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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Fffreak9999


    The original game is not operated or hosted by Totem Arts. You won't be able to get this officially from us. However I do know you can get the game on Origin under the First Decade/Full Collection.
  2. Also for those wanting to play on the map without it being downloaded yet. I have uploaded a visually optimised version (Pre-computed Visibility Volumes and a few minor other optimisations) to the CNC-Paradise download page on this site. Choose this one to download. The one above is the original.
  3. Yeah, a lot of people had it stop at around there, best thing to do. Close the launcher and reopen it
  4. Why not kill just the power plants? You would be able to fly around in peace (without showing destroyed buildings) from an external view.
  5. Honestly, if a Hotwire has gotten into your base undetected, then you have bigger problems than an Ion being placed. As for the beacon being placed inside the tower, the hotwire has 2 choices, to engage with C4 (which will damage themselves in close range), or with a Pistol (which has the lowest damage of the sidearms). The pistol is an "ok" weapon if they have accuracy (which most do not) and unless you are stood still (which should never be the case even when disarming, since Snipers can still kill you) they should not be able to kill too many people (if at all) before they get killed. Also don't forget, that a valid building kill method for them is to Ion in the tower, and then C4 the MCT (which gives them 2 methods of destroying the building). As for the disarming of the mines, this should be noticed by a base defender (or any team member, and should be your first major warning). Ask people like Quincy or other sneakers (who don't even need the Ion) and just walk into the base and kill a building, your problem lies with the team not being attentive enough, not the fact the tower can be used for the beacon.
  6. You can disarm the beacon (with an Engineer/Hotwire range repair gun), anywhere in the tower from outside (assuming you find a good angle). There are also a few decent hiding places on the Flying WF (as mentioned) for Nod to plant beacons.
  7. Its a common thing to occur once the CPU process goes over multiple threads of CPU usage on the server.
  8. You are using the "Start Server" button in the launcher aren't you?
  9. Spy and stolen vehicles/crate vehicles
  10. Just remember that Epic units have an increased armour count over current units (by a significant amount) adding in a Tiberium heal would necessitate a reduction in that amount to balance out the healing that they receive (even if it only healed the health component and not armour) They already have immunity to tiberium based attacks as well (you can’t kill them with another epic unit’s tiberium splash weapon, and I am pretty sure they are immune to the Chem thrower and tiberium flechette weapons)
  11. Check see if Anti-Aliasing is enabled for in-game. As for the launcher. I can't help you identify why it does what it does there, but AA has been known to cause issues.
  12. It would likely help to ask these sort of questions on Discord.
  13. If it’s from 2017, it’s likely the legacy launcher.
  14. Intentionally allowed and designed to be able to be intercepted.
  15. Try -nomovies Thats what is on my desktop for me and it works
  16. Just go to your 64 bit binary folder and create a shortcut of the UDK.exe and add -SkipMovies to the target in the properties window
  17. City is under development, as for Glacier, there is no active development that I am aware of for this map. It was never intended to be a straight port of a game (as far as I was told in the beginning), and like you mentioned, some things that changed such as sprinting would also go against what you said here, it certainly isn't a sequel (not being an official game either), but a fan reimagining of what Renegade should have been in the minds of the Totem Arts Development team. There are new crates being added all the while, including the Tiberian Sun Vehicle crates, Classic Vehicles (Bradley Light Tank), and the Epic Sydney and Raveshaw crates just to name a few, Who is to say that some of these could not be implimented at a later date. There is also no reason why he could not assist in development of the game in his own way, he could quite easily pick up the SDK and try and learn a little bit of unrealscript and make his own version how he likes (via mutator). The game can be pretty much fully customised by any end user who is willing to put time into creating it.
  18. Well we now have more moderators than before, so it should be easier to ensure one is around to help host. @Xeon Wraith and @Gliven have access to the password from our Discord so even if me, @Sho-kun or @testman are not there to give the password, then we will at least be posting it in advance.
  19. Yeah, this is likely a remnant if a bunch of IPs that were blocked as a result of the DDoS attack.
  20. Just enabling sub commanders would be easier. They had near full functionality if I recall.
  21. If you want me to build lights for you, let me know. I have a PC that chews through Lightmass builds
  22. It is the winter edition atm, so if I recall, it should be the Barn
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