goztow Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 No, of course not. 100 % positive. i followed him a while first. Quote
Methanoid Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 n1, ive not really played an unreal multiplayer game with a keen interest since my 5-6 years of playing UT99 on clanbase ages ago, but even back then the scourge of unreal games was external aimbots as opposed to the ones made via unrealscript, ill assume the worst ones are still the nigh impossible to catch external cheats. really hoping anticheat has come a long way since my ut99 days because im liking this game so far, shame if there ends up a massive influx of aimbotters, its why i had to give up ut99 and bf2, shame as i loved playing both of them a lot. Quote
goztow Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 I can confirm GameAnarchy.net to be a cheater as well. They keep using these names, BTW. Were also in tonight. Quote
TotemAatz Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 I can confirm *removed* to be a cheater as well. They keep using these names, BTW. Were also in tonight. You should remove that name. Quote
iovandrake Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 It's funny how people always try to play aimbotting off as skill. It's also funny that supposedly skilled snipers no longer pulled off God shots the first week Ren X was publicly available. Maybe they hadn't found the aimbot they needed? Quote
Methanoid Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 It's funny how people always try to play aimbotting off as skill. It's also funny that supposedly skilled snipers no longer pulled off God shots the first week Ren X was publicly available. Maybe they hadn't found the aimbot they needed? can you headshot around 3 ppl in 1-2 seconds flat the moment they leave a building with a stealthed black hand? and continue doing so with such speed for most of the game with a marksman? its not their kill ratio thats an issue, gz to anyone who can get such a figure, its the speed at which those kills flow in rapid succession thats the problem. check my screenshot a few posts back, theres q a few players in there and for most of it our entire team was being sniped instantly when exiting any building, we were permanantly stuck inside by 2 people alone. and i dont mean we walked out then moments later died, i mean 1 foot out the door and dead even when stealthed. Quote
iovandrake Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying it's funny how people TRY to play aimbotting off as merely skill instead of the obvious aimbottery it is. They pretend they are just uber skilled when it's obvious the shots they are pulling off are impossible. Quote
Methanoid Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying it's funny how people TRY to play aimbotting off as merely skill instead of the obvious aimbottery it is. They pretend they are just uber skilled when it's obvious the shots they are pulling off are impossible. aye and its great when ppl can identify 1 from the other, its just a shame we look like whining fools to the masses when we make such claims, working anticheat really does help solve such issues before were left trying to play detective to see if someone if the real deal or a pure annoyance. and yeah soz, quoted you instead of a diff post i was after im hoping current unreal has better anticheat capabilitys but im guessing were not much better off than the days of ut99 and ut2k3, esp when i did some quick googling and found heaps of bad stuff in a short space of time for more modern unreal versions. Quote
Soldieroffate Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 It's dark times like these where I refrain from trying to get an absurd amount of kills (last game in Marathon Field yielded a 77-3 k/d for me, but it was mostly from arties and airstrikes). At least there weren't any allegations from that. Quote
iovandrake Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 The thing that gives away aimbotters isn't their high K/D. It is that they pull off multiple impossible shots on different people at the same time. It goes beyond having quick reflexes and good accuracy. It is impossible for someone to be good enough to get headshots on people on opposite sides of a base without any delay between shots. To get headshots on people coming around the corner while the aimbotter has three others right on them shooting at them. Yet all aimbotters claim it is skill and nothing has ever totally stopped it. Even Tiberian Technologies' 4.0 has aimbotters who pretend they are just "skilled". If you pull off impossible shots constantly you are using an aimbot regardless of how skilled you claim you are. Whomever it happens to be. Total K/D means nothing because a careful skilled sniper can get a lot of kills with few deaths. That's the thing about being careful. Human skill doesn't allow you to know someone will be around a corner that you just ran to yourself and get an instant headshot on them even though they just jumped around that corner. Yet that has happened and that aimbotter just claimed it was "skill". I don't even hate aimbotters as much as the people who blindly defend them because they are butthurt about some idiot who didn't know better calling them an aimbotter once upon a time when it wasn't true. Quote
Maderas Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 GameAnarchy is most assuredly aimbotting. Ran into him earlier tonight, and he's nowhere near subtle about it. I've never understood why there are so many people in the FPS community who feel compelled to defend this shit. Decrying hackusation is one thing, but there comes a point where you're insulting everyone's intelligence. Big difference between pulling a 20+ KDR with vehicle whoring and airstrikes vs. pulling a 20+ KDR by laying waste to everyone with consecutive marksman headshots from halfway across the map. Quote
N3tRunn3r Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Don't use the scope - just as for the original Renegade - learn and train this and profit. I can do the same with my favoured Pic. Doing >90% headshots with it all the time. I want to say: Speedhacks were possible due to wrong server settings, I guess that every server admin has fixed this issue yet. Thanks to the RenX Devs. See: Speedhack FIX!! I haven't seen any aimbots yet. This shouldn't explain that no cheats are existent, since cheats exist in every damned game. For the original Renegade game, as Sak or Hav, I had a KDR of 60 and more. Why shouldn't it be possible for RenX too? A KDR of 120 and more, done by a Sniper, this should be an cheating event. BTW, I am a bad sniper but a better PIC/RAV player... Quote
Maderas Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 You can't one shot infantry from halfway across the map with a marksman rifle. It's not comparable to a Ramjet. Quote
N3tRunn3r Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 (edited) Are you sure that it was a marksman rifle and not a $500 sniper? It is possible to headshot with a $500 sniper, but never with a $0 marksman rifle. It doesn't do that enough damage, "3 - 4 headshot hits" are needed to kill an enemy. How can you be sure that it was a marksman rifle, since you all got headshots from across the map?! Edited March 10, 2014 by Guest Quote
Maderas Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 It was a marksman, that's what I meant when he said he was being blatant about it. He was mowing people down with marksman headshots. Like, you'd come around a corner and be dead in half a second. Quote
N3tRunn3r Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 So do you mean, that he needed more than 1 hit to kill you? If yes, then he could handled his marksman rifle like a shotgun. As mentioned, 3 or 4 headshot hits are needed to kill someone. With correct graphics settings and mouse settings, it can be possible. If he needed 2 or less hits to kill you, then I begin to think about hacks. This shouldn't be possible. Quote
lazy5686 Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 I can confirm the existence of at least one working aimbot. The game should create an unchangeable serial hash per player installation so that dynamic ip's/proxies aren't used to easily evade. That way you can keep a cheater out for as long as he doesn't reinstall the game. I'd assume constantly having to reinstall the game just to evade a ban on a single server would get more than annoying for these players. This. Combined with Steam ID bans it would make it rather annoying to get back in. Also the ping with playing on proxies would be terrible. Quote
Crab Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 I see there are still people who refuse to believe detailed posts explaining how blatantly obvious it is someone's hacking. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 It isn't that it is disbelief. This is a free game and the unreal engine has hacks though usually background programs. It is just, first off, details include names, and a smart hacker would just use a name generated by microsoft gamertag generator each server he plays in. Nothing stops him. Second off, there has to be ways to stop them basically. Devs are free game devs, they do not have a responisibility to be antihacker superheroes. If they can think of some tools to use or put in, I am sure they will. For the time being, go somewhere moderated. Kick them like you are Duke Nukem and there is NO bubblegum. Quote
iovandrake Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 It's not about K/D! Only crybabies complain that you are aimbotting based SOLELY off of K/D. I've seen more than enough legitimate snipers behind rocks or walls pop out and get someone because they were watching that area and waiting. Aimbotting can be done like that, but it isn't obvious like that. It is obvious though when you operate like you have eyes in the back or sides of your head. 100% accurate snapshots to different people's heads is aimbotting when it keeps happening. I personally err on the side of caution when accusing someone. I mean death in Renegade (original or X) is cheap. There's no reason to get bent out of shape because you got sniped several times by the same guy. I've even ignored suspicious shots if they happen rarely. I mean people do get lucky. However it is obvious when you notice impossible shots being taken repeatedly. If you're a good sniper you need to stop defending accused aimbotters from the position of your own perspective. It's fine to err on the side of caution as no one wants to be accused themselves of something they aren't doing just because they are that good. It isn't fine to insult the intelligence of legitimate players who believe they've witnessed aimbotting after it happens repeatedly. You might just be defending a cheater. Quote
Maderas Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 I wasn't basing my observation entirely around K/D, but when you're able to regularly gun down 2-3 people per clip with the marksman rifle, inside their base, all with consecutive headshots, all while standing by the Tiberium field on Whiteout, all in the span of four or five seconds... then yes, my first intuition is going to be that you're aimbotting. If someone can post a video of themselves pulling that off legitimately, I'll eat my words. No one is that good that consistently. We're not talking about the Ramjet, here. This isn't a hitscan weapon. It has bullet drop. Quote
twig123 Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 Tell me, is there any way to get behind the barracks on field (past the barricade)? Because I've seen two nukes back there. I can't find a way to jump over the barricade and I really, really doubt that someone harvester walked and then managed to get all the way back there even if the AGT was momentarily distracted. You don't have to go over the bridge with the barricade to get into the GDI base by BAR. If you are on the outside of the GDI base, looking at the BAR, you can climb the rocks to the left of the bridge and then drop down into the river and swim to the side of the bar. Not sure if it is a map glitch, but it definitely works. Also, on WALLS there is a map glitch that allows NOD to walk up the map to get into the GDI base instead of having to go through the main entrance or the tunnel. Quote
Valor Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 Tell me, is there any way to get behind the barracks on field (past the barricade)? Because I've seen two nukes back there. I can't find a way to jump over the barricade and I really, really doubt that someone harvester walked and then managed to get all the way back there even if the AGT was momentarily distracted. You don't have to go over the bridge with the barricade to get into the GDI base by BAR. If you are on the outside of the GDI base, looking at the BAR, you can climb the rocks to the left of the bridge and then drop down into the river and swim to the side of the bar. Not sure if it is a map glitch, but it definitely works. Also, on WALLS there is a map glitch that allows NOD to walk up the map to get into the GDI base instead of having to go through the main entrance or the tunnel. Wrong map. You're thinking of Gold Rush. On Field, as far as I know there's no way for Nod to hop behind the bar, although GDI players can walk up the cliff above the back of bar which is definitely a map glitch (not gamebreaking or abuseable though). Quote
ARC_trooper Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 Also, on WALLS there is a map glitch that allows NOD to walk up the map to get into the GDI base instead of having to go through the main entrance or the tunnel. GDI can do the same on Nod's side Atleast you can ride through the side into their base with a vehicle.. Haven't actually tried to walk into the base, so dont know if GDI can do that ;p Quote
mjolnir Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 Don't use the scope - just as for the original Renegade - learn and train this and profit. I can do the same with my favoured Pic. Doing >90% headshots with it all the time. I want to say:Speedhacks were possible due to wrong server settings, I guess that every server admin has fixed this issue yet. Thanks to the RenX Devs. See: Speedhack FIX!! I haven't seen any aimbots yet. This shouldn't explain that no cheats are existent, since cheats exist in every damned game. For the original Renegade game, as Sak or Hav, I had a KDR of 60 and more. Why shouldn't it be possible for RenX too? am i missing something, because i'm not seeing any double digit KD's in your screenshots. A KDR of 120 and more, done by a Sniper, this should be an cheating event. BTW, I am a bad sniper but a better PIC/RAV player... Quote
dommafia Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 I haven't seen any aimbots yet. There are aimbots already, but worst of all, there are pathetic players that somehow enjoy showing the world how much they suck at a game by using them. 1 Quote
MrFixitGary Posted October 4, 2014 Posted October 4, 2014 It seems that every weekend the cheaters/hackers come out in full force. Could someone please tell me how !recorddemo is going to uncover the aimbot hackers that are running rampant in the weekend games. I have been keeping a list of the individuals that are apparently using hacks and would love to be able to prove that 90-140 kills in a single 20-30 min. match are only possible using an aimbot/trigger hack. Also are any anti-hacking fixes being implemented in Beta 3? Quote
Truxa Posted October 4, 2014 Posted October 4, 2014 Most of the time people think others are hacking or cheating, but in fact are not. These people are just exploiting certain bugs to remain undetected or use advanced tactics to get an upper edge. As for sniping headshots, it's not easy, but also not that hard if you know how to properly calibrate your mouse and 'train' your aiming. I've seen a great youtube episode from FrankieOnPCin1080p about it. Sadly he plays CoD/BF and uses CoD to explain why he's good at FPS games. He's often called a hacker/cheater for his superior aiming skills. Anyway, on topic. The recorddemo command initiates a 2-minute filming period. When you tell server mods/admins or clan members of that server you made a recorddemo command, mention to them what it is about and whom it concerns. It allows the mods to check it out and see if it's strange behavior or just skill. It probably does not track 3rd party programs, only the ingame changes that every client detects. When I started playing this game (at it's release) sniping was particularly easy and players were fairly new to the game to know what/where to look for. Perhaps you should private message 2 people about your 'list of suspicious individuals'. Skeeze for [TmX] clan and Goku for -EKT- clan. If anyone can help you out server-side, it would be either one or the other (if not both). Quote
Renardin Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 I am a bit amazed by the skills of some people on this game. I was able to witness situations where it is nearly impossible for the sniper that I was attacking to make a headshot while dodging my bullets. Anyway, the sniper was able to make a perfect hit on head on me on several assaults even when surprised by me. He only had to turn toward my direction and it was an instant hit on the head. Those players reach 80 kills each game (in less than 10 minutes) and are able to wipe out a full team of support for tanks. Yet nobody will do something about it and the sniper will tell you he is legit. From my point of view, it is too much luck/skills to be honest. What are the plans on this game to prevent hack/aimbots ? It is really ruining the game, I know several names of those "skilled" sniper and I leave the game as soon as I see them online. 1 Quote
boxes Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 7 minutes ago, Renardin said: I am a bit amazed by the skills of some people on this game. I was able to witness situations where it is nearly impossible for the sniper that I was attacking to make a headshot while dodging my bullets. Anyway, the sniper was able to make a perfect hit on head on me on several assaults even when surprised by me. He only had to turn toward my direction and it was an instant hit on the head. Those players reach 80 kills each game (in less than 10 minutes) and are able to wipe out a full team of support for tanks. Yet nobody will do something about it and the sniper will tell you he is legit. From my point of view, it is too much luck/skills to be honest. What are the plans on this game to prevent hack/aimbots ? It is really ruining the game, I know several names of those "skilled" sniper and I leave the game as soon as I see them online. The CT server has replay demos available for every match. If you have a complaint about a specific player, let the us know on our discord (discord.tyrant.gg) by providing us with the player's name, the map played, and the approximate time when the match ended. If we find undeniable evidence that cheating is involved, we will issue a permanent ban. Quote
Sn4ke Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) @Renardin I can reenact your doubts if it comes to Renegade X players skills in general. Though I lack the knowlegde (evidence) to convince you, I'd still like to try to explain to you why certain players are likely to cause grief among the community (at least among the active players). First of all: Renegade X is a 100% indie game, the developers are not allowed to realise a profit with this game. It's a project which is fueled by belief, passion & love for the C&C universe in general and C&C Renegade in particular. Im definitely no specialist, but I guess to prevent / inhibit the use of cheats / hacks during online multiplayer matches affords a lot of cash / time (knowledge & experiance). So, what's the reason that some players are just beyond anyone else skill level? There's probably not the "one" answer, but several. Experience - Renegade X is rather unique (apart from the original game ) it's a lot different from the majority of the games and to be an "overpowered" Renegade X player you must fullfill many roles / skills & have a really good knowledge of the game mechanics, map design & METAs "Skill" - I know... a rather subjective term, maybe put it this way - you should learn/have following skills: tactical awareness [ability to analyze situations in regards of tactics], "gamers" awareness, good capacity of reactions, hand-eye coordination. Performance / Equipment - some players run on 15 - 30, some on 100++ FPS... some use gamer keyboards / mice [incl. various possibilities to add keybindings / markos to these..], some use cheap stuff, some use common 60Hz displays, some 144+Hz... The current RenX community / playerbase is really small. Any player with a decent level of skill will outperform on any public match. If there were 10-30x the amount of (active) players, less people would wonder wether some players are "legit" or not - just because the more players you have, the higher the chance that there is an even better player (than the supposed "best") around. "Wolves" are just safe to feast on "sheep" as long as the "bears" don't show up And be assured - those players that might be annoying (overwhelming) for the avg. / casual RenX players get wrecked while playing other online games There's just not enough competition around here so people tend to forget that their current predator might be good/skilled, but there are / were better players around. And there are so many tales of past RenX players that would just laugh about us Back to your post: 3 hours ago, Renardin said: 80 kills each game (in less than 10 minutes) Okaaaaaay, this might be possible (in theory) on certain maps. But this is definitely NOT the norm. 3 hours ago, Renardin said: and are able to wipe out a full team of support for tanks. Yet nobody will do something about it Snipers can (apart from some BH/Deadeye expection) insta-kill any unit with a single bullet [headshot]. Most tankers don't even realise that they've lost their repairs / support until it's too late. If your team doesn't have a player to counter the enemy sniper (solo), this team has to coordinate their actions to succeed over the enemy. Anyone can die. And snipers are vulerable to any kind of damage (they have no armor class!!!), just attack the sniper with different classes and request tankers to help you (might be restricted due to map design though...). And don't forget to call out the enemy snipers position (even better: Q-spot him/her so your team can track them on the overview map). Your sniping team mates should handle the problem from now on [if they are teamplayers indeed ]. The problem why the afore mentioned counter strategy might not work out that well is: stack. While playing on a public server (that is not at capacity!), it's easy for any player to "stack" to his preferred faction & team. It's absolutely legit that players organize themself via TS / Discord / Skype / etc. But ofc it's annoying for these players that are playing solo (using ingame communications only). 3 hours ago, Renardin said: I was able to witness situations where it is nearly impossible for the sniper that I was attacking to make a headshot while dodging my bullets. Another reason which might make people doubt their opponents skill is the game engine. Certain actions are only displayed client sided. The best example here: vehicle gun turrets! Just play CNC-Snow & observe your comrades while they are shooting at the GDI bar / Nod airstrip. Depending from your point of view & their positioning it will seem like they are NOT hitting the enemy building, but the tunnel ceiling! Even seasoned players tend to forget this and ask during PUG games: "hey boyz, why are all of you shooting at the damn ceiling???" A lot of players complain about being killed through walls / obstacles. Well, I do know that this is so annoying & frustrating, but there are some explanations for these occurrences: ping [server is located in Europe, some players are located in the USA or Brazil or China and thus have a high latency] hitbox - even if you think that you are 100% safe & covered behind a rock... your hand, boot or part of your head (hitbox!!) might stick out. And if you're not at 100% health, a Ramjet or Railgun bodyhit can finish you (ofc we have to take Veterancy levels into account too ) map flaws - it might be possible that certain objects / obstacles) do not have a bullet collision. [In general this should NOT happen, but you never know... it's literally impossible to 100% test any map] Last but not least: game engine flaws. Rather debatable topic. I've been discussing this with several devs / moderators before. It's possible to use certain weapons & obstacles in a way that.... will look like you're shooting through a solid wall [opponents point of view!]. So it's indeed possible to kill enemies while being in perfect cover [my personal view] .... Well, I do consider this technique as an exploit / hack, but I do know that there are different opinions on this matter.. [the players using this can - in theory - be killed as they are visible for a (very short - ok: the tiniest value you can imagine *j/k*) time span...] My suggestions for you @Renardin would be: ask for help (team chat ), organise counter meassures, request moderator assistance [server admins have access to server DemoRecs & know a lot of players from observation], change your personal playstyle.. don't be predictable. Avoid to run in straight lines, use your terrain, use 2nd seats (no sniper can kill you inside vehicles ). Unfortunately I'm aware, that my numeration of suggestions might seem useless [cynical] to you. But I really tried to help Regards, Sn4ke Edited October 16, 2017 by DarkSn4ke several typos.. I want to express my sincere apologies to any linguist around here. I'll stash the typos somewhere neat n save if you wanna collect them <3 2 Quote
Ryz Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 2 hours ago, Renardin said: It is really ruining the game, I know several names of those "skilled" sniper and I leave the game as soon as I see them online. I am not saying someone is hacking... But even if people play fair (which I believe they do in most of the cases) the above scenario is something which has to be looked into. I know new players who left the game cause they got killed all the time . They never returned to Ren-X, but I also speak to regular player who indeed just leave when some of the elite snipers are on. Furthermore I see chat about 'hacks' every time I play when those snipers are on. It doesn't mean they hack, but it shows people are just really bothered by it. There are topics which say people should get more skill or train their aim which is also true, but still I think doing something to prevent 'easy' kills would increase the fun for many players and reduce (rage)quit. I know the sniper has been changed a lot and I know 'easy kill' can also be done with other units... Fuhtermore, but I don't see how this can be easily changed, these things would also greatly help: - Balance snipers over teams, or force people with a high k/d to be in separate teams on PUB's (now teams are just randomly selected) - Somehow cap the ability of a sniper once the bar is down and special units are gone. I've played games of Field for example where 3 or 4 snipers just killed us every time we left a building. The enemy team could have finished the game, but instead people were scoring over 100 kills while never attacking the base. The result? The attacked team left and the server emptied.... In reality sniping / farming k/d will always something with which people are focused on or obsessed by and it will be hard to change.... Quote
Renardin Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 2 hours ago, CampinJeff said: The CT server has replay demos available for every match. If you have a complaint about a specific player, let the us know on our discord (discord.tyrant.gg) by providing us with the player's name, the map played, and the approximate time when the match ended. If we find undeniable evidence that cheating is involved, we will issue a permanent ban. I would recommande to check the games of yesterday for Shpetim and Striker on UNDER map. Quote
Sn4ke Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 27 minutes ago, Renardin said: I would recommande to check the games of yesterday for Shpetim and Striker on UNDER map. I recommend that you send this as a private Forums msg to Jeff or as he mentioned above, join CT discord [http://discord.tyrant.gg/]. Also keep in mind to give as many details as possible 3 hours ago, CampinJeff said: ...by providing us with the player's name, the map played, and the approximate time when the match ended... ## 34 minutes ago, Ryz said: I am not saying someone is hacking... But even if people play fair (which I believe they do in most of the cases) the above scenario is something which has to be looked into. I know new players who left the game cause they got killed all the time . They never returned to Ren-X, but I also speak to regular player who indeed just leave when some of the elite snipers are on. Furthermore I see chat about 'hacks' every time I play when those snipers are on. It doesn't mean they hack, but it shows people are just really bothered by it. A lot of (new) players lack the capability to adept & learn. No offence meant, but there are so many players around here that think "I got pro-aiming, I'm a seasoned CS:GO / whatever player, I'll kick anyones butt here.." which is just.... ridicoulous. RenX can be frustrating for new players - yes. @j0g32 is working on a tutorial mission. And it's up to any new player to step up and ask for assistance / help / explanation of the game mechanics. Anyone is welcome to join the official RenX Discord Server - https://renegade-x.com/discord - ask for help and someone will try to do so 39 minutes ago, Ryz said: Fuhtermore, but I don't see how this can be easily changed, these things would also greatly help: off-topic, you should post this on one of the various feedback / balance discussion on the Feedback section [https://renegade-x.com/forums/forum/9-feedback-bug-reports/] e.g.: [darn, this topic was hijacked. it started with a simple suggestion (change the raver / pic reticle?) ] Regards, Sn4ke Quote
Radeon3 Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) RenX doesn’t have the proper anticheat tools nor the resources to create anticheat solutions. A recorded demo is only good to detect blatant cheaters. It doesn’t even shows overlays, memory hacks or modifications to the core engine. Currently we don't even have rules in regards how the engine can be modified. Any veteran gamer knows that video footage of one’s gameplay doesn’t prove anything. There could be any process in the background which „assist” aiming (aimbot, triggerbot). A good aimbot is barely distinguishable from human input. To detect an aimbot you have to watch the footage and recognise patterns made by algorithm split second just before hits. Triggerbots are much simpler, I don’t believe it can be detected by analising video footage if used reasonably. A solution could be a watchdog program which checks for attached processed to the exe file, checks memory integrity or sophisticated measures which analyse samples of how straight your inputs are before landing headshots. The basic ones are included in Steam (VAC), custom made measures are mostly integrated into the game's launcher. UDK has been on the market for 8 years and hackers mapped its vulnerabilities a long time ago. What are the chances that someone took the time bring those to RenX? Competitive games based on the UT engine like Paladins have to come up with new countermeasures to this day. If you are a logical person who makes decisions based on objective knowledge, then it’s clear for you too that players with outstanding aim are in the grey zone. They might use bots/hacks or could be legit. Inspecting recorded demos, videos or streams might give the assumption that someone is legit. But due to the nature of these crude „tools” (compared to AC measures) it could be far from a fact that someone is indeed legit. Unfortunately the recorddemo is our current best tool, in my view it's only good to get proof on an obvious cheater or to give (possibly false) hope that we are cheater free. Neither side is correct when unconditionally accusing someone of cheating or automatically claiming that it must have been skill. Either way the skilled "aimers" are legit or not, I hope one day their actions affecting gameplay, moral and the game's appeal to new players will be properly addressed. Edited October 16, 2017 by Radeon3 Toyps :) 5 2 Quote
RustyShackleford Posted October 18, 2017 Posted October 18, 2017 On 10/16/2017 at 6:43 AM, Renardin said: I would recommande to check the games of yesterday for Shpetim and Striker on UNDER map. I don't cheat... in fact I'm often streaming. But I dont have views nor some pro account so my streams get deleted after 2 weeks. this is all I have https://clips.twitch.tv/HumbleSmellyClintmullinsRalpherZ @Psypher ahahahahah 1 Quote
--==00G==-- Posted October 19, 2017 Posted October 19, 2017 @whoisshpetim AHAHAHAHAHA. Been waiting to see this from the good end :D. Here I was being all polite and chatty. And you all shooty ;D. Was a fun game though. Also dear players, there are people better than you. There are people better than me. They don't have to be a hacker to be better. BREATH! Learn. Shoot them in the belly! (bonus points if you get this reference). Quote
Sn4ke Posted October 19, 2017 Posted October 19, 2017 anyone knows, that "shpetim" is a notorious glitcher Quote
Radeon3 Posted October 19, 2017 Posted October 19, 2017 47 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said: anyone knows, that "shpetim" is a notorious glitcher He was banned from EKT for the same reason. Apparently he knows how to avoid the banhammer after all this time. Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted October 19, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 19, 2017 (edited) 27 minutes ago, Radeon3 said: He was banned from EKT for the same reason. Apparently he knows how to avoid the banhammer after all this time. Or says that because there's no blocking volume it's not considered out of map while insulting my map making on the basis of an ingame command. Edited October 19, 2017 by Sarah! 1 Quote
ghjke Posted October 19, 2017 Posted October 19, 2017 I stay whit Renardin. Acctually u can take a look on post "Ways you can help us keep cheaters away ". Or better dont , this community dont know for justice. I had witnessed on one situation , i was on teamspeak whit some moderators, we played and in one secund EVA (if i good remeber) said "jpj... detected aimbot..." someting like that . And what happaned ? In that moment our moderator gone in Jpj teamspeak room , and they are talking something, and jpj come back. So good luck whit that . Quote
RustyShackleford Posted October 19, 2017 Posted October 19, 2017 12 hours ago, Sarah! said: Or says that because there's no blocking volume it's not considered out of map while insulting my map making on the basis of an ingame command. There is no blocking volume at that spot on Walls on the left of nod ref. You can walk there in a straight line without a vehicle, without jumping, without glitching. It is apart of the map. You don't even get an Out of map boundary message warning. This spot is apart of the map as much as the rock cave on GDIs side of the map. I told you to check the volumes yourself. It wasn't an insult I was defending my self against your accusation. Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted October 20, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 20, 2017 4 hours ago, RustyShackleford said: There is no blocking volume at that spot on Walls on the left of nod ref. You can walk there in a straight line without a vehicle, without jumping, without glitching. It is apart of the map. You don't even get an Out of map boundary message warning. This spot is apart of the map as much as the rock cave on GDIs side of the map. I told you to check the volumes yourself. It wasn't an insult I was defending my self against your accusation. I mean you said "If you're so good at making maps you'd know you can do f5 show volumes" Sounds a bit aggressive to me. And if I really believed what I said you wouldn't have finished that match Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted October 20, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 20, 2017 5 hours ago, ghjke said: I stay whit Renardin. Acctually u can take a look on post "Ways you can help us keep cheaters away ". Or better dont , this community dont know for justice. I had witnessed on one situation , i was on teamspeak whit some moderators, we played and in one secund EVA (if i good remeber) said "jpj... detected aimbot..." someting like that . And what happaned ? In that moment our moderator gone in Jpj teamspeak room , and they are talking something, and jpj come back. So good luck whit that . We record every game and I personally review every legitimate accusation that is reported to me. While other staff members probably receive the same complaints, I only speak for myself. This past week I have reviewed 3 recordings also. And the "aimbot detected" is based on a system that checks for headshot ratio to kills. The ratio is configurable by the admins of each server. It is possible it was set low or he was just having a good game. I wasn't there but that's just my opinion. And if they joined the room, they obviously wanted to clear up a mistake if it happened or talk to him about the auto ban. So if you want to try and catch these "aimbotters" using a super old engine that provides really bad methods for anti cheat and cheat detection, be my guest! 1 Quote
--==00G==-- Posted October 20, 2017 Posted October 20, 2017 I wasn't' there. But I believe if a mod gives a directive, and say something is not allowed, end of argument. I know of a few spots on various maps you can "jump" you way onto various interesting spots. Goldrush and Reservoir come to mind. I'm not sure if these "jump tricks" count as areas of the map intended to be inaccessible, or as just cool little spots. Irregardless, whatever a mod/admin/ or the map creator says is what goes. We have small community, too often I read threads or see in game claims of hacking/aimbotting/glitching, mainly due to certain players just flat out outclassing the rest of us in skill (ex @poi I've killed him 1v1, I've seen his bullets clearly missing, that ain't the norm though, normally i just go right to a quick grave ). Nod fights GDI, outside of that, we don't need to fight each other :D. Respect the mods, respect each other. Have fun. Quote
Renardin Posted November 1, 2017 Posted November 1, 2017 (edited) A switch to Unreal Engine 4 should be started maybe. It will require a lot of code from what I know but it would be better for this game. Anyway, the leaderboard seems to record data from all servers : Example : http://leaderboard.renegade-x.com/profile?id=76561198272283093&database=All-Time 23000 Headshots for about the same amount of game as me... and I have 56 headshots for all my games. 23K headshots... go trough the leaderboard, it's easy to spot. his many nicknames are : っぽい poi ぽい. ぽい✿ ぽい.✿ ぽい Cheeky BiiBii bibii ㅇwㅇ For JPJ palyer : 3 accounts : http://leaderboard.renegade-x.com/profile?id=76561198155078298&database=All-Time 12800+ HS Just make a Ratio of HS VS game for each player on the leaderboard. For an example; Dr.Schrott has 1,5 headshot per game. Decent ratio for a good player. Also the top 10 players of the leaderboard fails to go above 1K of Headshots. Anyone to make me a an export of the full leaderboard ? I will then make a Google Sheet with the stat conclusion for each. Edited November 1, 2017 by Renardin 1 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted November 1, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted November 1, 2017 @Renardin maybe I math wrong but 23,866 ÷ 2111 = 11 (Rounded down) So realistically that is 11 headshots per game. Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted November 1, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted November 1, 2017 (edited) @Renardin It shows headshot kill ratio on their page. jpj's is .28... less than 1/3rd Edited November 1, 2017 by Sarah! Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted November 1, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted November 1, 2017 3 hours ago, Renardin said: Also the top 10 players of the leaderboard fails to go above 1K of Headshots. And obviously if they play for kills they wouldn't get as many points as those who play for objectives and tanking. Score has nothing to do with headshot ratios, so comparing to top of 10 players is irrelevant. 1 Quote
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