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Have you already finished Advanced Guard Tower? It has those machine guns with short laser beams that just aren't any realistic.

Just a though but maybe you could add some kind of mist/fog around AGT's tower so those laser things are really realistic to see. That could also be a nice detail to the building. ;)

Edit. I know that this game isn't about realism but those original short laser beams just vanish in thin air and look plain stupid to me.

QUOTE (AkuKo @ May 23 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit. I know that this game isn't about realism but those original short laser beams just vanish in thin air and look plain stupid to me.[/b]

They aren't vanishing. If you've ever used or seen a real laser-pointer before, you would know that you can't actually see the beam. Only the source and the point it is hitting. The only time you can actually see the beam is if there is some sort of particles floating around that the light bounces off of.

In the game, they show off the first bit of it to show the player that they are laser guided. However, your eyes can't actually see the beam itself, which is why it looks as if it 'vanishes' in front of it.

Perhaps it would make more sense, logically, if the machine guns had some sort of exhaust port in front of the laser source that way there could be floating particles that allow us to see the beam near the source.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 24 2009, 01:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They aren't vanishing. If you've ever used or seen a real laser-pointer before, you would know that you can't actually see the beam. Only the source and the point it is hitting. The only time you can actually see the beam is if there is some sort of particles floating around that the light bounces off of.

In the game, they show off the first bit of it to show the player that they are laser guided. However, your eyes can't actually see the beam itself, which is why it looks as if it 'vanishes' in front of it.

Perhaps it would make more sense, logically, if the machine guns had some sort of exhaust port in front of the laser source that way there could be floating particles that allow us to see the beam near the source.[/b]

Well that exactly what i tried to say :)

If it would have some kind of ventilation or valves (maybe AGT's guns or enormous targetting computer is water cooled) that would release evaporated water outside and allow those beams to be seen.

Just a random question. Are all of the original songs from renegade going to be used? (The answer was probably poasted somwhere in this 26 page topic and I'm to lazy to read every page) Also, (another dumb question :unsure: ) if i wanted to add a random song to play in the background would I have to add it in the game file or can there be a way to add songs in-game.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Our Renegade X songs will be available for listening to ingame, with a C&C-style built in media player like in the RTS games.

You can find all of our songs on our Mod DB page.

QUOTE (Qbert @ Jun 5 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm to lazy to read every page[/b]

Almost every question is summarized in the very first post, except for questions from the last 3-5 pages usually.

QUOTE (Qbert @ Jun 5 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if i wanted to add a random song to play in the background would I have to add it in the game file or can there be a way to add songs in-game[/b]

Turn off the in-game music and run Winamp or media player of choice in the background.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jun 5 2009, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So... that's a no, right?[/b]

Yes that would be a no to adding your own music. It's for the same reason that you won't be able to customize skins (the UT3 data structure and package system.)

I'm not sure if this question was asked or answered but after the mod is done, each server will be able use it's own custom mods for this mod ?


So here on my own acc ^^

QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Jun 12 2009, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure if this question was asked or answered but after the mod is done, each server will be able use it's own custom mods for this mod ?[/b]

Dont know about the question, but it has been answered at least two times =). Last time it was the post before yours.

QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Jun 6 2009, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes that would be a no to adding your own music. It's for the same reason that you won't be able to customize skins (the UT3 data structure and package system.)[/b]

The reason for this is that it would be counted as another version, if I remember correctly. So only if everyone downloaded the same stuff and installed it in the same way, it would work. The updater like in the normal UT3 games doesnt work (again, if I remember it correctly)



Will the GDI soldier still do more damage then the NOD one?

Also is the point system going to be based on the one before or after the point fix?

I hope you can answer my questions

Thanks in advance.

QUOTE (Ban4life @ Jun 12 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dont know about the question, but it has been answered at least two times =). Last time it was the post before yours.


Please read this attentively: "each server will be able use it's own custom mods for this mod ?"

The previos post was: "Yes that would be a no to adding your own music. It's for the same reason that you won't be able to customize skins (the UT3 data structure and package system.)"

My question was about server side mods, while that answer refers to client side mods.

hi im new to renegade X, i have a few dumb questions i hope you guys could please help me with.

1. where can i get this game?

2. what else do i need to play this game?

3. this is multiplayer?

any additional info that you think someone new should know, before buying the game should know please feel free to post it


Read the first post in this thread. It has answers to all your questions and many other common questions.

1. It isn't released yet but when we do release it you'll be able to get it from our site, from ModDB, and probably FileFront and other download mirrors. (It's a mod for UT3, not a game, so it's free. [Of course UT3 isn't free.])

2. You need Unreal Tournament III and the latest patch (at the moment the 2.0 patch and Titan Pack are the most recent).

3. This is Internet multiplayer and Instant Action (skirmish) against the bots. No single player campaign any time in the near future since we want to polish all of the multiplayer modes. Maybe some time in the future after we have multiplayer polished (which will be after many releases) we might do a campaign.


This is more of a question/reply to what Fobby said in this thread: http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=2610

Fobby said that with regards to having people (clients) place their own files into the game's directory in order to change the way the game looks and sounds. I agree with disabling that. However, I do think that it would be a good idea to have a list of various "Boink" options that players can change themselves. Obviously the default would be the default Renegade one.. but there should be a bunch of different short sound effects that players can select for their own boink.. all already within the game itself.

(For example, instead of just "BOINK!" there should be an option to change it to Fobby saying "X!" like he did in the April fool's video. :V)

  • Totem Arts Staff
I don't see why all sounds should not be changeable, besides maybe footsteps.[/b]

Because you can't do that in UT3 unless it's a server-side mutator. Plus, people could easily change things like superweapon beacons to make them more easily heard.

Not sure if it's been asked yet but, having just played UT3 and tried a bunch of different mods(all of which have no servers at all)...

I fear that Renegade X will suffer from a lack of actual players willing to keep servers up.

So, I ask... why did you guys choose an essentially dead(or dying) game to develop your mod for?


We chose it while it was still in development before it was even called UT3. We couldn't predict what kind of success it would have in the market.

But in any case, Renegade is still going and it is much much older than UT3. This is a testament to its solid gameplay and it still has many servers, which should be an indicator of the draw our remake should get.


I certainly hope you guys meet success with the mod.

I personally cannot wait to play it, I just really hope that the mod's release brings on the Renegade players to the game.


I haven't played UT3 long enough to find out if this was fixed. :unsure:

at the beginning of matches when there is a certain number of players (idk.. 16+) they would spawn on top of each other and some lucky bot gets a kill. is that (if it still exists) going to be a problem in ren x?

QUOTE (Qbert @ Jun 26 2009, 10:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I haven't played UT3 long enough to find out if this was fixed. :unsure:
at the beginning of matches when there is a certain number of players (idk.. 16+) they would spawn on top of each other and some lucky bot gets a kill. is that (if it still exists) going to be a problem in ren x?[/b]

What? I know it has always been an issue in the very first (and best) UT. But I've never seen it happen in any server I played on. It usually happens that you spawn a fraction later then bots or some other players after they moved off their spawnpoints.
  • 2 weeks later...

What's with the Russian "no"? :P

After thinking about it, it was a stupid question anyway... The cargo plane would either have to spit out flares while it is still far away or it would have to shoot them in the middle of the nod base, burning people's head off.


Will there be any attempts at voice acting in this game?

For example:

-Radio commands

-Character dialogue

-Death/Damage cries

-Battle announcements (EVA and anything similar)


Or will it all be copy/pasted from either Renegade or UT3 itself?


In the gameplay footage videos (for example http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/video...meplay-footage), you only see the target's health when you are actually mouse-over'ing that target, unlike renegade where the bar stays for a bit. Will this be changed to old Renegade or will it stay like it is now? (good thing of this, is that you can't see where someone is behind a wall after that player toke cover, so I wouldn't mind if it stays like this, just wondering)


I quickly browsed the topic and didn't see this one asked: forgive me if its been asked already

Is there any chance of including mirror matches? Nod vs Nod, GDI vs GDI, etc.

I always felt this was a short coming of the original game, as it hindered tournament play a bit. Great mod, really looking forward to it.


Maps are made previously set up for each team to play in their pre-designed locations. For there to be mirror matches, three different versions of each map would need to be made (4 if you want to add in the ability to swap team locations)

You would need:

1. GDI vs Nod version of the map

2. Nod vs GDI version (swapped locations) of the map

3. GDI vs GDI version of the map

4. Nod vs Nod version of the map

I think it would take too much work for one map.. but hey, I'm not on the dev team so I don't know what they would consider to be too much work.

QUOTE (Vipeax @ Jul 23 2009, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In the gameplay footage videos (for example http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/video...meplay-footage), you only see the target's health when you are actually mouse-over'ing that target, unlike renegade where the bar stays for a bit. Will this be changed to old Renegade or will it stay like it is now? (good thing of this, is that you can't see where someone is behind a wall after that player toke cover, so I wouldn't mind if it stays like this, just wondering)[/b]

We're still working on the highlight system and have a basic version working (which I think you might see in the next video we do). But like other things there are still bugs to work out.
QUOTE (Techno @ Jul 26 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Will vehicle massing still be possible?[/b]


Fobby, I saw on the new video that shells are on. Is that gonna be a server side option or standard? btw...I hate shells. :)
  • Totem Arts Staff

Those aren't vehicle shells that you can repair and bring back. We do not have a system like this. Vehicle hulls just remain after a vehicle is destroyed for about 5 seconds.

Anyway there is no need to "tank mass" in Renegade X as the vehicle limit will be a server side option. Standard will be set to 8 including the harvester, but the limit is up to the server.


What's the limit to the limit?

Err.. what's the maximum amount of vehicles a host can allow in their server? Is there one?

Also, question about the vehicle shells. You said they go away after about 5 seconds or so.. how does that go about happening? Do they just disappear like in UT3? Or will they have some sort of after-effect that explains their disappearance? (Like a second explosion or burning into nothingness.)

In my opinion, it would be kinda lame to have them just disappear... but don't take that the wrong way. You have made far too much great stuff in the mod to outweigh some minor "lame" detail.


Going back for a minute, to when you mentioned the sounds for the commands and EVA announcements...

If someone 'happened' to have a custom set of audio files, would you guys consider using them if they were half-way decent?

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