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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Aye, I'll see about grabbing the log file to see which ones are a problem later.
  2. Possible? Probably, but it may not be something that gets added any time soon.
  3. I'll check when I get the file.
  4. Did you keep the EndGame Pedestal?
  5. Just a download link will suffice, anything like Googledrive, onedrive or another download service will do.
  6. There are a few others around that price point, which are also good, its just one I found quickly while at work.
  7. I would suggest looking at something around this sort of spec. If you want gaming related functionality to be your main focus. https://www.asus.com/Laptops/ROG-ZEPHYRUS-S-GX701/
  8. The main issue is that the majority of servers (FPI and CT) run in a Marathon mode, and this map plays more like a mini-game hub than an actual [Command and Conquer] Mode map. I have stated in the past, I would be willing to host the map on a server if these areas where distractions exist were sealed off so the only objective is to play the map as a C&C Mode map. In terms of having to run in 64 bit, that will not be much of a concern for much longer, once the updated launcher comes into effect and offers the 64 bit as an option. Having to download the map and do initial shader loading would be a detractor for many people the first time, they have to do it. Many wouldn't sit through the download if they only download at 2-3Mb per sec and think the game is broken when trying to build shaders, since it wouldn't respond during that time. However if the adjustments I suggested are made (Sealing the areas off), then I would have no issue at least offering it as an option.
  9. Yeah, won’t be done for a few days though
  10. Yeah, this map takes ages over 2 hrs to build, compared to 30-45 mins avg for other maps for me.
  11. What price range are you looking at?
  12. We will not indicate what is, and is not real. We will keep you in suspense until these features (if any) are ready for release. So until such time, assume that all of the above patch notes were a troll for April Fools. However curious minded people may be able to identify what is and is not real by looking at what has been posted in the past on any source and make an educated guess as to what is real or not.
  13. Well, if you are referring to the patch notes in general, then I just went through the forums and found a few (lot) of thing people wanted and stuck them in a list. As for any individual “change” like the SBH removal that you mentioned, I made that change on a server a while back, since i’m not a fan of how Nod use SBH at the moment (too passive, very little gets done, unless co-ordinated). So I replaced the SBH with a unit called “Hand of Kane”. SBH were only found as spies, but all spy crates were SBHs. Allowing Stealth to be the critical infiltration method, made them far more useful, and more active.
  14. I can make it a thing if people want it via mutator, I did it once before. Just change spy crates and then replace SBH in the PurchaseTerminal with another class
  15. The only problem with this is getting access to vehicles much earlier than intentional, and makes money crates much more valuable. Yes, the low end vehicles you have a negligible impact on, but when you start churning out the “very much intentionally” high priced mammoth tanks 150 credits earlier, GDI would have a much stronger force available. Also 1k units costing 900 is also a huge discount since you skew the balance of the game to be much more high power units at a much lower cost. Doing this would definitely favour GDI more than Nod as their stuff is generally more expensive. (To balance out their generally more powerful units)
  16. And hello @Boomer, many people were asking about you since they hadn’t heard from you in a while. You should show up for a PUG sometime
  17. There are many to choose from with a simple google search, it depends what price you want to pay and what spec you want.
  18. I don't have the stats on me atm, but if I recall, the TFR has the highest potential damage output. Grabbing stats off the wiki shows the following for the first two. Carbine Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier 12 x2.5 x0.7 x1.3 x1 x0.08 x0.2333331 x0.35 x0.0035 x0.525 Heavy Pistol Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier 30 x2.25 x0.7 x1.1 x1 x0.1 x0.25 x0.25 x0.1 x0.5 I don't have the TFR on hand, but I think the stats are slightly better than the carbine when you factor in the potential to hit for tiberium damage. However if I recall correctly, the stats for Mendoza's primary fire were pretty similar (if not identical) to the TFR, which is this: Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier 22 x2 x0.7 x1.1 x1 x0.1 x0.2 x0.35 x0.01 x0.025
  19. Likely, the op is using the “launch server” option. If this is the case, it’s likely trying to load FrontEndMap, as walls_flying is not available.
  20. Most of the time the spotting points do tell you Nod silo or GDI silo. You only have problems when you actually spot the silo itself and not someone close to it. As for naming it silo 1 or whatever how would you factor this in to other teams since how is the game meant to translate that to players (since that number could be different every other time you play that map), and giving it a number will be significantly more confusing for both new and old players of the game. Plus silos are neutral (by default, there is a variant that is team locked but is definitely not viable on most maps) As for audio cues you would need to create a whole lot of new audio for that and even if you stick to just (GDI/Nod) if they swapped team they would not match (since the announcer already says “GDI Tiberium silo under attack” etc) Adding a label like North/South/East/West would be easier and simpler but you would need to be able to alter the label in each silo which if I recall is currently not available (but not impossible)
  21. Check for an option called Framerate Smoothing (in options page 3 I think)
  22. As for this issue, the game is hardly optimised, and I would bet it would have similar issues for other users as well. I regularly get between 60-120 FPS on most maps, but then on occasion, ill drop down to below 45 for a brief second, then go back to normal. Various effects on screen do cause more issues than others.
  23. I've just been trying this in the editor, and I cannot get it to reproduce the glitching that is being shown. It looks a lot like what happens when you "rubber band" the connection to the server and it things you are in a different place to where you are, and it tries shoving you to where it thinks you are. If that state persists long enough, it causes damage, but I doubt thats the issue you are actually experiencing.
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