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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Isn't that a problem of the whole community ?
  2. Bergen op Zoom represent, I visit Roosendaal (where you live) very often
  3. Yeah player under last week in 2 vs 2 (turned out one vs two with the enemy) and I had to watch so many spots in order to defend, while they would just know where to find me as soon as the AGT started shooting. Please also note that something looks changed with the AGT. I am pretty sure I was able to get in the PP without making the AGT shoot and without smoke, but that doesn't work anymore. Fuhtermore we had a map last week where 30 people played. Nod did like 50 attack attempts to get in and all got countered pretty easily. GDI did NOTHING untill Nod players started to leave cause you couldn't even get your vehicle outside your base. Than GDI did one rush and they just won. I think only one building survived. But the team camping and not taking initiatieve was rewareded with a victory and the team which did it's utmost to make something out of the map lost. For the end of the game a lot more Nod players left cause they just couldn't stand it....
  4. Shouldn't be to hard to implement?
  5. It's not for me to decide, but I see some people working on like 5 maps and I think it's better to finish one and than move on to the other. So many good ideas waiting to be released...
  6. Nothing is final, maybe lobby with Yosh to get it in? I think the more new maps, the better! BTW: Isn't kenz 'tutorial' map ready to be published? Update will be fairly large, but new content always boosts the playerbase
  7. It was fun indeed, but the initial organizing (where, who, and so on) could be better. Not it took almost 40 minutes before we started. Luckely we won time on Islands by losing quickly
  8. Depends on the clanwar, managed to cancel some appointments.
  9. Probaly the same volume that blocks vehicles? I always stuck there with my orca / appache and various other vehicles...
  10. If this works out (and can be setup globaly) it might be a good way to balance the teams also. The balance is sometimes kinda odd now.
  11. Or Canyon where we totally nailed it, although the first beacon got disarmed.
  12. Ryz

    C&C Battle Grounds

    It's like the post wasn't finished...
  13. Lakeside is / was off my favourite maps cause it has so many chances for both teams. But the invisible walls kill the fun. I get they where placed to prevent people from being dropped off on hills to snipe? Personally I didn't mind this, it's just tactic and can be countered by a chemrush or grenadier. I do mind it if happens on walls on a spot which can't be reached by anything except orcas and other snipers. So if you ask me: plz do something about the invisible walls!
  14. Indeed, I think Ruud's map Crashsite has a competitor!
  15. Lol the team switch crate idea I want the 'shutdown power for 1 minute' crate back!
  16. Ryz

    Unwritten rules

    Ion in the airstrip tower seems legit. You can just jump in it, but it requires skills. Like Nod doesn't have enough places to hide the beacon on the WF roof....
  17. Like mentioned yesterday on TS: Maybe it's good some people who join know the rules and are willing to do teamwork? I played 2 PUG's since it's the holiday season here (usually I have to make photos on concerts during Saturday night). Last week was ok for a few short matches I was able to join while yesterday was more of a chaos if you ask me. It was fun to see some planned attacks work since we could coordinate them in detail over TS, but on the other hand it was total anarchy. I played with a friend sitting next to me and he had the same experience. Examples: - walls and he had the ONLY MRLS, no support by engies at all - walls again, I was designated defender but got killed and waited over 5 minutes before somebody finally donated me so I could get hottie again (lost my money on AT mines). Bar had NO mines all the way. - Xmountain: like 10 calls from friend of mine that they were inside a building. No response but building down. - Walls: friend tells there is a stank behind BAR: minutes later it's still there and untouched. - Friend had c4 on his vehicle, asked people to repair (not sure which map) and they just moved on... - Islands: I asked for a decoy at barracks like 20 times while I was behind the ref for minutes. Instead a person ran into the ref seconds after I was and place my C4. That person made a lot off hotties come inside it so it didn't get killed. - Xmountain: we went to the silo with the whole team except 3 people. At the silo only 2 people were there.... You might see this is the way things work, but I think it's due to (at least some) of our teammembers (and we had Super disconnecting + Ceaser afk for a while). I noticed that it could work like a well oiled machine also. B0NGS team responded with 6 (!) hotties on Xmountain when we got in the WF. They disarmed our c4 in 15 seconds. Some vehicles at his team kept being repaired all the way and so on. What I noticed is that the team was coordinated well and it was almost impossible to do something while we just got nailed cause of the mistakes our people made (not responding, not doing what was asked, and so on). I join these game for the teamwork and while I can't force people to do it I can at least hope they are pointed at the rules when entering. Now we lost 4 out of 5, or 5 out of 6 matches and we had absolutely zero chance... I am not saying there was zero teamwork, but we just lacked the finesse to coordinate something well and this is the difference between having a chance and getting slaughtered.
  18. True, but the fact is that coördination is difficult sometimes cause players do not want to play together. In these cases (and after a certain amount of time) such a crate would be welcome!
  19. A friend just mentioned that you had a 'Power shutdown' crate in the old Renegade. It would be cool (and I guess not too hard to create) if this is implemented in the game. Could also help on stalemate levels like field. Anyone second thoughts about this?
  20. I am in to see vehicle kills (but also repair points). I rather suicide in a firefight to get back to base asap and do something usefull than care about delaying the inevitable fact that I will lose the firefight. Vehicle kills could also be part of (Yoshs?) veterancy system.
  21. Does Handepsilon ever sleep ?
  22. We killed GDI with Nod the last time I played Mesa. I think the current setup works better than the one where you can just camp the tunnel with arties / mrls. I am not sure how the rest thinks about this?
  23. That's not good...
  24. Wow!
  25. Sure. The map I'll be finishing after Valley is called CNC-Daybreak. It is a standard C&C mode map, and it is also the largest map of any of our official maps. There is a picture Thanks, can't wait. Now only City *cursed* flying and we're set!
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