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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. Sorry to bother you all but... http://renx.wiki/wiki/Talk:Main_Page Ban that IP
  2. If you mean the word MCT, PT and whatnot, I try avoiding them I also avoid any first/second person word such as 'you' unless it's Strategy. Although later on we might want to fix and avoid those words later on. I try to make this feel like pages of facts and theories *facepalm* Okay, derpy me. *goes back to doing English assignments*
  3. We got more vehicles than we got more characters (just Soldier atm). So more character is always appreciated Also, do we need to insert history section for them both? And Gallery section too, start shooting those screenies Also, do we really need http://renx.wiki/wiki/Credits? It seems to me that this is better inserted to Renegade X gameplay section
  4. Give me a template to import, and you've got it. Er never mind, I just looked up again and I think I got a bit derped there Also, the 'View Source' button in their wiki doesn't seem to be that informative about the infobox, haven't looked further though EDIT : Ok, it seems that it uses some kind of switch along with flipbook (?) images in their '3D viewer'. I'm not looking to make the 3D viewer, but I think there's something here that can be seen.
  5. Agent, is it possible to have the image in the infobox able to switch between GDI and Nod version? I'm thinking a bit of the one like in TF2 wiki
  6. Nah I just saw you tampering with Refinery's page so yeah
  7. Btw, Error, this is what the building's sections look like now : http://renx.wiki/wiki/Barracks At least as informative as that one, would be better if you can expand it even more (but keep it relevant and focus on the building)
  8. Added pics for humvee, mammoth and Hand of Nod. For Hand of Nod, I used the viewport with combination ingame actor, added door static mesh, and lightings. Then I turned on Game View mode and photoshopped it to make transparent background
  9. Ok, no worries. I also finished your Purchase Terminal page Recent changes from Agent and me says '+1,337'
  10. You just copy pasted my Buggy description for humvee. Fixed it for you
  11. Once I lost the airstrip because someone planted the beacon inside and I kept failing to get inside the tower. I pretty much agree with this word
  12. Would be better to use a transparent background model render on 3D application in 3Ds MAX, unless the background of the wiki will be changed, in which a white background would be prefered. Just my opinion
  13. I think the 'fast' feel is the Z (height) travel. You see, the player movement in stock Unreal Tournament only takes note on the X and Y axis, which is their movement on a flat surface. The height of their position adjusts at with the height of the floor they're on. So players look like they move fast in slope when actually it's because they normally move slow yet their height position changes faster than their movement speed. Let's put it this way. Let's say that the player has the speed of 1 unit per second. It takes him 4 seconds to move 4 units.
  14. Asymmetrical base is something I've already done in CNC-Coastal, it's possible. But don't try same buildings, except Obelisk
  15. They kill buildings really fast last time I checked.
  16. Hm. Probably because Trace() only traces the collision, it needs to be changed to the model's surface (Trace flag change I think?)
  17. It's actually much easier to make a large map. I don't know, you can really just accidentally make a large map even though you are planning small
  18. Truth to be told I had the similar idea for a map. I was gonna call it either CNC-BadNeighbors or CNC-B2B Fieldless map where you can base-to-base all day from the first minute! Except you can only fire from your base
  19. I forgot, wasn't it to keep HoN from getting hit early?
  20. That's what you said about CNC-Coastal.... kind of And that added more work to be done and more problems to be solved (stopping people from climbing certain spots, taking shortcuts etc.)
  21. Welp I misread the Chem and Flame death part. That part I don't mind much
  22. Ooooooh that hit so hard like a ramjet... But I see your point. I warned Ruud about making such scripting being rather inefficient years ago, but he kept pressing on.
  23. The damage seems fine, it's not so slow to the point that it takes forever to kill someone, and it's not so fast so you can still react to enemies They're fine IMO. Grenadier is a bit iffy though No, at least it's not that unbalanced Hell no. And Hell no, air vehicles are already powerful as it is. Most people here seem to hate BF, so you might want to avoid this sentence.
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