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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. There is definately more than enough players wanting to play at any one time, but the issue with trying to get them to start a second server, I feel that if 3-6 people randomly joined a server to start playing when a server was full, they would start to see people join that server as well.
  2. All keybinds can be altered Check google for the rebinding command for UDK or you can try searching the config files for the bind you want to alter
  3. Not impossible, but very demanding on the server resources which is already strained to the limits in most cases, plus it would take up valuable developer resource time focusing on a relatively unnecessary feature (that while it looks cool) does little to enhance the core gameplay. They would be better off focusing on core gameplay elements and map design rather than pure visual aspects at this point, and potentially look to that sort of update post 1.0 release.
  4. It only refunds on effective missiles, so it must have dealt some damage to an enemy unit/structure/vehicle to give a partial refund and only a maximum of 50% refund if enough targets are hit. I agree that the missiles are stronger with the refund but if there was an internal cooldown of only one active at any time for your team, I feel that would be a sufficient nerf. So you can only call one in if one is not active.
  5. Its not quite that simple, the airstrikes are decided on a per map basis because some maps need a strong enforcement of cooldown, and others you don't need quite as long (such as larger maps like Eyes can easily have a shorter cooldown compared to say Walls_Flying)
  6. Then we can look at adjusting the timer for Airstrikes on that map, since airstrike cooldown is on a per map basis
  7. Which map are you finding it be too much of an issue on?
  8. Just go through and delete them all, If it affects your install, you can always re-install it. (or just move it to a detachable drive) then delete them.
  9. If I recall, it should be fine, if you have any issues afterwards use Reset Game from the launcher.
  10. Team 1 Commander: @yosh56 Team 2 Commander: @KrypTheBear Score: <To be updated> Match 1: Tomb Victor: <To be updated> Demo Download Link: Tomb PUG Demo 25/08/2018 Match 2: Islands Victor: <To be updated> Demo Download Link: Islands PUG Demo 25/08/2018 Match 3: Complex Victor: <To be updated> Demo Download Link: Complex PUG Demo 25/08/2018 Match 4: Canyon Victor: <To be updated> Demo Download Link: Canyon PUG Demo 25/08/2018 Match 5: Field Victor: <To be updated> Demo Download Link: Field PUG Demo 25/08/2018
  11. There is a couple of problems with running this on a server with that level of population, especially if they don't have it downloaded already As a "Fun" exploration 1) Download Time 2) Shader Build Time 3) People wanting to join, and play the game, and not "have fun". As a live map: 1) Download Time 2) Shader Build Time 3) People wanting to explore and "have fun" and not play the objective. Now if we were to have it as an actual map. We would need to see those "distractions" removed (or at least minimized) so the main focus is to play the level. Also CPU wise, its a very hefty map but it should not be too much of a concern.
  12. Team 1 Commander: @boxes Team 2 Commander: @yosh56 Score: 3 - 2 (Team 1 wins)  Match 1: Walls Flying Victor: Nod / Team 1 Demo Download Link: Walls Flying Demo 18/08/2018 GDI loses the harvester battle, and Nod attempts a light tank rush but fails to do any damage. GDI then seizes control of the plateau, and holds onto it for almost the whole game. GDI tanks freely attack the HON for VP, and Gunners on the plateau as well. Nod pulls off an SBH outside C4 rush on PP and destroys it, then gains slight control of plateau, and uses the opportunity to apache rush the Ref, destroying that as well. GDI however still controls the plateau afterwards, and Nod still is unable to break out of their base. Another SBH outside C4 rush destroys the WF, leaving only the Bar for GDI. Finally GDI tries a rocket rush, but are unable to do any damage. GDI surrenders. Match 2: Outposts Victor: Nod / Team 2 Demo Download Link: Outposts Demo 18/08/2018 Both harvs survive, Nod takes control of the field with lights and artys. GDI turtles and pumps out a ton of meds, then takes back the field after winning the tank battle. A back and forth tank fight ends up going nowhere, until a spy destroys AGT. GDI then slowly falls apart from that point on, losing bar and ref to a stank rush. A GDI rocket rush from the infantry path destroys HON and later Ref, but Nod tanks roll in seals the deal. Match 3: Lakeside Victor: Nod / Team 1 Demo Download Link: Lakeside Demo 18/08/2018 Both harvs survive, Nod rolls out with lights, artys, and stanks, while GDI with meds. Nod wins the tank battle, and locks GDI in. Nod first tries an Apache rush which brings down Ref to ~20 HP, then later destroys the WF with SBH outside C4. Another apache rush destroys both Ref and Bar. Match 4: Volcano Victor: Nod / Team 2 Demo Download Link: Volcano Demo 18/08/2018 Both teams lose their harvs but Volcano ends up playing out the same way per usual. Nod overpowers GDI with lights/flamers/artys, and GDI, unable to roll out enough meds, falls apart. Match 5: Complex Victor: Nod / Team 1 Demo Download Link: Complex Demo 18/08/2018 GDI goes for a grenadier rush on strip, but fails to do any damage. Nod takes silo, then goes for an APC rush on Bar, which ends up working. GDI without any hotwires cannot compete with field control, and loses WF to an arty rush then stops repairing the Ref soon later.
  13. Team 1 Commander: @Davidbeast Team 2 commander: @Xeon Wraith Score: 3 - 0 (Team 1 wins) Match 1: Complex Victor: Nod / Team 1 Demo Download Link: Complex PUG Demo 11/08/2018 Both teams contest for silo, GDI manages to infiltrate HON but fails to get an armor break. Nod rolls out with artys/lights/flamers, GDI with Meds, MRLS, and later mammoths. Both fight for field control for the majority of the game, with Nod having the upper hand most of the time due to raveshaws being uncontested. Airstrip gets chipped down to 40 HP from a buffed tank push, while all of GDI's buildings get armor breaks with Refinery taking the most damage, at 21HP. Eventually a Mendoza destroys the GDI Refinery from the outside with a little arty support. GDI tries one last push with an offensive buff, but fails to do any significant damage, and Nod snowballs to victory. Match 2: Islands Victor: GDI / Team 1 Demo Download Link: Islands PUG Demo 11/08/2018 Neither team ends up infiltrating each other's base at the start. GDI rolls out with Gunners, 1 MRLS and some hotwires while Nod gets Arty/Tech/LCG. Nod pulls out on top in the first engagement, but fails to armor break the GDI Ref. Meds with Sydneys push out, and a back and forth battle for field control ensues with no buildings taking any armor breaks. GDI eventually locks Nod in with a massive ball of tanks, and destroys the Nod ref. An Ion at the end of the strip with tanks hitting HON sealed the deal. Nod attempted an SBH nuke with outside C4 on WF, but ended up getting caught. Match 3: Field X Victor: Nod / Team 1 Demo Download Link: Field_X PUG Demo 11/08/2018 GDI attempts two consecutive Grenadier rushes, both fail to get an armor break. Nod's Rocket rush ends up running into GDI's second grenadier rush, and fails to get an armor break as well. GDI however loses their harvester, while Nod saved theirs. With the extra funds, Nod is able to hold field for nearly the whole game minus one med push that reaches the Comm center and slightly past the upper bridge, but falls apart due to lack of repairs. With low credits, GDI is unable to contest the field, and also cannot contest Mendozas camping the tunnels. WF goes down from artys, and GDI surrenders.
  14. Fffreak9999

    Quo Vadis

    I will attempt to answer each part of your questions: As a community standpoint, the situation is not sustainable, there is too few people to meet the overall availability of the servers. We may not be happy with the situation, but beyond having a 1.0 version or massive advertising, there is very little growth to be had. From a server provider view, CT already provides a massive variety of game play options. Marathon Modded Marathon (derived from the old AGN mutator) Timed Matches Map Testing and Mutator Testing Deathmatch Organised Play Many of the old players prefer a closed session with significant co-ordination attempts. Much of the appeal of the game for these people lies in being able to co-ordinate teams more efficiently through voice comms, and without this level of co-ordination it fails to hold their attention as much. However for the general public, the game play is fairly erratic and provides some measure of randomness which helps balances out the differences between skill levels to a moderate extent, however this sort of gameplay is rarely in-line with the organised players tastes. Our main focus was to wait till a 1.0 release so we can actively promote a game without too many drawbacks and issues. There is a fair few issues that need to be addressed before this can occur, such as a much improved launcher with increased features, much more balancing needs to be done in play styles between the 2 factions (as Nod currently wins a lot more matches than GDI, especially in organised play), we also need many more maps available for play, since the limited pool selection of maps constantly end up being reused (such as Field, Islands, Walls_Flying). I have no problem introducing people to the game, as it is a brilliant game to play, however with many of these outstanding issues still to be addressed, I will be hard pressed to spend more than passing attempts to recruit new players.
  15. You can scale models easily enough. The only concern may be the material textures, but that won't be too difficult to sort.
  16. Honestly, a lot of what you want to do is easy enough with no major modification. Using the SDK is not difficult if you spend a little time getting used to it. As for a pyramid, I don't know if we have a Pyramid asset, but I would be surprised if you couldn't find one easily enough online.
  17. I can see he got to the FEM, just wondering if he is trying to load a particular game, i.e Skirmish/Multiplayer.
  18. What were you trying to load when it crashed?
  19. Can you look at fixing the issue which exists for any timed match that occurs in RenX. If someone joins when the match no-one has played, but the time would have expired based on when the map was loaded, but the game hasn't started. It will instantly Game Over. Can you make it so that the server does not begin the Game Timer until someone has begun the match. This means that players will be able to begin a match on the shown map without then immediately going to Game Over/Choose a Map.
  20. You will likely need to vote enable vehicles and weapons to get it to work. it is temperamental
  21. To be honest, it could be that you restarted your PC or closed it all and reopened it
  22. Try closing the launcher fully (in Task Manager), then open with Administrator privileges. If this doesn't work, please let us know.
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