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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. True, but that doesn't mean that you can start up a project to help out your wife / child / pet whatever and if you have enough favors people might donate. I mean if I bring my car to the local car repair point and I ask the guy if he can fix something else besides what his boss agreed for a fixed price than I can't pay him for that if his boss is against the agreement / work, but I am sure I can give him a free meal as soon as he visits my restaurant next time... So people don't pay you for your work, but they pay your for you.. Almost like a prostitute, but there's nothing you have to do in return
  2. Can't we start some crowdfunding to bribe Yosh with a few bottles of gin!
  3. Hmm hope someone has suggestions for you, very odd. I am willing to have a look at this via Remote Desktop / Teamviewer or whatever if you want to. I am in no way a Ren-X expert, but I used to work at a IT support department for a large company, so I know my way around and who knows what I might find.
  4. Can't wait for this map, but I have to say I like the 'big' Eyes also. With big I am refering to one of the earlier versions (I guess the one first included in Beta5). Keep up the good work Dakuja, glad to see you back on track!
  5. Did nobody test these map(s) past week? Otherwise we might be able to do it 'solo' instead of on a planed timeslot.
  6. So new patch uhm... tomorrow? Maybe...
  7. I know that sound, but... Not sure what it is!
  8. Exactly, sorry couldn't come up with the word, thx!
  9. I think the 'open' HON design is an alternative for the fact that any building is open for a group of skilled SBH's...
  10. Wow this looks like a german bunker, but than in a dam, good work!
  11. My laptop tends to be on another setting than 'maximal' and than uses another GPU than my strong one. I guess you shouldn't only look at the power saving mode, but also check if it's not on normal mode, it has to be on something like maximum although I can't remember the exact name.
  12. You still have to camp a building for 60 seconds with the beacon in and an SBH making it inside the Bar unnoticed with a beacon which doesn't get detected is unlikely. Why not try it and see how it works, maybe it can be a server side option (again)?
  13. I am also not sure if I can make it cause I am helping Machette with moving his stuff to a new crib!
  14. Enjoy Aruba! Question is: who will be leading the PUG?
  15. I understand, I am not saying there should be a river, but just something like it or an extra path for vehicles.
  16. You mean for the map testing session before the PUG ?
  17. Good work, I must say I like the idea for an extra base entrance, but I can imagine that people who like the map to be close to the original do not like it. In the beginning UnderRedux was a great map, but as soon as people knew the sneaky roads it became a stalemate fest. Usually every base entrance is camped and the natural way of this map is GDI shelling the Nod base from the field, while it's hard / almost impossible for Nod to mobilize people as soon as the base entrance becomes free. Trust me, we tried on Under a week or so ago and it took hours... On PUG's, where the coordination is likely better, I think I never saw Nod winning. Why not: Make the changes to the map you are making now Save this as a map And make another map with the same changes as mentioned above, but with an extra base entrance. I like the river on Lakeside, maybe you can use something like this on the back of both bases to come with a whole new way of attacking / defending?
  18. I am down for restricting names, makes it also easier to reach someone in PM or notify a mod, but ofc. it's not up to me to decide.
  19. Not sure if this works allready, but why not implement a system like with donate and privatemessage. So: f5 -> donate playername amount like it is now for donates f5 -> votekick playername reason (instead of having to go through the whole list) It would be handy if we could kick without having to look for the playersid. Imagine the mistakes made with this also. One number wrong and the wrong player might be gone...
  20. A tesla tank is basicly one giant powergenerator on wheels shooting electricy. It's a vehicle from the Red Alert universe which has been ported to Renegade-X to prove vehicles from other makes / brands / CnC series / and so on can also be ingame. I am not sure if this vehicle will really work well against units as it does in Red Alert itself.
  21. Not sure if this is related, but the guns still bug sometimes so they cannot shoot... Only rockets work in that case.
  22. Maybe remove this topic? I can imagine a lot of people will use this untill it's fixed..
  23. Also feedback about uphill: - I am not feeling this map, not sure what it is, but I guess the colour...? The map really lacks the 'wow factor' Tomb has - When you bump in the barbed wire under the hanging rocks you will get the 'out of battlefield' warning, but it never dissappears. I had this in multiple places. Basicly you just have one option and this is to wait 5 seconds and die. The forum doesn't let me upload screenshots, so I have to add them later!
  24. This error pops-up when trying to upload a screenshot!
  25. Tested it yesterday, really love this map. Some things I found: - You can get 'out' of the level at some places, the soft boundaries do not work at the back of the GDI base and this makes it possible to drive around the map 'outside' the world. You can even shoot the Nod base from outside the world boundaries - I managed to get a Humvee in the HON. Overall your best map yet I think!
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