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Posts posted by NodSaibot

  1. FS_Banner.png.d728e5c61b76230276c0090819d91f73.png


    Greetings community, today I am pleased to announce DevTalk #5, which will take place on our YouTube channel, as a livestream. We will be doing a live Q&A with the community while playing Firestorm in one of our Closed Alpha tests. We are excited to be able to bring you live gameplay of Firestorm, and to answer your questions in real time.

    Question submissions will be open once the stream starts. You can submit your question by writing in the live chat on the stream, or by writing a message in the Renegade Birthday Discord, in the #submit-questions channel.

    The stream will start at 5PM GMT (11AM CST) on Sunday, February 28th, 2021, and will last for 2 hours. You can view the calendar event to see what time it will take place in your timezone.

    A huge thanks to nudelsalat for streaming the DevTalk and working with us!

    Hope to see you there!


    Community Manager

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  2. If you're referring to the post you made on your own profile, to fix the "server is hosting different game", delete the Binaries folder from your game.

    Game folder is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X

    Then, open up the launcher, in the top right corner, press the settings button, then press verify game integrity. Once that is done, you should be good to go.

  3. Are you talking about being able to use the characters ingame? Or localization? Localization was something I wanted to work on, but it is quite a large task to do. The programming side of it would require a lot of changing of a lot of code, to use "localized messages" which is basically just a concept that instead of sending an actual message with whatever letters in it, it'll send a specific type of message, with whatever information it needs for context. Not sure how else to explain it, but if you're asking for localization, it's unfortunately a very large project that would take too much work.

  4. 1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    Does sprinting make you Glimmer - or yes, but increases the range that Glimmer can be seen? (I thought if I stopped sprinting before getting near enemies, that I would not Glimmer.)

    Sprinting will increase the range at which you can be seen

    1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    Does any damage make you Glimmer or Decloak? Even fall damage?

    Only damage from other team

    1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    When under __? health, you stay Decloaked.


    1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    Are there certain Inf or Veh that can see SBH when not normally Glimmering - or to make them Glimmer (excluding towers)?

    No, but infantry have a 10% longer vision range than vehicles

    1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    What is the time to reCloak after taking damage?

    If you haven't shot or anything to go fully visible, it's around 1 second. Higher veterancy levels make you cloak faster, but the veterancy boost only applies to actual decloaking, like firing. The default time at recruit is 5 seconds, then it goes down 1 second every level.


    Not sure what you mean with the first question, but the range ones aren't really easy to tell exactly if you're ingame. Sprinting gives you 50% bigger detection range (400 unreal units [25ft] up to 600 unreal units [37.5ft]), and remember infantry have 10% further range. I don't think there's really a good ingame way to measure or determine how far away you are. As far as I can tell, crouching makes no difference with stealth.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, AshbyJones said:

    wellll...aren't these *offical* servers now?  like developers' servers?

    The official servers use default configs that come with the game, the current default config for minimum players is 0.

    Currently, it's not implemented in a way that really works for the game. Simply looking at the player count does not give enough information to completely lock out a valid way of ending the game. Imagine a ref vs ref match where its impossible to infiltrate because of defending, hard to do rocket rushes and no tanks. Ion/nuke is a great way of finishing that match.

    The current system would need to be overhauled to include stuff like match duration and or buildings left, if it were to be re-enabled in default configs.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, AshbyJones said:

    I remember on one server at some point there was a player count under which you could not use superweapons...was it decided that is a bad idea?


    Seems like a popular informal agreement on small matches, but it tends to lead to lots of bitching when one or two ppl don't know or care...  Today I totally TH'd calling out ppl doing an ion rush when we'd agreed no superweapons or comm...much hysteria ensued.  Not saying that was the right way to handle it but...


    Any chance of going back to something like whichever server had that limit?  Maybe of a vote to limit superweapons or even comms?

    It's a config option on serverside. You can specify the amount of players needed to buy superweapons

  7. image.png.a4faa869d631e398de4153bf74a7bf2a.png


    We brought up this event in the previous Dev Talk, and we now have more info for it.

    The community is organizing a huge reunion to celebrate Renegade's 19th birthday! During the event, we'll be hopping between multiple games inspired by Renegade, along with enjoying some action from the classic itself! This will take place between February 20th until the 28th.

    We have a Discord server setup, and we will be playing Renegade, Renegade mods and Renegade-X throughout the week and weekend of the event. There will be streams and more content related to the event, so make sure to join the Discord and stay tuned for the announcements. We highly encourage everyone to come and take part.


    See you on the battlefield.

    This post will be updated with new info as necessary


    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Tytonium said:

    Unpopular opinion here but I've always thought Tiberium Sun had some of Klepacki's weakest tracks in all of the series. Don't get me wrong they all sound good, but when compared to his other works within the series a lot of Tib sun sounds generic.

    This is a good chance to reimagine some of the tracks and make it oriented towards Firestorm's atmosphere. Just don't be afraid to mix things up a little instead of sticking to Klepacki's style like it was the law or something.

    Also do Dusk Hour or 1000 years of suffering to your families

    Also the soundtracks thus far have been fantastic!

    TBH Tib sun is my least favourite, compared to TD and Red Alert/RA2

    You'll find some more unique styles in the original tracks, rather than the remake tracks. Both of them are good, though

    • Like 2
  9. image.png.6b5c05d98f99dc722c5b89a8a28ec127.png.4c0d53a7dd33ee31c612a868f589f18b.png


    Greetings, Renegade X fans!

    We've released a few Tiberian Sun track remakes and original tracks already on our YouTube channel. For the next track releases, we'd like to get your opinion and see which of the tracks are your favourites.

    We will be opening a poll for the next few days to determine which Tiberian Sun remake tracks the community would like to see released next. If there's a track that's not on the list that you'd like to see released, comment it on this thread! We look forward to your responses.

    • Like 4
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  10. If you're expecting inf to get insta killed by vehicles like in OG ren, it's quite different. I think splash damage is a bit different, infantry have different armour types, and the damage multipliers on the armour types can be significant. Overall in the last years, the time to kill has been adjusted significantly in RenX.

    LCG nerfed compared to when?



  11. 42 minutes ago, mouse705 said:

    So I dont understand why this isnt working in your game?

    Because they aren't the same. We use Unreal Development Kit, which is not Unreal Engine 3, and does not come with all the same base stuff or from whatever earlier UT game. (The "extra" Logitech buttons are actually a separate DLL and extra scripts you have to load, which nobody has as I don't think anyone knew it existed, I only discovered it a while back). They could be added, but I haven't attempted to do it yet, so no promise that it works or is compatible with our version.


    42 minutes ago, mouse705 said:

    None of these worked - I press the [ key and nothing happens.

    • LeftBracket - [
    • RightBracket - ]

    Are the proper bindkey names for those buttons.

    setbind "LeftBracket" GBA_SwitchWeapon6 is the correct syntax


    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    5) Is there a test game mode where I can have max credits, so I can buy each item, and test the keybinds for them?

    You can open a game in skirmish, there are many cheat commands you can use. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Console#Cheat_Commands

    1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    6) Do nukes, airdrops, and extra repair tool all use the same slot, and they are key 6?


    1 hour ago, mouse705 said:

    7) Is there a basic readme that lists these facts to quickly get up to date?

    Nothing in particular besides the wiki, there is no real official tutorial or quick tips compilation. We are working on a quick video tutorial, but that is probably going to be something more broad about the RenX C&C gamemode more than hotkeys and such.

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