroopers. At that point I had to make the decision if we should kill the enemy team or just rush their base and (probably) exchange buildings. I've decided for the latter for 3 reasons: 1) I thought we will be able to deal more damage as McFarlands than them as Flametroopers. 2) I knew that we had a few people left in our base and hoped they could do something 3) It's generally more fun/interesting to take small risks. The 2nd key moment was when we reached Nod base: I should have ordered my team to split immediately between HoN and Airstrip. Instead, we went for strip first and then to HoN, which gave the enemy team more time to save HoN. Yes, this was my mistake. But keep in mind that I had to make those decisions within split seconds.

Mesa: I didn't forget about the fact that you should be defending instead of stank rushing. In fact I've noticed you left your spot long time before that: https://youtu.be/pRFpX3qsAlc?t=816 . And yes - at that point I should have told you to get back to camping PP, to which you agreed in the very beginning. That was my mistake as well. I didn't do it, once again, for 3 reasons: 1) We needed more people in the field, because we had guys like Thommy exploring the cave as a raveshaw and because we were 11v12 at that point cuz of one guy that disconnected 2) I know camping is a shitty job. I saw you in field and thought you got fed up with it, so I asked the general question hoping someone would volunteer.  But no one did. 3) We never lost mines during that whole game before we lost PP. So I thought we can get away with not having a camper and just watching mines. But yes, this doesn't justify me. Then again, it was you leaving your spot in the first place, so you're the one more responsible for our loss than me.

Fort: before we lost WF, the clear plan was to spam meds and it worked well. We had the advantage and almost killed ref. Then the solo nuke happened and I kinda got pissed (also because: we lost the previous map in a stupid way, I had the sound bug in the beginning of Fort because of which I lost a lot of credits and our WF was damaged to 20 health, because I got stuck at the entrance of Nod base while sneaking in and also because Jessica and KONO left early). So the plan was to sneak in and I encouraged you guys to try. Yes, this is usually a stupid plan. Then again, I was pissed, the game looked lost and tbh I wanted a new map.

Finally, I don't understand the first sentence of your post D: You mean like, I didn't feel for commanding? Or that you'd like a different commander? Sure, I'm not going to insist on being a commander - I do make mistakes as I showed above but tbh I don't think I'm that bad either. There are no other people wanting to command. As you can see, sometimes it's not easy - especially in 12v12. Most people don't want to try. And I do like commanding every now and then - especially if my team listens and the TS is not cluttered.


On a diferent note: I just watched parts of Thommy's videos and I've noticed the issues with me being priority speaker on TS. The problem is, I've recently started using push to talk (I was using voice activation before) and I still didn't master it. That is: sometimes I forget to push the button while talking (happens rarely to be fair) and sometimes I push the button even though I'm not talking or when I'm thinking what to say (and this happens quite often). As priority speaker, when I push the button to talk, I mute what other people have to say. I can hear this happen in Thommy's videos. I'm sorry for this. I will turn off priority speaker for the next 12v12 PUG if I command to prevent this. (if I command on a 20v20 I might still need it :P)

Edited by Quincy
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Didn't say you were a bad commander, Sunday's are chilled days.

And what I meant was that you literally sound like you were tired; unmotivated; in a state of "okay then"

Edited by Madkill40
Posted (edited)
On 11/8/2016 at 1:40 PM, Quincy said:

2) I know camping is a shitty job. I saw you in field and thought you got fed up with it, so I asked the general question hoping someone would volunteer.  But no one did.

Quitting a shitty but essential job? Bad, it is always better being safe than sorry.  Especially considering that people are not particularly excited to volunteer for boredom.

You gotta have the right attitude to actively defend and not get distracted or undermined by boredom, as not everyone plays RenX to ultimately defend. Camping is indeed a chore rather than fun, but if I want fun, I can just go and mess around in public matches.

Let me do the camping next time I get the chance to play pugs (quite busy irl atm); in the spare time I had, I have developed some new mining tactics that should facilitate defense. I will just need you (or any commander) to vouch for me because people tend to yell at me when I mine.

On 11/8/2016 at 0:06 PM, Madkill40 said:

 I stopped actively defending when I saw the Ref and Strip with 3 Tech's between them.

Only because you see a large presence of hotties/techs in base doesn't mean that you can dawdle off, does it? They probably left base after they purchased and fetched their vehicles.

At least, you could have asked if someone else was willing to relocate themselves to camping duty before leaving.

Edited by Jarzey
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 4: Crash Site


Edited by ThommyK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff
18 hours ago, Jarzey said:


Only because you see a large presence of hotties/techs in base doesn't mean that you can dawdle off, does it? They probably left base after they purchased and fetched their vehicles.

At least, you could have asked if someone else was willing to relocate themselves to camping duty before leaving.

"Anyone else watching the base as well? Okay good team"

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Round 5: Islands


Edited by ThommyK0104

Guys , could you make an Countdown again? it will help us MUCH to get the same time for everyone (dont forget the time change in europe)

maybe you could make the countdown on the top/first forum site . so everyone can easly see that :)

  • Totem Arts Staff

I won't be there tomorrow. I have a housewarming of a family member which is around PUG :/


I'll be there on Sunday again...

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Fffreak9999 said:

The link has been added to the first post,


Thanks for that @Xtractor

It would be good if you could move it to the top of the post #1 and ..

Thanks to YagiHige  who done that countdown a while ago


Edited by Xtractor


In Madkill's defense on MESA, I decided to pull away from repairing tanks and grab a Syndey and head for the cave like Tommy was prior. I threw my EMP onto the mines and then stormed the power plant, planted timed and started shooting the MCT. I did this whilst negotiating the obelisk and trying not to get killed by Minji who was defending it at the time as a Raveshaw. We both scored hits on one another, but at the end of the duel the Power Plant fell and probably won us the game.

Posted (edited)

I looks like very few people have come and it doesnt look like it'll start off.. Real shame.

EDIT: The countdown suddenly gained one more hour. The PUG is on as normal I guess.


Edited by Lt.Hargrove

Yeap, I did not know about the new cave route. I thought the map was still stupidly Nod favoured, and becouse I spawned in HoN I went to attack WF as ordered.


The team I got assigned to was really struggling.We only put up any fight on Xmountain and on Mesa beforehand (which we won with constant arty pressure, harvester snipes and silo control). The rest was mostly a disaster,

  • Moderator

We used the old catwalk route. It's just that McFarlands are really strong. Other than that, Volcano is still Nod favoured.

GGs, we won most of our games thanks to our infiltrators (Tunnels, XMountain, Walls).

  • Totem Arts Staff

Team Quincy vs. Team Ryz

1.  Tomb

Nod destroys the harv and masses flame tanks.  The flamers moved into the GDI base causing a distraction for four infantry to walk into the wf and destroyed it.  Another flame rush with nukes and infantry came in to finish the rest of the GDI base.  Nod victory.

2.  Mesa

GDI fails at a rocket rush against Nod then Nod responds with endless arties.  The arties+tech+snipers were overwhelming against GDI destroying the ref then bar.  GDI surrenders.  Nod victory.

3.  Tunnels

GDI attempts a grenadier rush against the Hon and broke the armor.  Nod responds with an apc rush and failed.  GDI fights back with a med rush that breaks airstrips armor.  Then the tanks on both sides battled it out on the field while the GDI base was infiltrated and lost their wf and ref.  Nod attempts a stank rush against GDI pp and brought it down to  11 health.  GDI attempts an infantry rush on the Hon and fails, prompting them to surrender.  Nod victory.

4.  Volcano

GDI plans Mcfarland rush, Nod plans flamer rush.  GDI team was quicker and made it to the Nod pp while Nod was leaving their base causing them to abort.  The pp goes down so Nod tries their flame rush again but fails.  GDI steadily rolls in meds into the Nod base finishing them off.  GDI victory.


Nod attempts a buggy rush with an apc and fails.  Nod then attempts a quadruple nuke on all four buildings.  GDI quickly responds and disarms all four nukes.  Nod then takes over the field with tanks while an sbh squad reduces the GDI pp's health to 51.  Then an infiltrator destroys the bar.  The same sbh squad with the help of the tanks finish off the pp causing GDI to surrender.  Then the whole map is nuked.  Nod victory.

6.  Walls

GDI goes in first with an apc rush.  Fails.  Then GDI goes in from the air with a chinook.  The tranny rush failed but bought time for an infiltration on the airstrip.  Air goes down.  Nod responds with their double tranny rush full of infantry and land on top of wf.  They placed their c4 on the roof and went for ref but were shut down and the wf took no permanent damage.  GDI attempts a gunner tranny rush and fails but again allowed the Nod pp to be destroyed by an infiltrator.  Nod surrenders.  GDI victory.

Team Quincy wins 5-1 against ryz.


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