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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Ryz

    Mining tutorial

    I like your attempt and it's good that you stood up to do something, but... In my opinion you should make it quicker / shorters. So: - Videoshot someone placing mines in front of the base - Second shot with entrance mined with 20 mines - Third shot: 4 SBH get in Chinook - Shot: SBH dropped over wall - Shot infiltrating - Shot C4 MCT - Timer (speed up so it's only few secs, building down Same for: Mines in the front of BAR Mines in the front of Airstrip Tower And HON Just show someone hopping the sandbags or jumping the window. Than furthermore show a base (snapshots of each door) completely mined. Now show someone placing mines in tunnel and with splitscreen the mines disappearing at same door. Let the same SBH guys walk in and building down. It should also contain a minimal voiceover explaining the thing. No long stories or mentioning that also 10 remotes can kill the building, or one c4 and a chemsprayer. Just quick (and not dirty) with a few SBH or ONE Hotwire for lets say the strip! This can be made in a few hours, should take max 45 secs and should explain the very basics. Nobody and especially the players who do not care will watch 12 minutes. I am sorry!
  2. Maybe it's a good idea to change the topic title to something more constructive? Also: I do not agree that everyone should be allowed to play the game. Or to say it more clear: I do agree to it under certain circumstances. If you want to be part of something you should at least have the basic skills. Can't understand perfect English? No problem. Can't understand anything? What are you doing in this game? If you don't understand anything and can't learn to understand it... If you visit a bar / pub you are more than welcome to have a drink, but if you don't understand the rules you will be tossed out or asked to leave. Now players sometimes votekick someone cause they are tired off things going on. Not that these kicks are the right decision, but... I can't put it in the right words. But in my opinion you are more than welcome everywhere as long as you have basic idea where you are and what you are doing / what the rules are. Too much asked? Go play the Skirmish (they won't know the difference cause they cannot interact with other players anyway). Or make some special noob servers where you can learn the game till you have an x amount off points. Than these points will allow you to join the 'real' servers. If you are a skilled player you will get these points in less than a few hours. If you aren't you will never notice that is a) a noob server b) there is teamplay / chat c) that you can kill games by stupid actions so thus you will be fine there...
  3. But what would it take to make a short video? I think, if we can get some people, we can fix this. Just a few examples: You see: mines here... *pfoef* mines there gone... SBH walks in, building gone. I think we need a short script and 5 till 8 people to make this work. I think we can look into this with a few TmX ppl.
  4. Maybe we can, but the main problems is most of them are not reading or willing to read. And I am not sure how to counter this. At least 1/3, but sometimes 2/3 of the gamers does not communicate. I can join a game and almost certainly predict who is gonna win based on the names I see and the amount of teamchat.. Sometimes a rush is prepare for 10 minutes and announced, but still the rush 'surprises' the defending team cause... they didn't read. And in these case I've also sent like 20 or 30 messages at least. People call me a whiner cause I focus on communication, but in the end it's starting to kill the game more and more... And that point is seems to be reached now, cause the skilled players seem to abandon the game quicker than new ones can replace them. Not to mention: if they want to learn, there is no one left to teach them If we continue like this...
  5. I agree, but... A few days ago I played with a guy called IP Zombie (he is here for a few weeks or maybe longer now). He always overmines, but never reacts on any message. If you want me to I can keep a log, but I've had over 50 'matches' where someone was overmining and it always goes the same. Usually I start with a PM in lowercase. If it doesn't lead to a reaction I try this a few more times. Than I switch to CAPS, fuhter on I put the message in teamchat and try this 4 or 5 times. After these attempts (at least 10 in spread of a few minutes) I try it in general chat. Sometimes I even walk over to the person to start jumping in front of him / her. Usually, with most new players, all these attempts do not lead to ANY reaction whatsoever. And I am not talking about one experience, but dozens with a total of hundreds of messages. I would love to educate people. I even remember we had one guy who didn't understand sh*t of the game. Nod allowed us to blow the obelisk and we just scouted every building and explained him, 2 Nod players and 2 GDI players all together. I was a quite time at the server, it was fun, and it was useful. But how can we communicate with the vast majority off the new players who cannot and do not want to communicate at all, nor know the games basics, nor speak English. I know I've mentioned this before, but maybe it should be only possible to join a certain server if you can answer a few random questions like: what is MCT? or what is the mine limit? Right now, and I also mentioned this before, I see a lot off experienced players leaving the game cause they can't stand the fact that way to many rounds are just impossible to player proper cause off the non communicating players..
  6. Quote of the year, I've had so many rounds where I was mining the entire game only to restart the mining again after I finished the last building and returned to the first. Now we discover who did the overmining, but this usually means leaving the base and thus leaving it vulnerable.
  7. Hello Cudaker, I am not a mod on TmX, but I've posted the link of this post in our shoutbox so someone can contact you and sort out what happened. I suggest you post a complaint on our server forum next time. I am sure they will give you an good explanation, or an excuse... What I can't make up based on your post is if you were votekicked or kicked by a mod. I am not here to defend what happened. But I know that almost every time I played we had one or more people wasting mines everywhere ALL game. This lead to a lot of unnecessary losses or way to easy wins on the other side. This might be why other people are (over)reacting a bit. As far as I know you did nothing wrong. Another problem is that most new players do not react on anything you send them so they just do whatever they are doing. That doesn't justify what happened, but I am writing it down so you know what might have caused this behavior. I hope you will get a reply soon and I also hope to see you back on TmX one day!
  8. Yeah I noticed it and sometimes when I die in the Nod base I use this method to gather info. Not that anyone reacts on the input I am giving, but... I always doubted if it's a bug or a feature, so gonna find out now.
  9. Thx, went through most of the vids and posted in on TmX also. Great to see the progress between the first videos and now, we can be proud of this game. And we are! Thx for the (missed) memories.
  10. In real life: Water is liquid and you can move through it, also it slows bullets. Wall is concrete and you can't move through it What's there more to be said? I would really like to have an open discussion, but I can't argue if you are only willing to see your own 'truth.' And maybe you are right and this wasn't attended, but than we all got used to it cause it's this way for over a year. It's not WHAT you are saying, but the way you are doing it which made me react on this. I also believe the timing isn't the best now you've just started a new clan. Sometimes it's good to take the diplomatic approach. This topic is an example about it, the actions in game weren't. Having that said: this is it for me. I am curious what others think but I don't see we will get close to eachothers opinion so I wish you the best with whatever the outcome will be.
  11. A wall is a wall and going through it is considered a glitch. I wonder why you didn't bring this up the past beta4 testing sessions. We tested for like four weeks and two times a weekend, and you could also try stuff in Skirmish. Today was the first time I ever heard someone about this since beta1. So thousands of players 'abused' this 'glitch' all the time and even the Beta4 testers and developers did, but still it was left in unattended. Where is the logic?
  12. Good you posted it here. I indeed think this is a tactic, like most levels have a backdoor to the base. I even think the distance between buildings is deliberately timed to evade the oby. Remember Nod can get to BAR / PP and WF in Goldrush with minor damage...
  13. Handy, now you basically need to shout 'building needs repair' if there is C4 inside it.
  14. My answer would also be no! Unless GDI / Nod has a way to do a quick sprayjob, but...
  15. I think it's also a matter of taste. I really like field with a decent team, but solo... My favourites: X-Mountain Walls Lakeside What I don't like: Islands (Nod has to control 2 points to defend the base) Mesa Field Some closed maps are more 'marathon material' like field, for a quicker match with 'equal' chances you should consider a more open map. So question is: what is your goal when making the map / what do you want to archieve?
  16. Something completely different than I've seen in most map designs. Interesting! Gonna be a lot of work I guess?
  17. 1) Timer on airdrops / server option to make them only available after X minutes 2) Reverse changes to PP and Ref after destroyed, or 'nerve' this 3) Nerve chemsprayer 4) Increase points for killing infantery 5) Increase points / credits for repairing vehicles
  18. I know that changes to your sound in Windows will make the game sound stop. It als happens when I hit my cable from my headphone. Only thing I can do is restart the game. Every other program will pick up the disconnect and reconnect, but Ren-X doesn't. I thought I was the only one having it. Also happens when I remove the powercable out of a light in my room. Very odd, but then Ren-X sound also stops, but this is not game related...
  19. Nice work. Quote from the day: "Bloody kid screaming."
  20. Alsno noticed some strange things with audio, but can't pinpoint the source. E.v.a. sounds from a distance even on 100%.
  21. Yup that's a good decoy, or drive an apc into their vehicles... Usually I target the weakest vehicles first (like mrls, arty). They do the most damage, but are also easy to kill. Other good tactic against camping: sbh with c4 and gone MRLS:)
  22. Good Free soldier is supposed to be free and... feels like a free unusable gift!
  23. I understand, but even with hotwire / tech I don't find it unbalanced anymore. Expected this, but turned out different.
  24. I guess it comes down to better aiming? My hand / eye coordination is horrible, but after the change from Beta2 till Beta3 the infantry felt more vulnerable to me than before. Combine this with a silent pistol, heavy pistol or carbine and it's quite easy to kill someone. Anyone else sharing RelentlessChaos concern?
  25. Uhm... I always had the Smoke Grenade replace the mines and I thought this was intented. Never had your situation, but I will make sure to have a look at it. So far I don't mind the smoke grenades (see the other topic).
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