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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Just played a few very, very, very single sided games where 5 people where awol, 5 played and the rest rest ragequitted round after round after losing a building. Since the teams where so unbalanced most people didn't like it, so they left and made the game even more unbalanced. Meanwhile I had to reconnect thrice and ended up at the losing team (cause I just helped on the other team killing a building for example), really not fun. But that's not why I am posting this. What about punishing people for quitting (besides crash) or switching teams in x minutes after a building got destroyed. I think the server can see the difference between 'ragequit' and client crash. Punishment can be on the leaderboard for example. Maybe have a circumstance where you get punished less / not if you still donate your money to the team. Right now in 4 rounds we had each game with 4 people less on losing team, making the team lose faster...
  2. Glad you solved it!
  3. This keeps getting better and better
  4. Agree Minji!
  5. Ryz

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Than you also like Whiteout and Under Commander. Hope you have fun in Renegade-X and feel free to ask questions in a seperate topic. Welcome aboard!
  6. If we come up with a CLEAR time / moment I will be there just as with the PUG. Main issue is that there is a testing day 'sunday afternoon' and when I check the launcher I don't see anyone there. This is what we need (can be moved to a special topic if needed): Day and time + timezone Server to join Link to resources List of things a map maker wants to be tested / has changed Teamspeak channel where we will hangout I can't make it every time, but I will do my utmost as I did with the Beta4 testing to be there when I say I am there. Edit: just noticed Yosh' post for testing the maps after the PUG. This is highly inconveniënt for me, but I think it will be good time for most of the players. Please remember that players / map makers like Henk & Ruud are also Netherlands based and that they might have other social plans (aka getting wasted) on a saturdaynight after the PUG
  7. It's hard for me to make anything out of the log you supplied (but hey I am not a pro), First of all have a look at the specs: https://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic ... 14&t=71612 I can't see your CPU, so... Than I would suggest is: - Download the 'big' exe file from the site or torrent - Install it - Update from the launcher Good luck!
  8. Wasn't Dawn also? The more maps in, the better if you ask me Heard Henk is making progress to his dam btw...
  9. I can't decide who is wrong or right, but we can't have these situations with the Ren-X community growing again. Hope it gets solved for everybody soon!
  10. Wow RypeL did some good work on the C4 spotting AND noting which units are spotted. Overall changes look very promising. Good work Yosh! You say that there will be (probably) another patch soon after this. Can we expect maps to be added. I am currently moving from one home to another, but if there are maps that need to be tested and there is a solid date / moment when this will happen than I am ready to help out (if I can make it again). Same goes for spotting 'soft boundaries' errors, or kills by water on Whiteout!
  11. A 'real' commander is a good idea Besides this PUG gave some more insight in the infantery changes. First time we tried a patch rush for example, would have never occurred to me before this patch!
  12. Hmm I liked it, but indeed the organisation could have been better (also with half our team typing instead of using TS). With more organization we could have launched combined attacks like Minji mentioned, so not just get unit A, move to place B and strike thing C, but more like squad A has this objective and squad B has that objective. Winning doesn't start with simply attacking a building, it starts with surprising the enemy. On Whiteout we called for an MRLS rush and 'only 3 ppl came' and they managed to get the HON down to 1/3rd perma damage. It works so much better if you strike together and don't do the obvious thing (camp the hill for example). Next week another 20vs20 normal PUG?
  13. Great, great, great.. Maybe you can lead a team, I think you should!
  14. Cause everybody has health, but the armor gives specific defense against certain units. Instead of kill vs kill it's now more rock, paper, scissors, against rock, paper, scissors with the addition that each unit can do damage to each other, but some weapons will effect certain armor more and some less...
  15. A new map is always welcome, but why don't you approach this the opposite way: instead of asking people for 'your' map you can help people with theirs. Right now I have the feeling there is a need to finish a lot of these custom maps first, cause this will have a major impact very quickly. Offcourse the idea of the new map is cool, but what if you do it after you helped finishing other projects? I think we can easily get a list of 20 unfinished maps which might be able to be published with your help. If you want to I can make a list. Offcourse the decision is yours and from the mapmakers themselves.
  16. Mass slaughter, also remember to bring extra booze to tranquilize myself
  17. If you scroll down on constructivetyranny.com to the bottom you will notice the Paypal button!
  18. Even better, glad to have you on board again! Not that we have anything to ask for, but are you perhaps also going to work on the ranking system? In case of a stalemate map this would add an extra dimension to gain more vehicle kills for example. Keep up the good work RypeL!
  19. Great RypeL!
  20. Schmitzenbergh should be added to the community developers, looks like he is a great addition to the team!
  21. Not sure, but I know where the spot is, just need someone to replicate this with me...
  22. I like your post Super, but... I am also lost somewhere in between what's good and what's wrong. If I play GDI I hate the 'diffuse' tool If I play Nod I like it It really depends on the map. Get 5 sbh behind ref on walls, let 2 watch each sides and let 3 diffuse the mines to a few percent and than storm in... If I am GDI I hate this, if I am Nod I like this. Above all I think it benefits Nod / stealth units more...
  23. Contact me for details, stank pushed my MRLS 'off map' or it suddenly exploded when the stank hit me, but that seams odd cause the stank had plenty of way to avoid me...
  24. I always use Brotranquilitys method, but indead a good feature!
  25. Good job RypeL!
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