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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. Glad the server sees action! aw that it was down sat morning and started it up again. I guess some maps cause the game to crash? I don't have full admin control atm, but i am working with NEC to keep it running.
  2. I really enjoyed the game tonight @ 9pm EDT. ! it was surprising to find the North American server populated. Loved it. A great group of a dozen players fighting and having fun. A fantastic ping that does not go to thru the ocean~! We can get this game played in North America. It will happen? I am happy to be working with the NEC clan who sponsor the server. They primarily play Call of Duty Black ops, but are kind enough to share their server with us. ( of course ~ thanks and donations can be sent to : https://www.nukeclan.com/ ) I am new to the many aspects of keeping a server going, and i welcome any input offered. NEC is training me on how to keep the server up so they are not bothered , and i am learning bit by bit. Your comments about the server welcomed below.
  3. so then i am wondering if anyone has made maps where all those nodes are marked out and named. i.e: a map that helps me learn the node names. I am realizing the term map may be confusing. so to clarify i am NOt asking about custom maps. More of a graphic image of our current maps with the nodes noted.
  4. Are there maps where the different areas areas are noted? I.e. when you q on a target and it says Nod overlook, outside path etc..... I find i don't know all of them and then i feel a bit useless in battle.
  5. They would make a nice splash on the main page.
  6. I have been curious about the AT mines strength. If you like you say it wont even kill a buggy.... id change that. Does AT uncloak stealth? I assumed it did...... I don't mind that mammys are not hurt much....They move so slow we should be stopping them with infantry.
  7. isupreme


    Bounty Hunter medal YES! Seeing the bounty target across and thru the field.. NO!! I am not sure where you could list the bounty... but if others join in and make it big it might be fun to find it in the enemy team stats.
  8. after reading this post, i considered the harvy /silo balance. Being an old school Ren player, i tend to think the harvy is everything. But since silos now play a regular role in our game, I think allowing them more importance is appropriate. They tend to be out in the battlefield and harvys are more protected. make silos more important and Allow the harvy to be the obvious sign your team is failing...not the lynch pin. (i reserve the right to change my opinion....)
  9. isupreme


    Actually....... just like donations seems rather logical
  10. isupreme


    Q targeting with an announcement of some sort. Maybe something shows when you look at the team list?
  11. well.... i guess not. Having trouble keeping them to keep it online. I would like to explore how to and what it takes to run a server. :I
  12. isupreme


    Allow players on a team to buy a bounty on opposing team. I.E. : That mrls that is constantly sitting there and ruining everything. I buy 400 bounty, and the killer of the mrls gets it. Cash up front. Also, allow team to donate to a Matching Bounty Fund. ???
  13. My take away, right or wrong from this discussion, is that while the characters are roughly equivelent - they express essential differences in the needs of the teams. I have always found it fascinating how Gdi is different from NOd is so many ways - and yet game balance is enough to create endless marathons.
  14. yep. that is about what i am reduced to. Kill the higher vet vehicles is often impossible it seems. I get destroyed the second i face them. Thanks for the repair comment. I tend that direction but wondered about it's viability. BUT Maybe it is one of the paths to get caught up? That would be nice. I was wondering about that! TY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe its just me trying to adapt to new elements in the game.... but often i step into a game where the enemy has a significant firepower advantage thru vet points. When i try to join in my armor just gets totally trashed or even killed in one barrage. ( mrls typical) I find that very discouraging. It seems like a medium tank should be able to get into a fight and at least throw out a series of shots before backing down.
  15. I welcome comments and suggestions on : How to play and enjoy the game when i am NOT veteran. i.e. I have joined an ongoing game that is fairly well along. There are many players who have vetrancy and are much more powerful than i am. What is a player to do??? I have sometimes quit because i seem to be useless. ??? My hits seem to matter not, my armor is easily destroyed, i assume my healing is ineffective ( ???_) I want to participate and be useful. Before vet points i could jump in a tank and be as useful as anyone in my team. . . . . . but i do not feel that way now. What are good effective practices for players who do not have vet status? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. This is Thanks to all the folks playing on Paradise. I stopped by today and had a great time. The players took time to show me around the map and i was Impressed. So many inventive items it was almost overwhelming. Scenery with AwesomeSauce poured on it. FLYING JETS! But most of all i really appreciate the time and patience extended to me as a visitor. If this is an example of RenX community it is a Nice example. Thanks !
  17. I think you raise some interesting points. Your post helped me think a bit about the issues in more detail. I will be curious what feedback you get.
  18. The folks at NEC have been kind enough to run RenX for us. They are mostly a Call of Duty bunch. So if anyone is interested ...... https://www.nukeclan.com/ As a USA player, it sure is nice to enjoy fast ping play. I thought maybe this might be useful. ! Hope to see ya there! Enjoy!
  19. I suppose this thought is a bit out there and probably unlikely, but..... Would it be fun to have a simple ' Global like' map which moves back and forth between GDI and Nod, depending on who wins the battles played that day? Of course it would be of no consequence to anything. It would just be a fun way to remind players of the essential balance in the game. Although i would imagine every once in a while it might get close to one side or the other winning all.... only to have the map reset. Would it work better on a server basis rather than to represent all servers? Might be fun enough to cross over into the game. If GDI gets close to wining all the land, the players in the game might get a kick out of pushing it all the way. Or it could be included in the pregame map choosing.
  20. very interesting. The crazy shit that players can figure out to do.... Thanks for the feedback!
  21. Heal the character when you choose same at the control panel. I.e. If i am a hurt engineer, if i hit R it repairs me.... if i hit 5 it should also heal me. If i am not mistaken, this does not currently happen. I really like that in this game the battles get intense. Sometimes, for me, the intensity can lead to forgetting what basic character i am using as a !Last Stand! As nod i get in the habit of choosing a light tank ( 5) then an engr. (5). My fingers move fast , but then i catch myself running out and i am not healed. Minor issue. devs. Keep up the good work!
  22. Thanks for the input. Has anyone compiled the info into a handy chart for easy viewing? And is there a place where the updates are included?
  23. Where can i find ........ The basic stats of what weapons do and what are HP for dif character. I. E. This gun hits for this much against inf, against armor. And this character has this much HP, or resistance to.... etc. I am just wanting to learn the basic maths involved in gameplay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If YOU have a basic where can i find it? Question.... please feel free to post.
  24. USA player. Always hoping for a USA server with better ping than going to Europe, and an evening crowd. I helped the NEC server stay up for awhile but , but not many players used it.....
  25. Nice! its a great feeling to find eh? I hope you can adjust to the new game well. I know it took me a bit to adjust but so worth it.
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