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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone there on Renegade X.

As some know I'm busy with a Re-Make of CNC-City. I started this project begin Beta 4 and quit with it some time later. Now I'm better in mapping and continued with it. I removed all the ugly stuff and did that again.

Well that's it for now. I'll keep you informed about the latest updates

Edited by TK0104
  • Like 1
Hello Everyone there on Renegade X.

As some know I'm busy with a Re-Make of CNC-City. I started this project begin Beta 4 and quit with it some time later. Now I'm better in mapping and continued with it. I removed all the ugly stuff and did that again.

Yesterday I had my 1th anniversary of playing Renegade X. You might ask how I celebrated that. Well I recorded some mapping on City. So click the link to watch that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nifCXqiJaZY

Because I have a week vacation, I did a lot of stuff on the map. I want to show you some screenshots:

(WARNING: I haven't build lights yet, so the quality is not that good)

Nod Base

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... DAwTDRmdDQ

Nod Tunnels

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... noybzZfd0k

GDI Base

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... lRISzZvLVU

GDI Tunnels

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... kFRX1pONE0

I haven't finished the GDI tunnels yet (You can see that on the lights :P)

Well that's it for now. I'll keep you informed about the latest updates

Great Work, and I Cant Wait to play it

That's another one down on my Renegade X map list

P.S. Less for me to do and more gaming : D


Does UE3 naturally just looks like shit? Its blurry, bloomy, and with big light effects. Its dark, and I hate it. Plus, fog. All I want are maps that work gameplay wise, but this engine just gets in the way of fucking everything. Bah.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Does UE3 naturally just looks like shit? Its blurry, bloomy, and with big light effects. Its dark, and I hate it. Plus, fog. All I want are maps that work gameplay wise, but this engine just gets in the way of fucking everything. Bah.

I said I haven't builded Light yet. And the Gdi was not done yet. And I don't agree about the fog. It is not too foggy. And without it looks horrible

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)


I changed the tunnel walls. I didn't like them so I changed it to a gray stone wall



Edited by ThommyK0104

Forum been down every time I checked lately, but I can look around, see what I can do. Maybe there might be a free asset model on some site somewhere, it would be faster and could at the very least be used as a measurement placeholder. I will get back to this with what I find around this time tomorrow, someone else should also give it the good ol' college try if they can meanwhile.

And personally, thank you, for doing what I got too tied up to do, what with the unexpected moving a couple months back.

P.S. Do you happen to need a meh-ish swirly smoggy night skybox (sphere)?


I changed the tunnel walls. I didn't like them so I changed it to a gray stone wall


I made from this wall a gray version


It looks now better

You can also use a MIC (Material Instant Constant)

  • Totem Arts Staff

I changed the tunnel walls. I didn't like them so I changed it to a gray stone wall


I made from this wall a gray version


It looks now better

You can also use a MIC (Material Instant Constant)

Is also possible :D

  • Totem Arts Staff

I changed the tunnel walls. I didn't like them so I changed it to a gray stone wall


I made from this wall a gray version


It looks now better

You can also use a MIC (Material Instant Constant)

Is also possible :D

MIC is much cheaper and easier to use. You just need to set up the right Parameter nodes, so I'd recommend MIC :)

Saturation is also a very easy thing to do

UE3 Fun fact. What is called 'Material' in UDK is actually a shader, and what is called 'Material Instance Constant' is actually material

Everybody get ready for the next most played map

I am curious what the bridge will be like, I guess maybe destroyed and rebuilt with other materials? :cool:

Maybe do that in a City_Flying-X.

But not in the normal version, the bridge is pretty crucial. Would be a cool feature though.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Everybody get ready for the next most played map

I am curious what the bridge will be like, I guess maybe destroyed and rebuilt with other materials? :cool:

Maybe do that in a City_Flying-X.

But not in the normal version, the bridge is pretty crucial. Would be a cool feature though.

It'd be more of a genuine aesthetic to the map, no change of hazzard.

I do see what you mean though.


That actually would be really cool (but maybe goofy that it can hold several tanks under it's own weight). Will consider this if I work on the overpass, hope if someone else does that they consider this as a possibility.

Of course, this would only be cosmetic, wouldn't change that it's a one-way drive over it. Although I did consider if a mid-map on-ramp would make the overpass more populated with combat than old city, where it was a seperate narrow path with the threat of air, if not just a landing strip for repairs outright.

Start with functional (maybe the mapmaker should use placeholder CSG for the overpass just to measure it's dimensions), then make a functioning draft, then add cosmetic to it only if it could use something convincing.

  • Totem Arts Staff

thinkp its about time someone said something...

csg sucks

feel sorry for all the people that have worked and are working on citys-flying its a map that needs alot of time and 3d / textering knolage... the roads and buildings are not that easy to do... i will warn any one taking on this map that people love this map it needs to be done right dont half cock the job

but... things... have... been... pland... before... and... ... ...


We are taking it seriously. Well, I don't have a lot of time so, I can't say much, I tried and have even less done on mine before I got caught up with a lot of shitty life situations.

But he has a lot working already. He does need a ramp, CSG is not shitty but I will not argue as I am not making the map anyway, I just suggested it as a measurement placeholder. I was going to take a look at making an overpass myself, probably best if I/whoever made it as pieces to both contribute to useable static mesh in the RenX SDK Assets and to move bits and pieces around more modular, so road-section and pylon individually and such. With that in the map, I also will offer a smoggy swirly skysphere, and to structure a city-block-like surroundings to emulate a believable city environment, as well as something decorative remeniscent of an urban environment such as dumpsters or something.

That is all this map needs. I might argue myself it could use something to spruce up gameplay, I would not vote for a silo on this map as I don't like it, I would vote for a midfield access ramp for vehicles to get on the overpass but that is debateably "bad" (but infantry is getting a catwalk from what I hear), it's harvester also arguably needs decent cover from the base entrance via dirtmound or hilly terrain and/or a larger credit dump to offset it's possibly long-ish travel distance, and I like the heights of his map which I never said anything about but is better than original City's unuseably tall building and akwardly tall overpass which went in a figure 8 which wasn't very believable.

Also, if you agree with it, and he agrees with it, this could be a collaborative piece. There is a lot done with his map to start anew unless someone else has a map this far completed (you can tell us if you do, pm or otherwise), and this 1 map can be passed off between anyone who wants to agree to work together, him, you devs, and other modders included, and we can get this done.

Most of us just really want it to be playable, with functional non-glitchy non-exploitable no secret base to base sort of design, and then cosmetically sound afterwards. Right now it looks in the direction of cosmetically sound, not there yet but getting there, and CSG with a default concrete texture would give a measurement of where an overpass has to be and give the engine something to allow the player to drive upon to test out other things in the map until a static mesh comes (real soon anyway hopefully you/he/I/someone gets or makes one).

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

UPDATE November 3th 2015

last week I added (important) stuff to the map. Sorry I took so long. I decided to continue making CNC-Woods, which I'm thinking of changing the map name.

Anyway some new screenshots:



Edited by Guest
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

UPDATE November 12th 2015

I did some changes. I changed the time of the day. It will be a day map because I think people are going to say that the map is too dark and you can't see shit. And it was too dark btw. And I like it how it looks like now. But I have to add some pointlights to remove all the very dark shadows.\


https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... VJVdEo5XzQ

Really nice to see a completely new look to a map aka no more Snow/Grass/Woods/Mountains/Rocks :cool:

Much prefer the map at day time.

Keep up to good work!!!

Possibly have both a Day and Night version just to keep the scenery a little less repetitive? I'm not sure how long that would take, but I think it'd be a cool thing to have.


I'm sorry to say but the city looks so unrealistic with the day lighting... The AGT, supposed to look really big and fear-inducing looks absolutely tiny compared to the surrounding buildings which seem a lot closer with the extra detail you get with this lighting. Some kind of fog would make it harder to guess the distance.

But, I could be wrong here with the aesthetics thing. I think this would require testing.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Okay. I will release 2 different City's when Its done. A day version and a night version


But wait, wait. We also want a snow version, one in the summer and one in autumn :D

JK/ Keep up the good work Thommy!


I may have mentioned this to kenz before not sure but is it not possible to make a map transition between a day and night cycle? every 20/30 minutes for example? or is that kind of a no go in terms of the editor?

  • Totem Arts Staff
I may have mentioned this to kenz before not sure but is it not possible to make a map transition between a day and night cycle? every 20/30 minutes for example? or is that kind of a no go in terms of the editor?

Isn't a total no-go, but it is a pretty massive performance drop.

  • Totem Arts Staff

you may only get a small decrease in FPS ... but most people that play renx have old hardware (in my tutorial map with a day night cycle i was getting a max of 40 fps and min of about 14 (depending were i was and what was around me) i beleve this version of that map has the day night cycle http://www.mediafire.com/download/d3588 ... haders.zip

back to topic

as its a city there needs to lots of lights and it needs to be a night map .... but anyway thats what i have in my head :P

  • Totem Arts Staff
UPDATE November 12th 2015

I did some changes. I changed the time of the day. It will be a day map because I think people are going to say that the map is too dark and you can't see shit. And it was too dark btw. And I like it how it looks like now. But I have to add some pointlights to remove all the very dark shadows.\


https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... VJVdEo5XzQ

PP needs to be swapped with Barracks.

The PP then needs to be swapped with Weapons Factory.

10/10 Job done.

  • Totem Arts Staff
UPDATE November 12th 2015

I did some changes. I changed the time of the day. It will be a day map because I think people are going to say that the map is too dark and you can't see shit. And it was too dark btw. And I like it how it looks like now. But I have to add some pointlights to remove all the very dark shadows.\


https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... VJVdEo5XzQ

PP needs to be swapped with Barracks.

The PP then needs to be swapped with Weapons Factory.

10/10 Job done.

Why should I change the building locations

UPDATE November 12th 2015

I did some changes. I changed the time of the day. It will be a day map because I think people are going to say that the map is too dark and you can't see shit. And it was too dark btw. And I like it how it looks like now. But I have to add some pointlights to remove all the very dark shadows.\


https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... VJVdEo5XzQ

PP needs to be swapped with Barracks.

The PP then needs to be swapped with Weapons Factory.

10/10 Job done.

Why should I change the building locations

The building locations are fine!

  • Totem Arts Staff
UPDATE November 12th 2015

I did some changes. I changed the time of the day. It will be a day map because I think people are going to say that the map is too dark and you can't see shit. And it was too dark btw. And I like it how it looks like now. But I have to add some pointlights to remove all the very dark shadows.\


https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... VJVdEo5XzQ

PP needs to be swapped with Barracks.

The PP then needs to be swapped with Weapons Factory.

10/10 Job done.

Why should I change the building locations

I always thought how they were positioned on the original map was good tactical planning, outside of the base defences view you could strike the PP and the Ref from either side if the base wasn't defended well enough.

Just made sense.

By all means have your own incarnation of the map but changing the base layouts could fundamentally break the playability of this map.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... RmdDQ/view

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... ZvLVU/view

If the base layouts are as these images display then ignore my previous post.

Looks like I was looking at the picture completely the wrong way... Somehow...

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Ty. But when I look at the old map, the new one doesn't even look like the original

  • Totem Arts Staff

This is one of the times I wish Epic was generous enough to supply UDKers with WAR-Downtown meshes, at least some of it. Well, at least there's the Asphalt stuff and sidewalks but that's it

In case you don't know what I was talking about


Also, if you ever need textures, http://www.textures.com/ provides a lot of free to use textures (was CGTextures) Just sign up and take your share of 15 imagess per day


You can run the old map yourself to look. At least, I do.

Also, it can't look exactly like the old, because the old map looked "artificial" and not realistic city.

Really, it needs to be reminiscent and true to the gameplay of the old map, not identical. Silos muddy the waters, I like avoiding it in classic maps. Paths, as Canyon has shown, could need adjustment, as I doubt identical-tunnels from Original City is a good idea. The actual "layout" of the map can be the same, but the road can for obvious reasons not be a figure-8, which is why I figured a "City-Block" would work alright and just blockade 2 roads. But the general over-pass/under-pass with flying and a central walking path would be nice.

He does have real issues with lighting I never seen occur with Kenz Canyon videos though, I am beginning to think this map is cursed, but the map is "layed out" proportionally to the old map and I think it can evolve into something. I am many things, but modelling is only a necessity-skill I have, I am no modeller so we could use a more dedicated modeller.

I also know of sites that have free/cheap models and textures. I was also looking into pulling models and textures from the map with GMax (unless I decide to get 3dsmax for Christmas, because I currently use Blender and it doesn't have any custom scripts for it yet to convert W3D to FBX or anything). They both need touchups, the models are N64 and textures arent materials with dynamic tiling.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

UPDATE 12-30-2015

First of all, sorry I didn't post anything about the map. People really want this map back in action. I am going to do my absolute best to finish this map (without overpass for now). I also fixed the lighting in tunnel issue. We have at last light in it.

Also I have a quick update for you guys. I want to thank kenz for making the awesome helipad and Ruud for the Building Interface Mutator. Because this both will be used in the map:

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