Ok, ok... let's break it down
Flaming vehicles issue :
- It can take out relatively strong, expensive vehicles with low price
- It only requires flamvech to connect to enemy vehicles
- Buggies and humvees is too fast for tanks to back up
Redeeming qualities
- It is only effective and efficient when done with buggies and humvees. Even humvees aren't too effective compared to Buggy, where it possesses tusks on the front ideal for C4 placements
- Requires sneaky tactics and non-open areas to actually pull it off with no problem. Very risky to do on open wide space, as drivers usually have 0.75 seconds to blow a heavily damaged buggy and kill enemy vehicles at the sa.e time
- Deployment is relatively long. Requires the buggy/humvee to be hidden from peering eyes, creeping hands, and stray shots. Placement needs to be strategically on the front
- As damaging as it is, it cannot be used against buildings, which happens to NOT take C4 splash damages