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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Hope it works RypeL / Ruud... Maybe, but I don't want to put any pressure on anyone, there is a way to try out the map on one of the upcoming PUG's? At least we have 20 ppl than and in order to prevent it from disturbing the PUG cause of problems we might be able to test it during waiting for the games to start?
  2. The current idea is that when a team captures this terminal, they have to hold it for 5/10mins and the Base defence will shut off for 2 minutes This is Due to a signal being sent to an uplink that EMPs the Base Defence Temporally : ) Is there anyway to change the name of this MCT in kismet? Cool, cool... Better than making it work instant...
  3. I think there are many topics about this... But the main power of the game (besides it's quality) is the C&C franchise I guess....
  4. Guess Thommy is working on this one (aloneside river) now. The Uphill topic is actually one with the Tomb one: viewtopic.php?f=138&t=76017&hilit=Uphill
  5. Sounds like a great plan, but might be hard(er) to realize?
  6. Hope someone can help you with the Kismet, nice idea! Maybe you could make it so it only works once in a timespan of like 10 min. Is it for both bases or only to turn off the power on Nods side?
  7. As mentioned before: personally I like this, but maybe there is a middle of the road solution? Would it for example be possible to have temp defences for like the first ten minutes? Or maybe a minefield on one of the base entrances (back path for example) which gets hit by an ionstorm after 10 min so the road becomes available?
  8. Why do I see weed there Henk
  9. The version ingame is the non-ion one, so there are basically two versions if I am correct...
  10. Personally I would keep it this way, nothing wrong with a quick map and I also noticed Tomb going on for longer than 5 minutes in some sessions
  11. Maybe you didn't only upgrade the game, but your driver also had an update recently? Problem never appeared with me...
  12. Ryz

    Steam Greenlight

    What do you think about using the search button? Sorry, but there are many topics about this and it's allready being discussed.
  13. Ryz

    3D printing

    The SBH figure is in the middle of the GDI base he printed, can't you see it?
  14. Or what about Field day, field night and Under.... ' *Where's my rope..."
  15. Or wait till it's released in the upcoming patch
  16. That would be great, cause than we are more than halfway with these buildings (excluding code, but I think the community has more coders than 3d modellers...)
  17. I think this also happens when someone is in the second (third / fourth) seat.
  18. I wouldn't rub it in about the bad PR....Also I wouldn't tell them to post on the forum, cause people might pretend to be from EA. A mail for a domain from EA sounds better if you ask me. Wouldn't it be better to create a letter and have them sign for receival? I am not show how this is called in English, but if someone drops a letter off at their reception it will likely not make it to the people in charge. Good effort btw!
  19. Nice Photoshop, but you forgot to register the domain and link it to CT
  20. Don't forget to enjoy your vacation
  21. I am sure the Kane character is legendary, but I am not sure if the would listen to an actor to be honest... Nevertheless worth to try.
  22. Besides PR the would gain that the CnC brand is kept 'warm,' but if you ask me it just looks like they don't really care about it.
  23. GJ!
  24. Ryz

    'Pro player server'

    Allready did. The only 'skill' these people need is that they should read the topic where the pass is and return there frequently (they might even pick up other information). This way people who want to make a small effort to join these games are able to join, while other gamers who aren't even aware they aren't in Skirmish are not... I got the feeling that every time I talk about the game experience most people are like 'who the hell cares,' but eventually it also has a big impact on the game. Since we can't force people to watch a tutorial or read (team)chat or use common sense I think this might be a good alternative in the future. I still can't figure why people get kicked from pub's multiple times while team hampering, only to return to the game continuing their behavior without asking about the kick or even noticing they got kicked (wtf)
  25. Ryz

    'Pro player server'

    Glad some people took the time to react in depth on my post. I am not saying: we need to make this now! I am checking what people think about it in the near future when AOW and marathon might be merged together. Right now I see a group of dedicated Ren-X players ragequit almost every day cause there is so much teamhampering, on the other hand I see a group of newcomers who has no clue there is even chat or anything to communicate, I wonder if they would realize it when they are playing against bots.. for me it's a matter about quality above quantity, although I agree the game needs the last to survive....
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