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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Well ye after fixing and improving CNC-Glasses i spend the last Days on a diffrent Project - on a Building

I don't think it will made his Way into the Game but it was fun to made this one and improved my Skills a bit around BSP's and Creativity. Only thing i'm not happy with is the Crane, maby i'll change him if i found a better Way to create him where he looks way better as now.

Hope you like it:








Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 8
  • Totem Arts Staff
Very nice, I really hope the Construction Yard makes it into the game. Did you manage to script it too?

Here's the crane for the original:

It looks like the Tiberian Dawn CY

  • Like 1

wow, stunning!!!

Great work! :D

First of, I like the fact that you went for the Tiberian Dawn design, because I really don't like CY in Renegade. And I love Construction Yards, because this is the heart of C&C: building a base anywhere, out of nothing but an Mobile Construction Vehicle... :)

Just a few constructive (hehe^^) suggestions and ideas:

Think of how the CY works, show its functionality in the game, e.g. it is the first building to be built in a base, and it should be easy to erect, because all the material should be transportable on a MCV...

- Use light, corrugated metal for the hangar (storage hall), with few support beams.

- Maybe use the "wing" on the left hand side as a controlling unit for a big 3D-printer, that operates in the hangar and generates building parts made out of concrete, or metal.

- you could put a lot of pipes and stuff there.

- the fans on the top should also appear in / be connected to the interior, e.g. they could be use to cool down said 3D Printer.

- Show how the crane would be working: does the roof open up, so that finished building parts could be grabbed, or does it only help loading parts on trucks etc.

- MCT on the glass wall, meh /edit: I didn't see the metal beam, sry

- Use different materials for the walls on the outside.

- Give the concrete base on the right hand side some functionality, i.e. why would one need this additional wing: storage? stability/foundation for the hangar? doors?

Again just some ideas!

Keep it up!

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

Thanks for the Feedback Guys, ye i will keep working on it. I got some new Ideas to improve this Building alot!

I'll will try to work with some Kismets for some sequences where the Crane move around grab some Stuff and place them somewhere like on a Truck or some small Storage.

There is really much Space to put some Stuff in- and outside the CY, currently the CY is bit bigger as an WF. I don't think it should be much more if it goes InGame both Teams had to run like Hours and Enemys got it maby way to easy to kill it with an Beacon because the Space to plant is huge.

I'll go for such things way later, first of all i had to made this Building sweet looking then i can thinking about the Playestyle about this One.

It starts as an really bored at the Time Project but it had some potential, maby we can made this one great :P

Keep up the Feedback and Suggestions!

Greez. DaKuja


If it is considerably large you could make it so that it's immune to superweapons and tanks, in fact I believe in C&C games it takes 2 nukes or whatever to fully destroy a construction yard. If the building requires infantry infiltration it may work better, perhaps not a master control terminal, but something else which you need to blow up, something larger like a big generator which is easier to attack.

What are the building functions? We could even introduce a new gamemode entirely, where the construction yard is the only target. Like that Unreal Tournament capture the prime node and destroy the enemy core malarkey.


What are the building functions?

The Construction Yard in Renegade multiplayer would auto-repair all buildings in the base automatically, at a rate faster than an Engineer but slower than a Hotwire/Tech.

It had a master control terminal in the basement of the building.

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
You should probably finish this.... then maybe let Havoc gussy it up and someone could write it into the game itself.

Problem is that it's not a static mesh and thus very hard to code properly. Needs to be a static mesh due to several reasons

  • 5 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Well today i got some space at School to start creating the Mesh for the Construction Yard it will be pretty lowpoly and just my first attempt with 3DS Max to create such Meshes so it will be not perfect or beautiful

Contruction YardLowPoly.png


Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, DaKuja said:

Yea but first of all just LowPoly cause lack of knowledge and Skill ;)

You could always start with much smaller and easier to model buildings like the GDI/Nod Repair Facility and GDI/Nod Helipad. Henk made a Repair Facility mesh that uses Kismet, for CNC-Reservoir in the first version of that map, and Kenz made a Helipad mesh for CNC-BeachHead. I would start with those buildings, maybe make the Helipad resemble the original Renegade one as Kenz's looks like the Tiberian Dawn Helipad.

Edited by CoreDefender

You can use the repair pad I made, it just needs to be scripted. The Kismet version gave you points just for sitting on it with a tank, and wasn't destructable.

If anyone wants to script it, the package is available.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Well i think this Model dont made it into the Game, just attemps to practice my new knowledge. In the best case it will be an placeholder maby just for environment.


Edited by DaKuja
  • Totem Arts Staff

Low-poly with a decently res'd texture is still good to have, like basically what is at the top.

Convert it into an asset structure for mappers DaKuja, it'd be nice to use. (Nod one needed)

That way it can make an appearance in maps.

Please? :)

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, Madkill40 said:

Low-poly with a decently res'd texture is still good to have, like basically what is at the top.

Convert it into an asset structure for mappers DaKuja, it'd be nice to use. (Nod one needed)

That way it can make an appearance in maps.

Please? :)

For sure are LowPolys can be used for the Game, they may don't look stunning but this one can be have an use for environment and maby if somebody wants to do it put some code into it and we got already some new features ;)

Well the first Screens shows the Building which is only build with BSP's so only for the environment.
Where you have also to build the geomatry new every single time if you change something on it and much more stuff where you get annoyed over the time.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Here is a small update
Currently I am trying to get to the crane, the raw model is already finished!
The crane, the crane operator's cab and the platform have now been added.

Hope you like it



In the next Weeks i got some lessons about animations
Maby i made it give the Crane some animationens where he just move a bit around.

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 1

Looks awesome.. though I can't help but wonder.. what use is the ConYard in an actual map..? I don't think Renegade ever had any use for it, it would be a nice addon for the sake of novelty, but would it function? Like, would it rebuild destroyed structures..? Allow you to build defenses like turrets or guard towers..?

Anyhow, just a question out of honest curiosity. I don't recall ever seeing a ConYard in Renegade beyond the beach landing map, mission two it was I think.

1 hour ago, Artorius said:

Looks awesome.. though I can't help but wonder.. what use is the ConYard in an actual map..? I don't think Renegade ever had any use for it, it would be a nice addon for the sake of novelty, but would it function? Like, would it rebuild destroyed structures..? Allow you to build defenses like turrets or guard towers..?

Anyhow, just a question out of honest curiosity. I don't recall ever seeing a ConYard in Renegade beyond the beach landing map, mission two it was I think.

Iirc in one of the last missions Nod had one too. The one where you attack that temple of Nod. 


There were some Renegade community maps with a construction yard -- its function was essentially just providing the base with automatic repairs.

If we added a construction yard to Renegade X, it would probably be tied into building reconstruction in some way as well.

7 hours ago, Artorius said:

Looks awesome.. though I can't help but wonder.. what use is the ConYard in an actual map..? I don't think Renegade ever had any use for it, it would be a nice addon for the sake of novelty, but would it function? Like, would it rebuild destroyed structures..? Allow you to build defenses like turrets or guard towers..?

Anyhow, just a question out of honest curiosity. I don't recall ever seeing a ConYard in Renegade beyond the beach landing map, mission two it was I think.

The Construction Yard was in the original C&C Renegade multiplayer on a few custom maps, it would auto-repair all buildings in the base automatically, at a rate faster than an Engineer but slower than a Hotwire/Tech.

There are also other buildings from the original game, that would be easier to add like the GDI/Nod Repair Facility and GDI/Nod Helipad.

It never rebuilt buildings in the original C&C Renegade multiplayer.

Here's a video that someone else just posted, featuring a map with the Construction Yard:


  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

I actually like the Construction Yard from Renegade more than the one from C&C 95.


The one from C&C 95 has a very very very basic shape while the Renegade one has different style and looks more like a real building.


IMPORTANT: This doesn't mean that @DaKuja needs to make a Renegade one :)

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

Thehe, well it's just for improving my skills and use my new knowledge for something useful :P

Maby i tried the Renegeade Version of the CY maby it's looks better you even is more playable with an interior.

  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, TK0104 said:

I actually like the Construction Yard from Renegade more than the one from C&C 95.


The one from C&C 95 has a very very very basic shape while the Renegade one has different style and looks more like a real building.


IMPORTANT: This doesn't mean that @DaKuja needs to make a Renegade one :)

u srs?


20 minutes ago, Norc said:

If conyard got into the game, what would be it's function?
Would it auto-repair itself and other buildings with equivalent of 1 AFK engie?

You should read the posts in the topic before starting to ask questions that have been already answered, just saying.

In fact, CoreDefender stated the answer twice in this topic:

On 6/15/2016 at 3:12 PM, CoreDefender said:

The Construction Yard in Renegade multiplayer would auto-repair all buildings in the base automatically, at a rate faster than an Engineer but slower than a Hotwire/Tech.

On 1/20/2017 at 3:34 AM, CoreDefender said:

The Construction Yard was in the original C&C Renegade multiplayer on a few custom maps, it would auto-repair all buildings in the base automatically, at a rate faster than an Engineer but slower than a Hotwire/Tech.


  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Sooo if you can flesh this out, I'd be down to pitch a map idea involving it that is easily do-able. Namely a base with structures that can be 'killed', but will be resurrected by the ConYard if it is left alive. All structures, except the ConYard itself, would have decreased armor values. The ConYard would have normal armor values, but likely increased health, and destruction of the Conyard itself would cause either a slow decay of all other buildings, or instant gameover conditions. 

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2017 at 5:42 AM, Artorius said:

Looks awesome.. though I can't help but wonder.. what use is the ConYard in an actual map..? I don't think Renegade ever had any use for it, it would be a nice addon for the sake of novelty, but would it function? Like, would it rebuild destroyed structures..? Allow you to build defenses like turrets or guard towers..?

Anyhow, just a question out of honest curiosity. I don't recall ever seeing a ConYard in Renegade beyond the beach landing map, mission two it was I think.

well maybe allow CY to be used to place some temporary defenses .... just like mines they will have limits but they will cost more creds.... and they can only be placed by a team commander add to it what u guys said about repairing base automatically in a range between engis and techs/hotties..... even tho the way i see it this will cause some matches to go on almost forever :P

in my opinion this will make rushes a bit harder if u are able to put lets say a guard tower in vulnerable spots....

these added defenses can be weaker than original defenses but im sure they will always come in handy

maybe this will be a lot of work to do but in my opinion it will be a great add on to the game especially if we get the feeling that its mixing up a bit of tiberium sun with renegade

now i know its not paying tribute to the original renegade... but hey we see orcas/titan/wolverine/tic tanc ...... etc come into play so why not be different in this way from the original renegade

  • Totem Arts Staff
On 2/6/2017 at 6:51 AM, yosh56 said:

Sooo if you can flesh this out, I'd be down to pitch a map idea involving it that is easily do-able. Namely a base with structures that can be 'killed', but will be resurrected by the ConYard if it is left alive. All structures, except the ConYard itself, would have decreased armor values. The ConYard would have normal armor values, but likely increased health, and destruction of the Conyard itself would cause either a slow decay of all other buildings, or instant gameover conditions. 

Depending on how well this works I have a map idea which could massively benefit from this, although it would require a unique kismet to be employed to avoid certain spawn issues.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Not that far, sadly i can't spend much time on this one.
At the moment I do not have time to work on it, since the training demands a lot and also free time of me.

Probably i hat to redone much of this one, cause it was created in my first 50 hours of 3D Art.
I think i can do it much better ;)

Edited by DaKuja

Well I'll make a suggestion and say keep working on it when you can before somebody else steals the spotlight! looks like you know what you're doing and what you want out of  the project.  good luck and good work.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well actually i dosn't take thaaat much. Actually you can done such Building pretty fast but looking shitty because of less details, that takes the most of the time. Then just unwrapping and texturing the Stuff and done


  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Thanks, Havoc89 :)

I'm sure i can do it better if got some freetime to get back into 3D Modelling.

Edited by DaKuja
  • 2 months later...

I like the idea of DI Construction Yard (Command Center) being pared up with a Temple of Nod as a Base HQ (Destroy to win). 

I can't help it but sometimes I wonder if Command & Conquer mode has the game system backwards where buildings destroyed takes away units. Maybe there should be a different approach where building destroyed makes advanced units available. Have options open as the round progresses instead of taken away.

5 hours ago, Marinealver said:

I can't help it but sometimes I wonder if Command & Conquer mode has the game system backwards where buildings destroyed takes away units. Maybe there should be a different approach where building destroyed makes advanced units available. Have options open as the round progresses instead of taken away.

Interesting concept, I can see how it would work, where you destroy an enemy building to allow advanced purchases of the same type of building you destroy.

Although it will result (with current map design) in an almost impossible to win game on some levels (like Under for example)


But never the less, interesting concept.

Guest Gliven

If the Con Yard is added. Perhaps its unique ability could be to build turrets/GT? A set amount per map I am thinking 1-3. 1000 credits each, 1500 if pp is dead. Can only be built in set locations.

5 hours ago, Fffreak9999 said:

Interesting concept, I can see how it would work, where you destroy an enemy building to allow advanced purchases of the same type of building you destroy.

Although it will result (with current map design) in an almost impossible to win game on some levels (like Under for example)


But never the less, interesting concept.

Yeah the maps does need vehicles. You could separate vehicles into tech and standard so some vehicles are available at the start, Humvee, Buggy, APC, Light and Medium Tanks sound like good general vehicles. Get tech by destroying enemy structures to unlock the rest

3 hours ago, Gliven said:

If the Con Yard is added. Perhaps its unique ability could be to build turrets/GT? A set amount per map I am thinking 1-3. 1000 credits each, 1500 if pp is dead. Can only be built in set locations.

Well here is an idea, Have defense turrets be destroyed to unlock upgrades and destroy key structures to rebuild defensive upgrades so there is a cycle but not one that prevents bases from being destroyed. (taking the idea how A-10 strikes were unavailable until all SAM sites were destroyed).

So GDI tech vehicles are not available until Obelisk of light is destroyed.

Obelisk of light is Destroyed GDI Tech Vehicles becomes available. Adv Guard Tower Destroyed Nod Tech Vehicles become available.

However destroying a Nod Airstrip will rebuild the Adv Guard Tower, Destroying GDI Factory rebuilds Obelisk of Light. 


  • 3 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

I would love to use this as decor for the background of my map. Did this ever make it into a packaged format? (Nice work btw! I know you're not as active anymore)

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