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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. I'll look at your mod. But before I'll start continue on it, at first I'd like to see some feedbacks from people who are willing to try out this mutator in this early stage to see if it's worth to continue working on it.
  2. I made an extend for Rx_Pawn_SBH but I don't know how to add it into the mutator. I also tried to override Rx_Pawn_SBH and add regeneration function into it. I named it Rx_Pawn_SBH_regen and then tried to replace it with this code: but it's still not working. I am lost. Anybody know what to do?
  3. I see what's the problem. Trying to fix it now. Thanks
  4. I did not. I extended it. It should work if the main Rx_pawn file is same, right? Tell me if its not correct. As I said, If you have any suggestions how to correct or edit this mutator, let me know, because I'm not very experienced and fully understand these things. You can also decompile it according to the BroTranquilty's tutorial and freely use the code and also edit it.
  5. Full change list Generaly changes Armor and health regeneration: -armor starts to regenerate after 8 seconds from the last tooked damage to its maximum. -health starts to regenerate after 8 seconds from the last tooked damage to 25 if it's less than 25hp. New time to kill: -Tier 1 character (100hp) - min TTK 0.55 sec -Tier 2 character (150hp) - min TTK 0.66 sec -Tier 3 character (200hp) - min TTK 0.77 sec -Tier 4 character (250hp) - min TTK 0.88 sec -Average TTK is 1-2+ secs -There is no more headshot damage multiplier for infantry. So there is no more 1 hit kill. -Infinite ammo. -weapons has been rebalanced -snipers and SBHs shouldn't be unfair and pain in the ass anymore Character changes Soldier -projectile speed has been increased -range has been increased -ammo in clip has beed decreased Shotgunner -range has been substantially increased -fire speed has been moderately increased Grenadier -grenades no more explodes on impact. -increased explosion radius -primary fire shoot's further Flame trooper -flamethrower should act like the real one. Projectile rises up a little bit. -it's easier to hit the target but the most damage does the center of the projectile -projectile speed has been moderately increased Marksman -fire speed has been slightly decreased. So if you click like a mad it shoots slower. It's better to time when to click Officer -range increased -ammo in clip has been decreased McFarland -Fire speed has been substantially increased -range has been increased -secondary fire costs 3 ammo now Chemical trooper -projectile speed has been increased -projectile is affected by gravity now -it's easier to hit the target but the most damage does the center of the projectile Rocket soldier -explosion radius has been increased -lock on time has been decreased from 1 to 0.8sec Sniper -now kills free infantry in 2 hits. Highter tier characters kills in 3 hits. -slight hipfire spread has been added Gunner -explosion radius has been increased -projectile speed has been slightly increased Patch -fire speed has been substantially increased -ammo in clip has been decreased SBH -laser rifle act more like burst rifle: -rifle is no more automatic -fire speed in burst has been increased -ammo in clip has been decreased Ramjet -now kills everybody in 2 hits -slight hipfire spread has been added Railgun/personal ion cannon -now kills in 2 hits -difference between Ramjet and railgun is it's fire speed. Ramjet kills you faster. What was planned to be added Generaly changes -repair gun secondary fire locks on friendly units. -adjust sidearm weapons and vehicles for new gameplay. -make grenades to be permamntly pinned to your inventory with timed c4. -decrease toxic damage over time. Weapons changes Pistol -decrease fire speed so you have to actually time when to click to shoot faster instead of clicking like a mad -increase range SMG -increase range Carbine -make it burst-fire weapon -increase range Tiberium flechete rifle -decrease fire speed -decrease ammo in clip (it should act like automatic pistol) Tiberium auto rifle -won't be automatic anymore. Heavy pistol -increase projectile speed -decrease fire speed Grenades -increase explosion radius -make it not bouncing too much
  6. WARNING: Not compatible with the new patch!!! Hello guys! I was working on mutator named Hardcore mode. It's not even complete. It's ready for infantry only gameplay (becouse tanks are weak in this mutator) and sidearm weapons are not adjusted for this. It's just a little demonstration about how the game could look like in my eyes. I am not going to continue working on this mutator due to my little skills in programing. I simply don't know how to continue. This mutator brings: -balanced characters -less space for mistakes while fighting -infantry/characters are much more specialisated, unique, and fun to play. HardCore mutator download: CNC-Valley?Mutator=Hardcore.AHardCore[/i] so it should look like this: "C:\...\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" CNC-Valley?Mutator=Hardcore.AHardCore 4)Play it. 5)Don't forget to add bots. Press ~ and write addBots All I would like to know is if you like it or not. Full changelist is down below ˇ HardCore.rar
  7. Ok, got it. Let's see what I can do about it. Thank you Yosh
  8. So, I've been making progress with my mutator and now I am stuck again. I have been trying to replace carbine in purchase terminal by my own carbine. And this error message I get when I tried to compile it. And this is that part of mutator code: Don't worry, I am NOT working on Call of Duty mod Thank you for any respond
  9. I can't belive it's finally working! Thank you RypeL! This is how it should look like: I had an example of what I needed in front of my eyes all the time. I am soo dumb. But hey, I am definitely going to find use for the rest of the codes that you posted
  10. I think I am getting very close. If nobody will help me in this phase now, then I get stuck at this forever. Please help. This is my second version of codes. And its not working: +
  11. In the first script I tried to replace original file named: Rx_Weapon_Pistol with file that has edited values in it. I named it: Rx_Weapon_Pistol_HC The second script is the file with edited values in it. And I want the game to use this values instead of original ones. I don't know if it's matters. I thought I can name it Potato if I want O_o It's just a name of file and script. I guess... Oh men I feel so bad and demotivated. I am complete noob.
  12. Guys...I'm cornered. I have my vision of mutator but I don't have nothing to bounce from. I have read several websites with Mutator tutorials for UT3, KillingFloor and general Mutator tutorials. I also tried to learn from downloaded Mutators from servers and this webside.. I didn't found nothing what I needed Well, I tried to edit the values for the basic pistol, which I think would be the easiest, to know if my next mutators gonna work. This is my codes: + Compilation didn't show any error message. I'm completely new in this, without any previous experience in coding, and I'm trying to create my own mutator for the third day already. Without any success.
  13. Ok, I replaced it with ...accorgind to RypeL's tutorial. Instead of And now it runs with Rx_Mutator. Thx I guess. I don't know what's the difference but I did it @_o
  14. Well, hell it's working! I don't know whats wrong, but I think I'm gonna stick with Mutator extend Thank you! It's time to experiment for me.
  15. Nope. I couldn't even run this simple mutator which does nohing. I was following step by step. Tried it multiple times. But the result was alway same-I can't test it. I tried "...\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe"?Mutator=Extra.FasterHarvies also "...\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe?Mutator=Extra.FasterHarvies" Not working. When I try to save changes It throws error messages at me, that the target name is invalid. Also when I try to compile this sctipt in Unreal Frontend: It throws error message at me Error, Superclass UTMutator of class FasterHarvies not found So I had to correct the code (I don't even know if it's right but I saw it in another tutorials) like this: class FasterHarvies extends Mutator; And then it worked. Also I am not using Udk-2013-07 but SDK.. I hope it doesn't matter
  16. "...\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" Nwm I am just dump. I didn't even created any mutator. I just changed few values in source code and saved it in MyMutator/Classes/ folder. Sorry I am trying to get into it... I never worked with codes before. Moderators, please, remove this thread so players who actually made a mutator won't be confused looking for answer here. But hey. Thx for respond. I actually get it from your instructions.
  17. Not working for me. Target folder is not avaiable... I guess that changing values in source code isn't all what is needed to create a simple mutator. God damn it.
  18. Hello there I am total NOOB and I was trying to learn something and was doing my own mutator BUT I dont know how to test it now! What the hell is this curse??? I didn't get nothing from it. Can somebody please explain to me how do I test my mutator, step by step? Just like you was explaining this to your grandma. Please Thank you
  19. Didn't he... just voted... maraton Field? I see why he loves fire so much! There is deamon living in him!!! Curse you.
  20. Balance issues and snipers is not the only thing I mentioned. It's just one of problems. Neither average TTK is not the problem. I can deal with snipers very well...in tank. That why I mostly play as SBH or in tank. Playing as infantry simply doesn't feel fair (not only becouse of snipers and tanks). The most infantry (their weapons) is nonintuitive to play. As I said before: The whole fact, that it is able 1 hit kill in react time 1:1->0 TTK is enought reason to fix it in such a game like this. It is pretty understandable that in games like CS and CoD are snipers able of it, becouse TTK in this games starts from 0-0.2s + mega hipfire spread, but it's not understandable in Renegade X. Question for you: Why do you think that the most of the new players do not stay in this game, if we know the problem is not attracting new ppl?
  21. The problem is not in attracting new people, but in keeping them. +1 for email notifications The fact is, that playing is not much comfortable for modern player. There are a few things that doesn't smell much serious, and infantry characters are not much balanced and some characters just feels nonintuitive to play with. I am sorry, but if average TTK is 1-2sec+, there should't be sniper which is able to instant kill anyone. Don't care if there is skill needed for it,.. the whole fact that this is possible is enought reason to fix it. Somehow. Or make sniper limit.
  22. Even though you see these "small" things worthless due to difficulty of coding, this things positively changes overal view on the game. I'd much rather see a pick up mechanic in the game, instead of defusing/removing your own c4/mines with repair gun.
  23. Let's put aside this problem for a moment. We will see if change is needed after building armor patch.
  24. Fairy tales. The fact of what Med. tank is able to do, is sufficient to understand that you can't compare Med.tank with LT. If you want add this mutator, I suggest that GDI will always -3 vehicle limit if WF is down, while Nod's vehicle limit stay same. Fact: Med. tank: +more overal damage, big explosion radius, more health, easy to repair (you can camp in safe of it's big body), it's fast (yes, it is) If you try, it's easy to dodge projectiles too. This is the reason, why Med is main battle tank of GDI. Light tank: +it's faster, finish off vehicle. -difficult to heal, low damage, small explosion radius This definitely has nothing to do with the definition of main battle vehicle of Nod. Flame tank: +same as med tank, bigger damage -shorter range Med vs ftank=1:1=longer range vs bigger damage. Main battle vehicles. But I still disagree with this mutator.There shouldn't be these tanks for those who lost AS/WF.
  25. No way. You can't compare light tank with medium tank. Medium tank is universal tank for any situation. And light tank.. well... It's something like... what is it for? Maybe support unit and finisher if opp is running with low health. You defenitely won't destroy building with it. If you make med's purchaseable, I want flame tank's then! The reason, why I want only Buggy/Humvee, APC, and Chinok purchaseable is, you can do decent damage with it. If opp team is completely useless and you lost your AS/ WF just becouse of one sneaky EKT-Recky, you can still win. Ofc you won't be able to destroy building with it, but you can do engineer rushes in it, and ion/nuke spamming with it's cover, or Rocket soldier rushes. But it's not OP, so if your team won't grow up with help of mystical power, you don't deserve to win and shouldnt be able to defend the base, just like it is now. Opp team buys 4 mammys, 2 meds, 4 mrls's and 2 APCs and defend the base to the end of round or just get tired and log out.
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