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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Nice, nice... Can you tell me what the other map is which you are working on?
  2. Isn't that what Eyes are ALREADY infamous for? Vehicle crates? Played the map yesterday. We had more TS vehicles in 10 minutes than the vehicle limit itself
  3. Good post RypeL. Ppl can complain, but they also need to use their common sense before they place something. Something like: "Ask not wat Ren-X can do for you, but what you can do for Ren-X?"
  4. Yeah I love the fact you have to hunt for them and get rewared for your effort by a ' future technology' vehicle. If you consider reinstalling the game a waste, shame on you
  5. Keep up the good work!
  6. Noticed this today. A player received a new character (was vehicle) and a player found a vehicle crate (was character).
  7. About promoting: - maybe contact these guys www.facebook.com/commandandconquer and see if you get them to post something I have some other ideas but no time to put them down now. Thx for the release!
  8. Downloaded, checking now!
  9. Haha great, just thinking out loud (is that even proper english). Maybe you could even prioritize buildings (like PP down, ignore AGT and repair other buildings)
  10. Yosh: I don't know anything about make a mutator so maybe this is way to much work, but what do you think about this? Let commander chose a gamestyle (like in Generals): - attack (boost attack strenght with x percent, lowers defence - defend (opposite as attack) - resource mode (more credits) - recon mode (better visibility) Just a broad idea for an overall tactic a commander can use if you like it. Also thought about this: - prioritize a certain class off characters / vehicles (like when BAR is down kill techs / hotties) or when WF is down kill harvester etc.) It would give a commander a way to prioritize certain things and setup a strategy instead off making him / her only tag targets. Targets within the desired range can also unlock things or bring in more credits. Just some thoughts..
  11. Join the Constructive Tirany server and you can
  12. Checked it out shortly yesterday, easy to understand and works fine. Curious how this will develop...
  13. Didn't see this coming, great news Yosh!
  14. Promotion wont help. We get a few more players but they will quit playing after a few games. Ren x needs many changes to make it a good game. I think the game Is just fine, except some small bugs and balance changes. It feels like Renegade with some extra additions and that's just what people can expect. About promotion: - Imagine to over 200.000 fans of Command and Conquer on Facebook see a post about Renegade-X? Now this usergroup has never been targeted. Only reaching out here can have a big impact.
  15. Personally, and I've mentioned this before, I think the lack of players is because of the lack of communication by the developers. Also the message that the game source will be made public isn't a good thing, it makes the project (even more) look like it's abandoned. I've posted something on the TmX forum and one of my findings was that some major gamesites and the Command and Conquer Facebook Fanpage do NOT mention Renegade-X at all. I think we can boost the audience by: - New updates / bugfixes - Custom maps - Gold status / remove beta - And from this point a promotional campaign. I am way to busy to even game at this moment (should work now to finish my stuff, but still posting here), but I am willing to help out with promotion for the game as soon as I am less busy. If the game gets released I think we can easily boost the playerbase.
  16. Quite some good ideas, I think you've done a huge amount of work in a short time? Can't wait for updates!
  17. So you can drive the harvester to bring in money yourself? Or just take over control but not really harvest? Curious about this map!
  18. Wouldn't it be cool if this unit and a Nod equivalent could be unlocked ingame as 'experimental weaponry' when a team has reached a certain pointlimit (preferable by attacking, if this is possible to calculate)?
  19. Good work / initiative!
  20. Ryz

    Ideas for CNC-City

    Hello Thommy, Plz wait till one of the devs. contacts you, someone Is working on this map as far as I know. You might want to teamup.
  21. Looks nice, good job! What are you going to do with it?
  22. I think help would be appreciated, although I know people are working on almost everything you mentioned. A few more hands can speed up that progress. I see this topic was also noticed by some of the community developers, so I think you can discuss things with them if you want
  23. Good ideas here above. I'dd basicly suggest: More credits for doing stuff (either damaging as repairing, capping and killing) Less credits for camping (is there a mechanism to see if someone is point / creditwhoring a building, guess no) Less credits for doing nothing so basically the standard ref income can
  24. I just figured maybe Havoc replied a bit too late
  25. Had this so many times. If people are new, don't want to read, learn or be part of the online community I believe there is just no place for them. I know a guy who is on the TmX server almost every day and he still overmines a lot and I've never ever had a reply from him while I tried reaching him at least a few hundred times during the past months. Since I don't play that much right now I only ran into him yesterday, but if I see him overmining I will do a vote kick or ask for a kick directly. What's the point of trying to reach a player for months while he is not reacting. At least your guy responded Handepsilon But for me it's straight: if you don't want to learn or adept (a bit) in the game there is just no place for you in the game. For me learning is: replying and 'trying' to do it better. Don't mind if there is a mistake now and than btw.
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