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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Yes. If you last played before the Daylights Savings Time change for the UK/US then you would have had your configs changed. Its something to do with the UDK and DST...
  2. You can grab the latest one, it has a LOT of updated features (and even if a newer version is released, it probably won't be for a while, unless @Cronus decides to randomly drop a newer one on us...)
  3. All of what you mentioned is available in the SDK to do. As for a few things: Press Spacebar. Is very rarely an issue (unless you are mining and even then, its not likely to be that common an issue), the main reason it was removed was because Engineers with an effective infinite C4 count just chucking C4 at someone and then refilling, making them effectively unkillable (barring their own actions) while in the base. I don't find it all that bad, it only holds it for a couple of seconds. Which makes the running through Nod's base slightly longer, to balance out the effectiveness of GDI's AGT at slaughtering infantry. However But you can change the entire game in the SDK to however you want to play if you know how to use Unrealscript.
  4. Don't worry we will keep an eye on it.
  5. Both of you calm down please. I have removed the offending posts, but please ensure that you follow the rules and behave.
  6. This would be crippling for a team being camped while the other team gain stupid levels of credits, if you had a harvester granting heroic levels of credits and the team being locked in only had recruit and being farmed for VP, never getting any credit drops. ----------Unfinished Idea, looking to elaborate later--------------------------- Instead of granting more credits by veterancy level, make it so that losing the harvester grants a small credit boost to the team killing it. Example: 25 credits at Recruit to all players on the team which kills a harvester, and scale it up to 100 credits at Heroic (see the below suggestion). This promotes the defense of the harvester as a long term goal of the team to prevent the enemy from keeping an economic advantage, along with promoting aggressive action to take out the enemy harvester to grant that team wide boost. I would also like to see Harvesters take on a more aggressive approach, maybe have a small mounted machine gun that fires if the Harvester is active (Harvester has not been stopped, prevents abuse of the commander powers to control the harvester), this helps prevent early game losses a little, while proving little more than annoyance at higher veterancy levels. Maybe tie the Harvester veterancy into Match duration (00:00-10:00 = Recruit, 10:01-20:00 = Veteran, 20:01-30:00 = Elite, 30:01+ = Heroic)
  7. If i recall you can force it to a single mirror, there was a post from a while back which explained how to do so. Ill see if i can find it for you later
  8. Well it will help in the future when others ask the question as well.
  9. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Server This documents all the different things to set up your own server, However Port Forwarding is done on a per router basis https://portforward.com/router.htm This will give you a list of all the routers they have managed to get port forwarding on, and you can follow the guides. Once you have done port forwarding, make sure you configure any firewall (including Windows) to accept inbound connections on that port.
  10. the main issue was the reclaiming health.
  11. As mentioned, this functionality was removed to prevent issues arrising from engineers using it to suicidally C4 spam while defending. One potential method could be if refill isn’t on cooldown, have it also trigger the refill at the same time. I dont know how easy it would be, but it is a potential to resolve what you keep seeing.
  12. Just to elaborate further: The current majority of our player base is European players so the game is most active around the weekend afternoons to late evenings (5-11pm UK time). Depending on how long the map goes on for, most players will leave after the map ends after this time.
  13. Just as an FYI: There is no CT specific vehicle limit increase, They are all default and always has been.
  14. Try reset game. There is a mutator on there, but it shouldn't prevent you from joining, although it would delay loading in a for a short time.
  15. Thats on a static mesh, not a volume.
  16. 1. Its a known bug. 2. I wouldn't want to see this, since we have been pushing for these maps to be added as official for a long time, even if the Devs are not the ones maintaining them. It allows us to get round the issue of only playing stale map rotations Field -> Walls -> Snow -> Field X -> etc 3. We use HTTP downloading in the servers to download these and most mutators are tiny files. Most are around 8-50kb in file size, depending on how much data it holds. Some of the larger ones are slightly bigger but they are not downloaded every time you join (unless there has been an update to it since you last joined)
  17. My opinion on your suggestions 1. Honestly I don't agree with it, a personal limit would only be fine if maps were much larger and not used to summon one within radius of one currently being called down. Otherwise on smaller maps like Field, you could potentially end up with a near infinite amount of airstrikes being called on the front entrance of a base, one after another. 2. I don't mind having extremely limited mobility being an option, compared to no movement. 3. Its to prevent issues where one person can use an SBH to infiltrate a building using a repair tool and then placing a nuke while shooting the MCT/guarding the Beacon. 4. Currently this wouldn't work. Rep tool/gun uses both clicks for different functions. Left click = Disarm own proxy mines, Right click = repair own mines.
  18. Just as an FYI, I wasn't even the original suggester. It was one from a while back.
  19. I can easily run one, its not difficult
  20. I still feel the player count should be the same as it is (64), the server is stable at this level and allows for some of the larger maps to be played, which was an issue on 40-50 player servers.
  21. I understand the sentiment, however, I did trial this quite some time ago, when I first started adjusting the max player count above the (then default) 40 player limit. Servers continued to remain empty, however when the limit went up, so did the number of active players, but not the number of active servers. I still feel the best way to combat this would be to implement a chat lobby in the launcher which shows how many players are connected to the launcher at any one time and allows people to see how many are waiting to join a server.
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