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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. The point of this mutator is when people type 'mutate sniper' or 'mutate SNIPER' into the command line, it will award them with a sniper. I know this has no real value, but it's just practice. There is only one problem, it won't compile due to an error in the 6th line. Apparently this has something to do with the code of Rx_InventoryManager and there is nothing I can do about it right now. Waiting for some more info from the devs. Error 9 Bad or missing expression after '&&': 'Rx_InventoryManager' C:\Rx_SDK\Rx_SDK_March_22_2015\Development\Src\CZ_BuySniper\Classes\CZ_BuySniper.uc 6 1 RenXMP class CZ_BuySniper extends UTMutator; function Mutate(string MutateString, PlayerController Sender) { if (Caps(MutateString) == "SNIPER" && Rx_InventoryManager(Sender.Pawn.InvManager) != none) Rx_InventoryManager(Sender.Pawn.InvManager).AddWeaponOfClass(class'Rx_Weapon_SniperRifle_Nod',CLASS_PRIMARY); Super.Mutate(MutateString, Sender); } DefaultProperties { }
  2. Thanks a ton Jeep! I will probably have more questions soon, so stay tuned!
  3. class CZ_SniperRifle extends Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_StealthBlackHand; function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) function int GetSecondaryWeaponSlots() { return 1; } { { if (UTGame(WorldInfo.Game) != None) { UTGame(WorldInfo.Game).DefaultInventory[0] = class'CZ_SniperRifle.Rx_SniperRifle_Nod'; } Super.PrimaryWeapons[0](Options, ErrorMessage); } function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) { if (Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_Pistol') && !Other.IsA'Rx_SniperRifle_Nod')) { ReplaceWith(Other, "Rx_SniperRifle_Nod"); } return true; } DefaultProperties { } } Is what I have now. Now, I get this error when compiling. C:\Rx_SDK\Rx_SDK_March_22_2015\Development\Src\CZ_SniperRifle\Classes\CZ_SniperRifle.uc(5) : Error, Missing '{' in function
  4. https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/59 ... st25189484 (Found an old RenX dev question on Unreal Forums) Anyway, I have a question. Say I want to add a sniper rifle to the Stealth Black Hands upon purchase. Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_StealthBlackHand.uc class Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_StealthBlackHand extends Rx_InventoryManager_Adv_NOD; DefaultProperties { PrimaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_LaserRifle' } Using a mutator, how would I target the specific "PrimaryWeapons[0]" value and add another one using a mutator? I know I have to add Rx_Weapon_SniperRifle_NOD, but I don't know what the code would be to add that.
  5. You may have to move paths around for the bots/harvester. (Or just flip them so the other harvy will follow it)
  6. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=72472 Lots of people started speed hacking. So if it says that it thinks you're speed hacking and tries to slow you down
  7. Assuming they put the map files with the SDK it should be pretty easy.
  8. More whoring opportunities! Everyone loves those.
  9. ...whats that? =o Guess you will find out ;O
  10. Most of the developers' first languages were not English. They are fixing them as we go. Most are gone, but some are not. It doesn't really change much
  11. I have already started on one of my maps I have planned.
  12. Because people say it's not ready, and EA is as cooperative as a rock
  13. Use airstrikes. Gets me everytime.
  14. No one says they have to stick to the original Ren. They redid models. OHNO let's delete the whole game. They made a new map, let's blow up the Earth.
  15. Beautiful. I feel bad for having war here :3
  16. I always wanted to see the recon bike in Renegade X too, and I think this method of acquiring it sounds pretty nice. I would set the HP at 175, same price as a buggy, and weapon wise it should function similarly to a stealth tank, but with a 1 rocket per reload. And of course, it should be really fast, and maybe you should be able to see your character in third person mode riding it! I don't think it should get its own vehicle count though. It should stick with the normal team count. I think this would be a good "spice" for a future map.
  17. That's the only good one I see
  18. You can activate some fun extras in the multiplayer mode by pressing F8 to bring up the command menu and typing ''extras fnkgrrm'' (''extras quantifigon'' in the unpatched version). A message should appear saying, ''Extras ENABLED!'' Now hold down the Alt key while clicking on the character or vehicle buttons to bring up the extras (but there are no menu pictures for them). Extras do not work in laddered games. Note: Some of the Nod extra characters are mutants. They regain health while they are standing on Tiberium or being hit by Tiberium-based weapons. Yes there is a spike thingy.
  19. I suppose it makes it more life like. It actually shows strategy and skill, in my opinion.
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