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Posts posted by NodSaibot

  1. 13 hours ago, Xtractor said:

    Just wondering if those Big maps wont be snipers fest not knowing where the shoot coming from and those been out of reach from most other characters 

    🤔 Thinking Face Emoji

    Firestorm has very different infantry play, not comparable to RenX at all. Snipers have a very different role and are far less integral to map play.

    • Like 1
  2. I think people are taking it far too literally, especially coming from someone like Tytonium. Of course we do not advocate or condone players abusing other players, but context is important. If there's something new or any more info about this topic, feel free to DM me.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, SamusAran said:

    Fishyshoe, you have been trolling me for several days now alongside the YEET clan who still have had no action taken against them. As soon as somebody retaliates against you, you cry like a whiny little bitch. You truly are a sad, whiny little cunt with an overinflated sense of entitlement. You have literally taken to the forums to complain that I jokingly said that repairing was worthless after you had claimed you were better than me. It was said in jest. And you took it to heart, demonstrating that you are, in fact, a little bit spergy. 

    Go and fuck yourself.

    I've had enough of this game and this community. There is a band of players (YEETs) who consistently use racial slurs, refer to the Holocaust and Jews in a negative manner etc and not once have any of them been muted or banned. I retaliate after being trolled continuously for the best part of a week and slapped with a permanent mute and ban. 

    If I am unaware of other things happening ingame, there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. If you have additional concerns, let us know.

  4. I have previously kicked his alt accounts, I am not really active in RenX at the moment, but I'll setup a notification for when he joins and monitor the situation.

    If you haven't already, try using modrequests to get attention of mods. I haven't been on IRC so if you have been modrequesting recently, I haven't been able to see it, but I will now.

    • Like 1
  5. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Server


    To start the server with the desired map, you should use a batch file like this. If you used this exact batch file, you would place it in the Renegade X directory



    start Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe server DEF-DarkNight?bIsLanMatch=true -nosteam


    Mine and tank limits are all defined by the map itself, although the configs still contain it, changing the configs won't do anything. As far as I'm aware, all the bot limits and such are irrelevant for defense mode, as the map contains bot spawners and it's own wave count and such. I may be wrong with that.


    If you need any further assistance, I am happy to help

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Fishyshoe said:

    Thanks. I mistakenly thought it had something to do with the flora 😅

    Silly fish.

    Well I am curious about all the other settings (such as post-processing effects, static decals, etc.) but unless you have the time and willingness to briefly explain about every single setting (not only for my sake, by the way, but the entire community) - then we can leave it as it is.

    I just wonder if I'll be able to tell the difference between ON/OFF for some of them, and how much they can affect performance (namely FPS).

    Post processing is no longer in the settings menu, unless it was readded back. Post processing covers a wide range of visual effects, such as depth of field, blur, colours and etc.

    Static/dynamic decals are 2D textures like a sticker on meshes. Such as, blood effects, splatter marks, scorch/burn marks, tiberium veins, etc.

    UDK | UsingDecals

    From what I know, ambient occlusion has to do with approximating lighting and shadows.

    Bloom has less to do with looking directly at lights, and more about how it makes other objects around it "glow". This includes making rocks and other stuff that could be considered "shiny" to be coloured like the light sources around it.

    UDK | Bloom

    The other settings are mostly self-explanatory.

  7. unknown.png


    Welcome to DevTalk #3 featuring 26 minutes of brand new multiplayer in-game footage from the upcoming Firestorm expansion!

    Fobby, Havoc89, and Yosh56 discuss the delay to 2021, new game design of Firestorm, Soundtrack, update on Renegade X, and what we plan to do next with both Renegade X and Firestorm.



    Stay tuned for more updates!


    Join us on Discord! We hold PUGs (Pick Up Games) every weekend at 6:00pm GMT or 2:00pm EST.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3
  8. Do you get regular ping on every other game? You have 900 ping. If you're on the Official EU server, it's in Europe, so not sure why your ping is so high. Is there anything on your PC downloading something in the background?

  9. On 11/19/2020 at 12:37 AM, Cheesemonk said:

    I have a half finished word document with tips that i was planning on posting to the forums at some point. Stuff like buggies being able to drift by pressing the crouch button, "Q" targeting causing enemies to appear on the mini-map, and timed c4 having an infinite targeting range. even basic stuff like the upgrades veterancy gives you would be beneficial for new players.

    And I completely agree that loading tips would be an easy and useful thing to implement.

    We already have loading tips on the loading map movie, it reads them all from a file. This list could be expanded, but currently basically no one reads the tips from what I can tell so I think the best idea would be moving it somewhere else, or just moving to a contextual help system, which is sort of what was described above. Little help menu displays different texts depending on what youre looking at, and you can turn it off

    • You can hamper enemy's credit collection rate by destroying their Harvester.
    • To get an extra speed boost, hold "Shift" to sprint.
    • You can purchase characters, vehicles, and weapons through the purchase menu.
    • Plant your C4s on the Master Control Terminal to deal extra damage to any building.
    • Some maps have tech buildings, look for a building with a flag.
    • To capture a tech building, find the Master Control Terminal and fire your repair gun at it until you neutralize and capture it.
    • Place Proximity C4s in bottle necks and between your base's entrances to prevent enemy infantry from infiltrating.
    • Engineers, Hotwire, and Technician carry a Repair gun that can repair vehicles, buildings, infantry armour, and can also disarm C4s and Super Weapon Beacons.
    • Crates are mystery boxes with prizes in them. Look for a floating spinning crate around the maps.
    • Be careful when picking up a crate because sometimes they can lead to your demise.
    • Sometimes going solo is not enough to take down the enemy. Organize rushes with various infantry and vehicles to strike in large volumes.
    • You can change the direction of the Airstrikes when zoomed in by holding down the fire button and moving your mouse.
    • Time your Airstrikes, because it takes a few seconds for it to get to the target.
    • Ion cannon and Nuclear Strike beacons have a point of no return when they are 10 seconds from impact. At this point you cannot disarm them with your Repair gun, and you should run!
    • Use the "Q" key to spot and mark enemy targets for your team. You can also use it to give appropriate radio commands.
    • Use CTRL, ALT or combine the two to see various radio commands that you can issue.
    • You can donate credits to your team mates by holding down CTRL and pressing D.


  10. 9 minutes ago, GDIViperM said:

    Hey thats awesome! Thanks a ton! Looking forward to the new patch 😃

    What about the Team Info Box?

    And hey I just saw that you are aswell born in 1986 like me 😃

    What excatly is your job in the dev. team?

    What is your ingame name?

    Not sure about team info box.

    That date isn't accurate, on purpose.

    I do mostly programming, but also do forum/discord admin, tester management, global moderation, etc. Basically everything besides making new art :P
    Sarah, when I want to be being recognized

  11. I think once the doors were opened to 64 player servers, they can no longer be closed. A lot of people don't know RenX without 64 player servers. Their whole experience has been 64 player servers, and that's the game they love. They love the chaos, the long-lasting action and the crazy rushes.

    Undoubtedly 64 player count servers are very different from 40 or below, but I think the game changes very dramatically somewhere in between 64 and 40. My most recent implementation of a "fix" for this type of situation was adding a manual activated command that splits 1 64 player server into 2 40 player servers, but we never tested it out. I think it would require it to be after a PUG or something, and have the PUG players all join after. We might be able to have 2 or near 2 40 player servers, but that would only be on short times during the weekend. I'm still willing to try it, but I think it would be an exclusive weekend only type thing.

    That's a very simplified version of it, as a lot of variables come into play, and I don't know with any certainty if player counts would be stable in that type of situation. I imagine players reactions to this would vary greatly, and that's the most unknown part so far.

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