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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. If anyone would like to contribute to our server mutators, feel free to check my GitHub page with all of our mutator code on it. I will post issues for currently in development features and bugs. Feel free to fork, then PR the mutator with an improvement or new requested feature. https://github.com/sevans045/FPI Almost forgot the link.
  2. It's been a prevalent bug since 5.31
  3. OnOvermine: PRI/Controller (optional) Team OnTeamChat: PRI/Controller Team Chat OnAllChat: PRI/Controller Team Chat I've seen where all 3 of these are 'executed' at, but it would be so much simpler to use the hooks for my purposes.
  4. It's managed by EKT members, Goku & I. All staff members are EKT clan members. However, the person paying and overseeing it is not EKT.
  5. If you want, I can show you our download repo and you can get the files off there and summon it in a single player match.
  6. irc.elitekamikazeteam.com #RenX Our Discord is also located at https://discord.gg/X9rsRzr
  7. I'm pretty sure the beams hitting MCTs was an AGN issue, but I'll guess we find out.
  8. Yeah, I never touched the crate settings. They're pretty terrible default. Reduced drop rate of bradley from .5 to .1
  9. ^ It shouldn't be game winning, but it should have a small effect on the game at least.
  10. Can you guys take this convo somewhere else out of our post?
  11. To clarify, it does 400, but it only has 1 ammo in it's clip. 4 second reload time.
  12. I don't think that's exactly how it works, but I guess.
  13. I saw this. I warned him in PM. If someone does anything like this again, you can press F9 to screenshot. The screenshots are located in your RenX folder. Or you can use !modrequest ingame to get my attention. Action will be taken if I see this again.
  14. At best, that would only delay someone just making a new account. IP and HWID bans are basically the same in this case. Devs can also globally ban player names; they just choose not to.
  15. There's such things as hardware IDs and IPs
  16. And yet, I can't read German. You made no attempts to contact a staff member.
  17. Fast downloader is also now enabled ingame, so no need to download it from Google Drive, as it will go at normal download speeds when you connect to the server.
  18. You have to enable the server gametools for everyone. Vote menu 9. It was enabled earlier, but I guess the map restarted or something
  19. Is the file named Announcements.txt.txt?
  20. The announcements file goes directly in the main Jupiter folder. Make sure to use the file extension as well in the name.
  21. You can definitely import meshes, but I don't know if it's the best idea for Landscape. I know importing heightmaps is possible, though. I'm not very experienced with Landscapes, but that's just what I've seen so far.
  22. Why is the title called Rx_CrateType_Nuke? How do you change the value? Also your explanation of using the mutator is quite interesting. Easier way is just to use something like this. Simply add ?Mutator=Rx_blockIonNuke_Controller.MyClass to your server startup line. Also, I wouldn't recommend using a name like 'MyClass' if you're releasing this for public use.
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