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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. So someone else killed them?
  2. Hmm I just downloaded this, but I don't get it. I can walk around a bit, see some pickups and than I end up watching the NOD oby + a gate, but I can't reach it. Map looks nice from what I can see, but I am clueless what to do in / with it? Ow good luck with city flying, make sure to contact Havoc or Kenz and see what they have done allready? Maybe you can also teamup with some other people (Ruud, Henk, Deadlywolf, Nielson, Dakuja, Handepsilon?) to form a 'superteam' do work on City Flying?
  3. If you like a good thriller, you like this one. Think you will especially like GDI's attack on Complex. Chaos, but good repairs and teamworks. PUG wasn't only great, material for recording seems to be just like that. But Kenz knows more about it....
  4. Wow! Just arrived back from a party, but that doesn't matter (hope I can type correctly in a foreign language). Sorry my comp crashed during Walls and I suddenly left, but this was (indeed) the best PUG ever, I mean EVER (you get that caps!). I think I told this during Eyes already (which we lost) but than people said: "You like it cause you are winning." But that's not true! Every round was pretty tense. The APC rush which hit us on Walls was genius, gotta love the chaos and above all I NEVER had the feeling we didn't work well as a team. Sometimes we just came up with a plan which wasn't anticipated, sometimes we just got surprised just like that. Ren-X is about this! Better have a victory you well fought for instead of a easy win. Same with Eyes, we fought harder in attack, but were outsmartened by NOD. Gotta love this night. My party was rubish, but PUG was great!
  5. This looks sooo cool (didn't I say this like 50 times allready )
  6. Nice with the airdrops!
  7. Time to kill or get slaughtered tonight!
  8. Lol I always check every new topic, but I didn't search this under 'page sound.' Sorry.. I've been talking about the idea for a few weeks now, but never figured others are also on it. Anyways lets see what happens with it!
  9. Not a bug, but a feature request. Plz re-introduce 'yoo' when receiving a PM. Tried like 100 messages today to overminers and this would make these messages stick out more!
  10. Title should be: "Nod artillery in real death..."
  11. That's the rank on the server (from all the times you ever played)
  12. Awesome!
  13. Ok didn't get that, but still we lost 6 mines there (maybe earlier) and I died at NOD base when the Stanks where being dropped, which I reported... It doesn't matter anymore. Same for the remotes in Field on WF. I think only one person with me dropped them, but the 3rd didn't.
  14. It was ok, but I think we should really do something after a team loses more than 2 rounds. So far every PUG the past weeks is one sided. One team loses all, one team wins all. I don't know how the teams get picked. But I can imagine both team captains pick a person at a time? Maybe it's good to remember in which order they where picked. After a team lost 2 matches the first five from one side can get switched to the other? And yeah: communication again. We missed like 10 AT mines on Eyes but still nobody cared to respond and the base was gone... Volcano started with a small rush for us, but I am not sure what happened with the people in our base. The 4 defending didn't make the Ref and WF survive. Than we just waited till the enemy had airdrops and we got killed. Not really much we got organized. Xmountain same story, someone tells what is going on and like half of the people ignore it. Field was a bit better although I almost left halfway cause I truly hate the map. And even here we could have killed more buildings if people listened. At one point we were outside the WF while it was less than 20 percent. We have 3 technicians and could have killed it from the outside, but offcourse we didn't do this for some reason... I really, really can't understand why each week one team team A is a well oiled machine, while team B is a rusty machine which works, but let's you down when you need it the most...
  15. What's the shortkey, gonna print this and put it on my wall
  16. Agree Minji, but I am talking about maps which ARE tested and proven well (enough). We're not gonna push unfinished and unbalanced maps ofc. (not that I am doing anything in this progress btw ) So i agree with you partly, as I do with RypeL. I think he knows what's needed to stay motivated
  17. Indeed... Also good to see Havoc alive!
  18. #fml, all my hard work gone... Where are my pills
  19. Hmm maybe not all the new maps are good enough, but I think new maps draw in players cause they want to see them. If we have to rely on servers and people installing them themselves I think we never see some of those in action. If Crashssite gets released it just has to be pushed to the people if you ask me.
  20. Aha good you consider joining, glad we convinced you!
  21. Don't forget Coastal
  22. Nice nice nice, especially the EMP thing. Can you tell anything about the maps? I know Eyes and Thommy's map (can't come up with the name) will be updated, but I hope we can expect some more maps. Maybe Henk is finishing one of his maps, on the otherhand Hourglass (with less rain, plz!), Crashsite and Kenz Beachhead map are a good candidate. Or am I forgetting maps?
  23. And when you switch you can press Q to see which team you are on or typ.
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