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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. This is an interesting idea. I'd like to see this change in the game.
  2. I think they shoud get bigger projectile to compensate DPS nerf from Beta3. It would also make bigger sence to me, becouse it shoots electric discharge, which should jump to and hit near targets close to its direction of flight. Now it hits only dot in middle of screen just like flame soldier does, and this is one of that WTF things here.
  3. Iam just sayin that it would be nice if the game was FPS only. Now Iam using mostly TPS becouse its easier to aim, you can see more widely what is going on around and close to you. Dont worry, I know how to play. There are more factors than you mentioned about this issue and generaly its more comprehensive. Melee in this game is just big nosence. How you dare compare game mechanics of this games with RenX LOL. I played Global Agenda in its glorious times, also TPS but its compleeeetely different. Sometimes I think you are just trolling me guys!
  4. If the game was FPS only I would agree with melee, but its not. Hell, I would be happy if this game was fps only and many problems would be solved. So I must agree with others that this feature doesnt fit in Renegade X.
  5. Oh really? They also wasnt meant to be real close threat for close range fights. Their role is sniping enemies from medium to long distance. For close distances there are sidearms like carbine.
  6. Oh men, STank and generaly Nod vehicles are so useless. If there is 12GDI vs 12Nod vehicles.. whi is winner is clear. There should be on server +3vehicle limit for Nod. But I went from the topic now... Stank's rockets should defenitely get more accuracy and bigger range, becouse they can easily miss even large targets and even free infantry soldier is very dangerous for stanks. Sure there could be made interesting rush with stanks, but we should always count with situation good team vs good team and in this situations are stanks useless now.
  7. Sidearms are fine for any unit. If you want to complain about SBHs you should also reming other unfair classes so I dont see reason to write about SBHs and adv.engineers here and there should be created new threat exclusively about this characters. Well fine I write it down there... Sidearms that they are good as they are now and should be avaiable for any unit. SBHs? This is just ppl who like to play as some assasin and mostly they are doing nothing useful and whole team suffers of lack of ppl and shitty Nod tanks. They are annoying, yes they are. If you dont like SBHs, what about snipers, who can you instant kill even in close range? Why dont they need sidearms??? why dont they have enormous hip fire spread?! skill? oh please! they were made for longe distances and this is their role. Adv.engineer-I didnt get why do they have 2xtimed c4 and 2x remote c4. Is'nt repairing enought? I think role of engis is primary support unit and they should be able to destroy buildings all alone. Hate sneaky Hotwires. This is so much universal units... well someone there already was talking about it there so I wont write about it again. Take away fucking c4's from em! Let em choise between 1xtimed c4, 2x remote c4 and grenades and mines will be permanently associated with this character. And free engi- timed c4 only. OH oooh and why dont any infantry or units for money have 2x timed c4 (exept of SBHs)? This would make bigger sence. +solve bugged undisarmeable c4's issue!
  8. + this one.
  9. I think the real problem is fast rate of fire of secondary fire. It can set you in fire, its powerful and has big splash gamage, its also good againts vehicles, and projectile is fast.-I see nothing wrong about it! But it shouldt replace primary fire. So...: RoF of secondary fire should be increased to 2secor something like that. And problem is solved.
  10. My opinion is that from destroyed WF/strip we shouldnt be able to purchase tanks like artylery/mrls and upper. The only thing what should be purchaseable is humvee/buggy, APC, transport heli with +50% cost. Infantry can deal againts vehicles very well right now. Lets remind Rocket soldier, flamer, grenadier, engineers the suicide terrorists (if we are counting with destroyed bar/hon too). And with option to buy APC and these vehicles they would be able to organize rushes, you can rush even with RSs but I see it very rarely... well honestly I saw it only once in B4 and I was the organizer. These vehicles can also face to Arty/MRLS, light tanks, med tanks, and flyers. Try to remember how it is annoying to see GDI spawning mammys. This tanks stays behind WF and are very powerful to deter any incoming rush. They stays behind WF to the end of round and makes game boring and stalemate.
  11. I think he is fine antiinfantry class but without delay before it starts to shoot (like was in b3) its more like op assault rifle and it shouldn be like that-this isnt his role. So I would return delay (1). Like 0.3-0.5sec. The second thing is the fact that he has too many bullets in magazine and he is and would be very dangerous even with delay (1), unstopable killing machine, stops shooting untill he kill everyone in front of him. So the second suggestion is: edit magazine capacity 200 ->100 (2).
  12. I disagree. They are good as they are right now. Its 5hits to kill flyer, arty, mrls. Its 5x3s? 15s is good time if you imagine that your targer can run or kill you if he wills. Its problem of railguns which should be adjusted to destroy vehicles +- in same time as rocket soldier do and should have another benefits, like I suggested before-bigger beam/thicker projectile so it would be easier to hit anything. What I wanted to say is, that this is PIC/Railgun problem, not Rocket soldiers.
  13. Its not about shotgunner... Whats wrong about weapons range? Thats why is there spread so its not so effective for longe distances. Agree with less spread+bit less damage, but not range nerf. If I could I would even added +3m weapon range. There is problem with other characters who are too weak or too OP and cant/not doing do what they were made for. In my opinion, this listed characters are good now and can fill their roles, they are not overpowered or underpowered: Rocket Soldiers-OK Marksman-OK Shotgunner- +-OK, but could be modified with the above written points.
  14. Rocket Soldier and Marksman are good as they are now. I didnt played old Renegade Multiplayer much so I see it differently... : Definitely Nerf: 1.Officer-100 ammo in magazine. Delay before it starts shooting, like 0.3s-0.5sec. Other balances: -Money inc-Engineer, tech/hotwire-more points for healing units and repairing vehicles. Less money for repairing buildings. Silo- gives less money. -Infinity ammo for all infantry. Solves problems with sidearms, heavy pistol, and its very annying in such a game like this when you have no ammo. 2.Soldier-assault rifle-increase bullet speed. A lot! or even instant impact. 3.Shotgunner-less spread while not aiming 4.Grenadier- 4 grenades per magazine. Increase explosion radius (x1.5), decrease damage to the buildings. 5.Flame Soldier-Projectile spreads/increases size while traveling just like real flamethrower, slightly increase projectile speed. 6.McFarland-delay between shots of the secondary fire 1.5-2sec. McFarland and shotgunner are 2 very different characters with different roles and we should compare em. 7.Chem trooper-Projectile spreads/increases size while traveling or increase projectile size, projectile affected by gravity 8.SBH-do it more clearly in marksman mode. Actualy its pain in eyes.. cant see anything and its very hard to aim in marksman mode. 9.Gunner-more damage to the buildings, slightly increase explosion radius, slightly decrease explosion damage to the infantry 10.Patch-increase projectile speed 11.Sydney, Raveshaw-increase projectile size, return b3 aiming circle 12.Mobidus, Mendoza-increase projectile size. My ratings.... 1)Airdrop nerf 2)Mcfarland nerf 3)Officer nerf Shotgun nerf-disagree with nerfing Flechette gun nerf-disagree with nerfing Lock-on nerf-disagree with nerfing Rocket soldier nerf-disagree with nerfing LCG nerf-disagree with nerfing Laser rifle nerf-disagree with nerfing Pistol nerf-disagree with nerfing
  15. I like what did CampinJeff + additionaly me suggested. I see this as the best solution for current mining issue
  16. I dont like spamming that you are overmining. I am often spending a lot of time of fixing of bad placed mines and I dont like that it would spamm me all the time and then it shows bit blue message "Agresor is overmining near refinery" This is just pissing off-Iam the bad one. Kick Agresor? Spaming warning messages is no the way.
  17. I think that APC and humvee/buggy should be only vehicles that should be able to buy after losing wf/strip. Infantry can deter vehicles pretty well and with APC they will have chance to do some rush with 5ppl in it.
  18. I agree. If you wanna keep current mining system, so this is the way how to improve it. While I was reading this points I got an idea. If I may suggest I would add one more point: -There would be 2 separated mine limits: 1st will count every mine in base. Each mine, to a distance of 1-2 meter from buildings, counts. This would be shared mine limit. 2nd "outside" mine limit. It will be for each player individual to maximum of 6 mines.
  19. Reaction on Ryz: Doors wont be destroyable only with c4. I suggested 400Hp and light armor, so group of any characters can break in. This totaly wont make game stalemate becouse: 1.You can wait till somebody get out and you can run in while doors are open and keep it open. 2.if doors are destroyed while big tank rush is going on so engis can be killed while repairing terminal so OBI and AVG will be more vulnerable in Field map (for example). 3.It would be easyer for hott/techs or any infantry to get in when the base will be under tank siege. How it could be fair and stalemate when enemy team cant defend and everybody is just repairing control panel, spaming flame soldiers/grenadiers untill all tanks are destroyed? 4.Hott/tech can still destroy bulding by himself all alone but they would need to take Heavy pistol or +1 player with any c4's. 5.Can break in with any group of infantry. And once again: Its working fine now becouse of good comunity. It won't work forever like that. This is fucking sci-fi. If you have better idea about windows so bring it on. This is fucking sci-fi. If you have better idea about windows so bring it on! Also: What is Renegade X? =C&C in FPS. Its definitely not mines, doors, ...wierd gunplay . It also not just copy of old c&c:renegade. This game has to "kill" an old renegade and be better in all possible ways. Sorry, but mines as main anti-infiltration defence feature just couldnt be meant seriosly and I dont belive it will stay in final product, where will rotate 1000+ players on all servers and this small comunity will be eaten!
  20. Not today yet Cant you see that the game is not finished and this door-mining system cant work forever? I feel like stucked gramophone record, repeating everything again and again- Now its working just becouse there is good comunity.
  21. Please, if you have any ideas how to improve this suggestion or you have a different ideas how to fix this mining issue, so write it here!
  22. Yes, you are right about the windows, but it would not be in the fevor of Nod only. I generaly dont like these window infiltrations. It smells glitchy. Deploying Ion's inside strip etc... I was thinking about this issue some time before, but I dont have clear answer. Yes, you got me. And this is why I did not enter this thread in feedback section, but into general so we can discuss about it. I have one idea what would fix it but it sounds silly even for me-The force field instead of windows that won't let anyone inside but bullets will go through. How do you want this game to look like in final version? Put mines as main and the only defensive feature of buildings to prevent unfair infiltration is unprofessional and ill conceived and something must be done about it.
  23. You rly still wanna mine the doors in final version of the game? Now it seems like, that "somebody" just didnt seen other ways to protect buildings so put mines there as main defend feature in game, and now deal with it dear players. It shouldnt be like that. This just couldnt be meant seriously. Its very broken and ill conceived what it is now. The most stupid thing is relying on someone else, on one single player, who can ruin everything, who just want to place 50 mines in tunnel, who dont know how the current mining system works, or just wanna piss you off. There shouldnt be the option that one single player can ruin the game for whole team. Now it works fine only becouse of good comunity. But it wont work forever! This game is great. It has really big potential. But there is many thing what have to be fixed. I know that probably no one will do anything about it, but we can at least try to discuss about it. Try to find the best solution. http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=75070
  24. About that time we can discuss. I think 30s or 60s is fine proposed times-It is something that should be tested in practice. I think 1 hott or tech can handle one broken doors for 1minute. If not, well, some big shit must be going on at that moment and its fault of team if they cant handle big rush.
  25. Also when doors get destroyed, they wont stay open forever. After 30s or 1 minute it will instantly automaticaly regenerate to 100% of durability and starts to work again. I'm glad someone likes this idea and can imagine its application in practice ^^
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