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Posts posted by NodSaibot

  1. 11 minutes ago, DTtrex said:

    All maps are working in skirmish and as i said i can join servers. Just some i cant seem to join.

    I verified the data several times and also uninstalled and installed again.


    Which logs should i send?

    Latest.log in UDKGame/Logs orLaunch.log cant remember what its called. ALso delete everything in UDKGame\Cache

  2. I would suggest checking your logs or uploading them here. It is possible a file might be outdated or there is some sort of client-server file mismatch which would explain you randomly getting kicked from any/a specific server. Verify your game files and try again. The game is supposed to tell you why you are kicked but sometimes there is a weird bug where it basically overrides the message and ends up not displaying it once you're back to the main menu.

  3. On 6/30/2020 at 2:17 PM, Axesor said:

    I am gonna be honest and kinda stay at the ground. This is going to be disliked a lot..

    I absolutely loved c&c since I played it on ps1 even tho I did not understand a damn about what I am doing since I was sooo young. Therefore once I found out that there is c&c renegade many years later I absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the gameplay, immersion, action, c&c universe but I couldnt play multiplayer. I played thro LAN with few of my friends a few times and I enjoyed the shit out of it regardless.

    I had to move on since there was nobody to play with, and I couldnt play campaign forever.

    You can imagine how fucking hyped I was when I saw RenX trailer many years later. Just randomly clicked on it on the youtube as recomended vid. I remember watching it over and over again. Good job btw. Nostalgy filled my veins, and overflooded my organism leading me to the brain orgasm. 

    As the time went, and my hormones calmed down over time, and the more and more I learned about the game, my balls went kinda itchy over low FPS I had (which is my problem only), and started to see more and more flaws that my teeth couldnt went thro.

    In summary, the game did not met my expectations. Cant deny that the devs did tremendous work over time which made the game so much better, but the key things that was the biggest thorn in my eyes stayed. So yeah there is no happy end at the end of my painful to read and graphical essay. And I am sorry for that. But hey I respect the games for what it is.


    I may come back. Maybe like the most of the people coming back becouse of some big expectations from RenX:Firestorm. Id love to try it. And I WILL try it. No matter IF it wont be what I expected... I dont care if many key things did not changed... it looks absolutely fantastic, and I am stunned from what you did. Respect to yo all devs ❤️

    The sad reality is that RenX was never destined to be huge. If you want to make a spiritual successor to a badly designed game, there's only one thing you will end up with. If the game was meant to be a real competitive experience it would completely different. There's just too many factors and reliances on teammates and no real ranked/reason to play your hardest every match. Which can result in meh results for overall gameplay quality. Not to mention it's on an ass engine that does not stack up at all to modern engines. That being said, I think it does well as a continuance of Renegade and captures the essence of it well, while bringing it a step further than Westwood could. I'm glad it exists and I've met many wonderful people in the community and had great experiences with the game and community.

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  4. Server Performance Monitor

    View File

    How to install and use file is included in the package as well as source code. This is a SERVERSIDE mutator only. Players will not download this.

    This mutator will output statistics of ticks per second and delta time (time it takes to calculate a frame) in the console. Higher TPS is better, lower DT is better. Comes with configurable values for everything you would need to change in the mutator. Enjoy.


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  5. 5 hours ago, RyanTurner said:

    If you're not AFK, people usually get upset and kick the one kicking their arses, from my knowledge you can request a mod in-game and see if they can be of any assistance. @Sarie Want to be a sweetheart and confirm my phrasing? Thank you 

    true billy

  6. 9 hours ago, Hicks said:

    Right, I'm attaching a 2.3 MB log. If it can be useful, I think that log refers to a game session that I did in low resolution just to check if the problem occurred even in this condition

    Launch-backup-2020.06.19-11.37.52.log 2.24 MB · 3 downloads

    I see nothing out of the ordinary for the logs. Just make sure you have the correct drivers installed and that no other program is popping up and taking the focus away from RenX.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Epicalyx said:

    Is there a gauge or metric to indicate how much bandwidth you need per player? For example, what would a 10mbit (symmetric) be good enough for?

    The overall usage on server side is quite low. You will never see over 10MBps even with a full server. A 100-1000MBps connection would be plenty.

  8. It's not a 1 to 1 direct port, the same as Renegade-X is. It is adjusted in specific ways to improve the gameplay for FPS and make it overall more balanced. It even has some improvements from Renegade-X itself which is specifically tailored toward the overall flow of the game and infantry play. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. However, the movement is the same as RenX.

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  9. It's a known issue, please request a mod if you can and they should be able to sort it out for you. If not, disconnect for a couple minutes and try to reconnect. It is a server-side issue, as a result reinstalling your game will not change or fix anything

  10. 10 hours ago, Snow said:

    The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to do it this way. It should generate relatively (from my perspective) little effort for implementation for a huge impact and most of the players use steam anyway.

    No implementation needed. It's a server setting already.

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