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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Technically TDM is supported, and I know normal DM is possible since we have used those modes on some maps in the past. (Deck, Prototype etc). They just are not run as regular rotation matches, since if they get played, the server configs get overwritten and you end up with 10 minute matches when you should have Marathon. But they were normally run as their servers which held their own specialised configs but very few people joined them, that’s why server owners don’t normally have one running. Also @iridesence - I have put up a Deathmatch server for you, it is currently running in TDM mode, just be prepared to download the necessary files to join.
  2. Some settings could be altered without too much issue, but the server would need to be a very good one to handle any major improvements, such as changing some of the engine config settings, you could potentially come up with some settings that "work" but with so many potential variables, it would start getting complicated quickly. Also remember that this is a configuration tool, to prevent tedious altering of details it does not look into anything more than the config files, so is not set to check CPU scaling or other things of that nature. Alerting the person setting up the server as to a recommended player count, its not that simple, since some maps are definitely more demanding, which only gets worse with size, especially with high vehicle counts. I suspect coming up with guidelines would be rather difficult. MaxMapVoteSize and the Exclusion after playing value along with bBotVotesDisabled would also be rather helpful. As for the map vote history, if there would be an option to remove all the records with that, that would be good.
  3. @ all - This was resolved by using Reset Game in the launcher.
  4. I like the philosophy of the End of around voting style, but I suspect it will be hard to implement. Especially as for some servers some mutators would be considered “necessary” and some optional. As for your Hardcore mutator, I like the idea behind that, and it’s certainly much easier to do. Can you explain what you would like to see with the Infantry Health regen comment. Do you want it enabled? Disabled? As for the vehicle ammo, I don’t know quite how to handle that and don’t know quite how to manage a repair based refill or an over time refill beyond long cool down reload times. One of the Devs would likely have a better idea on how to handle that, but it’s not an easy one.
  5. Not quite there are some situations that you can hear announcements for the opposing team buildings. Admittedly you only hear the announcements from your announcer but they do have multi-team announcements.
  6. The lastest patch is not a 5gb update, it should be between 100-250mb depending on what your client version is.
  7. Not quite true, they can't spawn where the space is a limitting factor. However Hilltops are perfectly acceptable, such as on Lakeside.
  8. 1) Only fort has them by default, all maps however can use those vehicles if they have the Tib Sun Vehicle crate enabled. 2) None at this time. Hope this helps.
  9. All recommendations are just a label of how people (or the bot on the server) perceive your actions as being positive (or negative). There is no gameplay benefits tied to the system nor is there any benefit to recommending another player (beyond the initial mention that someone did good). While it shows a quick measure of roughly how effective that player may be in a match, this is not a fool proof system and you will naturally accrue recommendations over time (assuming you take part in match rather than staying back and doing very little) eventually everyone will reach the “top tier” and the perceived worth of the player is much harder to determine.
  10. Correct, it will only be on the CT Mutator Testing server for now, and maybe join the CT Mutator Marathon at a later date.
  11. He honestly doesn’t need it, his vast array of other explosives make it a valid option, 4x Remotes is the classes main potency, although I may see about dropping by one and returning timed.
  12. Demolition Expert is a new class to replace the McFarland class, giving him access to a vast array of explosives to help destroy enemy buildings and vehicles. He has the following: Modified Flak Cannon Frag Grenades Smoke Grenades Recharging EMP grenade (Weapon Ability) Assault Proxy Mines No Timed C4 (Or at least meant to have no Timed... He kept getting some for some random reason, ill test later) Maybe other things, but cant remember. May tone down the class a little once I solve a few issues.
  13. I recently made some changes with the old AGN mutator, adding a new weapon type called the Assault Proximity C4. This should hopefully be helpful with these sort of issues, the kinks haven't been worked out yet, but they are almost ready. Me and Sho are trying to make them the ideal infiltrator weapon, without reducing the mine limit from the team. We added it to the Demolition Expert class, but if they work well enough, may make them a purchasable weapon.
  14. Bare in mind that I did quite a bit of testing with player limits back when the limit was 40 players (using a mutator to increase the limits). Trying to run 2 servers instead of 1, just doesn’t work to spread players unless they are forced across into the other server. Players prefer to join the established (high count) server over beginning a fresh game. We do have enough players on some days (mostly weekends) to fill 2 64 player servers) (as can be seen by the PUG server being at like 50 players) and a 64 player server full with a couple of testers on their own servers. The only issue is the lack of visibility before joining a game as to who is willing to look for a match and then directing them to a server.
  15. If you really wanted to, you could just alter the default inventory option for all classes to include a repair tool. It would get past the issue of anyone needing to buy one.
  16. It’s not that simple. By default, choosing the price in the vanilla game (no mutator affecting the purchase system) does not alter the initial availability of the item, always showing 200. The AGN mutator overrides the purchase system, enabling the initial available price to be altered.
  17. Its been discussed in the past.
  18. Forum post locked. Please take any communication regarding server bans and mutes to the relevant server group forum/discord or other communication channels.
  19. I’m not planning on implienting any adjustments to the weapon
  20. Most servers are active from 18:00 UK time onwards till about 01:00 UK
  21. Rapid Promotion is a crate that makes the person heroic quickly, needing only 1 point for each remaining veterancy level. It starts appearing 20 minutes in with less than 0.003%. But if it never gets seen, I’ll look to increase that a little. As for the SBH spies, that was not a setting on AGN, only GDI could receive them, as per the base game, but now even Nod can get them, and it is the ONLY option from the crate. ‘All the mutator is just the AGN server’s mutator, just more modified. Since the AGN mutated server was reasonably popular, I decided to host it, because with no more AGN, there is a void left behind for more non-standard gameplay.
  22. I have a version running on CT mutated Marathon if people want to play the modified game mode. I've made some adjustments to the base mutator though, including improving the amount of money provided from the 2 money crates, making all Spies (regardless of team) SBHs and improving the default veterancy crate to give more VP.
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