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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Not sure what part of the world you're from, but the time usually revolves around the general European time zones. Most players are European.
  2. Turrets are occupied by their own AI, dont think that is planned.
  3. All suggestions taken into account 👍
  4. Putting map on hold for a bit while dealing with Hurricane Harvey.
  5. Yeah I guess I'll get the lakeside water material and Post P Effects. Currently what I have is just a place holder while I focus on other stuff. And yeah, especially since I don't want people to be able to ion 2 buildings, I was thinking of turning it 90% and making the end of the strip between Hon and ref, or maybe adding rocks to protect it better. Thanks so much for your responses guys! I appreciate them all Also: I need to change all trees to pine/fir instead of mixing them, I'll do it soon 😂
  6. I don't know much of the lore, but I kinda like the giant crystal
  7. Updated post. Added new pics. @Schmitzenbergh, I added a few changes as requested, however I haven't decided on a proper rock texture and a way to make the land around the lake to look realistic. Also, the background trees are affected by shadows completely (check 3rd picture). Is there a way to fix this? I know this has something to do with the direction light but I'm not exactly sure how to fix it. I have only started adding more details in the map, so obviously try not to judge it too hard, just tell me what can be done better next.
  8. Would it be worth making if it is that similar? I don't want to waste time on map no one will play... at this point(of course more fixes) is the 'map design' good enough or actual game play?
  9. Yeah definitely, I was just getting em down to make a solid 'play area'. I also noticed I could hide inside of one of the rock meshes.
  10. It's more of a landing thing, the forest is the 'inland' part of the weird little thing. It's like a little chunk of land. I'm probably just gonna delete the beach and water and just make it into a forest map
  11. Added new pics. Up for criticism.
  12. I get solo'd by flamers all the time, and I wouldn't consider myself a bad sniper.
  13. https://renx.wiki/wiki/Server_Settings The highest value for difficulty in game is 7. I guess the difficulty settings are different serverside? Maybe max is 100, I am not exactly sure. But that is my best guess on the way to change the skill level of the bots.
  14. They are gonna be shotguns after they are changed, lol. And they have already been nerfed before this patches, anymore and they'd be pretty useless
  15. The problem starts when unskilled snipers can kill people all the time, however, that is not the case. There is a small group of skilled people who are good at sniping, and they shouldn't be forced to adapt to new changes because people can't learn to counter snipers.
  16. It's temporary until I can find a better way for it @DarkSn4ke
  17. Updated topic with pictures of map with suggested edits. (Not all done, just spent a few hours on the map) Special thank: @DarkSn4ke, @Ruud033, @TK0104. And for everyone else who talked about what a berm is, lol. ~Sarah
  18. Yep, thanks for the feedback, @TK0104, @Ruud033 and @DarkSn4ke, I will add these changes today if I feel up to it.
  19. CNC-Sunrise v. 0.9.9 Each team has every building except for the Obelisk and AGT, respectively. This map contains 2 Tech Buildings, a Comms Center and Silo. Each base is on the lake front; the beach connects the base along with a cave structure that can be accessed by the beach or by a tunnel in each base. Situated in the serene piney woods of Oregon, a disturbance has found it's way onto Lake Amber. A new colony of tiberium has been discovered in this hushed corner of the United States. GDI recently acquired intel of this new deposit, and immediately set-up a base to protect the natural surroundings and harvest the tiberium. GDI commanders had wondered how this deposit had been unknown to them for so long; they would have expected the infection to have exponentially bigger... When they tested the site, it had seemed that the corruption had long been apart of the environment. Little known to them, Nod had already made camp just a few paces down the beach. Nod had been using a stealth generator ship and hidden radio signals to hide their camp from the GDI satellites and Homeland Security. All criticism is appreciated. Images Download Map is open for all types of feedback. Download here! (91 MB) (RX Forums) (1/23/2018) Map is live on Public Map Test Server. Fast download is enabled. Feel free to jump on and test the map. Bugs Known: Minimap isn't that great Working on: Fixed: Inf path with the catwalk. (Can throw c4 on top of air, going to move the building to top of strip) Ion kills air and PP. (Thanks Madkill!) Nod harvy path/balancing both team dump times. (Thanks Madkill!) All vehicle blockers Accidental blocker at nod veh path Other stuffs
  20. Hey guys, I am currently working on a map with Turrets and Guard Towers. The only problem I have currently is that they don't "see" me even when I can see them. I know there's a bunch of settings that you can change, but nothing I do seems to have an effect. Does anyone know exactly which setting would allow the turret to have a further distance? Thanks, Sarah
  21. You have to compile UPKs through the SDK, but I don't think modified skins are allowed, except in a per-map basis. I don't know if the game supports edited files? Not sure. Will need a dev to check on that. I doubt highly that custom skins are compatible with the game, though. @yosh56 @Agent @Havoc89
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