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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Will the outpost have any capturable facilities on them? (Haven't had time to watch the videos) Really like the look of this map.
  2. You're right! A lack of a XXX video of the russian woman from the RA3 cutscenes when you complete the Russian campaign was a complete turn-off. Fuck electronc arts.
  3. There has been mention of a better system for servers to auto-balance players, a system which will keep teams fair and balanced each and every game, I honestly feel any auto-balancing system is doomed to fail if players can swap teams the moment a new game has loaded and whilst other players are still joining... So no immediate ability to swap team when a game has loaded would be absolutely fabulous. [This isn't to stop teamstacking specifically, this is to give auto-balancing a chance to work before other players fck it up, for the good of the game.] Regarding the numpty dumpty players... When a game lasts a long time with both teams losing buildings, or if a game lasts a long time with one team being dominated until they take advantage of a team cocked up on their dominance or just a fun siege or just any game which lasts over 40 minutes, this is automatically a good game. In fact, I find that longer games and games in general are only ruined when players start wanting a map change because they've run out of money and/or ideas (i.e. they are bored) and these are the players not worth listening to, because a bored player is unwilling to engage with the game. They usually let everybody know they suck at being a player in general by babbling some bullshlitz in the chat and this can put people off in several different ways causing several different consequences. It happened on a singular and theme-specific RP community server on Gmod I admin'd and once we handled these players directly the population count shot back up to 40/40 & 60/60. (Rp servers are hard to keep populated) What I am getting at is: players who abuse the chat by spewing gamehate need muting, "but freedom of speech!"-No. You are bored. You are blaming the game to be less bored. Everybody consider this; The moment a player starts blaming the game in chat because they are bored consider them trolling. Forums are for criticising the game, not the server. Nobody is an exception, even if a regular babbles gamehate out of boredom then letting a regular get away with this is 10x worse. Admins/Mods muting players just let people on the server be aware it has been done otherwise nobody learns. Don't bother to kick or ban, that is OTT and will have dire consequences. If you mute them they will just leave of their own accord or they will buckle up and play. Players can VoteMute other players right? If not then they should be able to so servers can be more self-moderated. Q-Commands are still possible for muted players so don't worry about them not being able to "help" should they actually keep playing. [P.S. typed this using phone, expect grammatical mistakes]
  4. Blinky light needs to be much brighter and more visible from longer distances.
  5. By the time I whip my pistol out I usually die before I finish my load so I haven't noticed much of a difference.
  6. Gripping my ass for the day navmesh appears in the patchnotes.
  7. I figured the EMP status voiceover is via kismet therefore it is a map-related volume setting?
  8. Jokes on you @Gliven! CNC Valkyrie is so damn big it will be an extraordinary flying map that RenX needs. (But nobody wants) and your face will be full of 3 poorly blended materials just like Frostbite!!!!!1!!eleven!11!! (criii)
  9. If you're near the tower you'll hear it for sure and know not to run down the strip..?
  10. I have had very little difficulty in telling the team to stfu and march on in the past, not hard to motivate people when all you do is make them feel bad for being dick etc. (i.e. Motivation by way of Knocking down to pick them up) That still leaves for an imbalance from the start of a game doesn't it? The issue is more of people swapping before everybody joins a public game on the next round. Disabling team swapping after 1 minute is like saying. "If your computer and internet are fast enough, you can swap teams because you have managed to join within the first minute" Whereas if you disable team swapping for the first 10 minutes the server/game can balance the teams into the next round and any players which have left after 10 minutes the remaining players can swap only if there is an imbalance. TL:DR "Disable team swapping after 1 minute." <--- Idiotic & partially-elitist.
  11. Running around a building doesn't take longer than running along a flat runway?
  12. So... Disable team swapping for the first 10 minutes of every game?
  13. *barren. Yes. Apologies.
  14. RenX could have the best team balancing in the world but if people swap teams upon joining a game before everybody in the previous game has joined then efforts of auto-balancing made by the game will be undermined. The difference between two players can change a game massively depending on their role, if a team is left without people to communicate on that teams' behalf then that team will suffer. Commander mod enabling in-game voice chat for the three assigned roles would be a bit of a game-changer. I.e. unless a player already has Discord or TS they don't care.
  15. Being able to hear that one is quite important, but that is map specific. (Right? @Ruud033 The volume of that can be modified via the map with the UDK?)
  16. The quick Remote C4 detonation upon toss was once a tactic used by drunks and hookers to blow you at the first sign of trouble when dressed as an engineer, this made their enemies fall to their knees too easily and was deemed unfair so a delay was added to nerf their effectiveness.
  17. Go to where the bastards congregate and you will find their beacon. (which is quite obvious if the beacon is on the landing strip) Maybe the blinky light needs to be brighter, the light itself always being visible through foliage? (grass & leaves)
  18. All of these plz. In fact, updating the scoreboard to have Repair Points, Offensive Points and Defensive Points to replace Kills, Deaths and K/D would be useful in encouraging the gameplay RenX expects from the teams playing. RP, OP, DP could then be based accordingly; Repair Points: Repairing Infantry/Vehicles/Buildings. Offensive Points: Any points achieved on the enemy teams side of the map. Defensive Points: Any points achieved on your teams side of the map. Or however the game dictates who gets into those 'MVP' slots at the endgame. All three combined add to your overall score. Team Swapping should be enabled 10 minutes into a game imo. (Basically when a team is allowed to surrender) The Commander mod had two other unassigned slots, @yosh56 Any chance of adding "Tank Commander" [Blue?] and "Base Commander" [Orange?] into those unassigned slots as additional roles whenever you get round to fixin'up the Commander Mod? I miss the additional interface stuff such as player-set objectives and the upto-5 targets so gosh darn much.
  19. The EMP was not firing, for it had fired earlier and was currently recharging. Although it could very well be linked to the kismet, either that or there is some other element in the map causing a mass-crash...
  20. The map crashed, 60 of us were playing and evryone was forced into a team building exercise as we synchronised the experience of a crash. Apparently its the map, the game could possibly have been fed up of people team swapping from losers to winners. We changed map. Blankets were given to those suffering from withdrawal.
  21. They say he who uses the shaft gun will find themselves filled with precious shaft juices 7 days later.
  22. TeamSpeak has been pretty baron lately and this make me a cry.
  23. If death is by suicide then allies shouldn't be hurt, if that is at all possible. In this case the only way a suicide can occur with explosive death is if a unit with remote C4s self-destructs or if a player is standing next to their own timed c4 for long enough. Seems unlikely.
  24. That's really cool and I now better understand the shape and order of the sub-level rooms. Nice one dude! I love the accuracy, you're on the right path of constructing the best recreation of the Temple of Nod to date.
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