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Posts posted by NodSaibot

  1. 7 hours ago, isupreme said:

    I don't quite understand this , tho i sense its truth.     How does this happen?

    Myself and many other players just press the hotkeys as fast as possible to buy stuff. For example, open PT, press V to open menu, 3 to buy arty.

    But if vehicles arent available, you cant open the menu, which means you end up buying a grenadier or flametrooper.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, salarite said:

    I agree it needs to be adjusted. Maybe only allow surrender votes if at least half the buildings are dead? That should reduce the spam.

    Another issue is right now it's too easy to make a succesful surrender vote. I think the required default 'Yes' number should be increased. A lot of people don't notice these votes and often a small minority "sneakily" surrenders while most of the team would have actually wanted to continue..


    Not really sure what more can be done, I increased the percentage up 25% back in October 2020, and also made a big red text pop up in middle of screen when map changing votes (changemap, restartmap, surrender) votes are started.

  3. 59 minutes ago, jugon666 said:

    hehe... its ok if you do wish to keep things closed... no problem it is your right to remain silent since your work is based on closed source code...

    Food for thought:

    Just to let you in on something... there are real engineers out there who patch well known vulnerabilities and actually disclose how they work... and the reason even after disclosed MUCH more than simple "hints" those will no longer be exploitable is because they actually got fixed and there is no harm in revealing the FULL details anyway...  :P

    Just one of the many examples can be found in the link below:


    (feel free to get as much hint as you want in that publicly available white paper).





    That is more of a security issue rather than a “game cheating” issue, very, very different situations. It makes 100% sense to release info about exploits and security stuff when data and sensitive info is at risk, not so much for games.

  4. 52 minutes ago, isupreme said:

    Thanks for information!    More questions ofc.....

      I count 42 maps.    Of those 9 are NvN      and 33 are standard.

    To me,   having 1/4 of all maps as NvN seems like too much....  but that is my dislike of NvN showing.   I can appreciate now that some players like NvN.   But I see the vast majority of players choose standard map options when they are suitable. 

    If players are always choosing Regular maps.. does it make the NvN maps more likely to come up?   

    I ask because sometimes it seems this way.   At night when the crowds have thinned -and we are only given 5 choices and 2 of them are NvN  and a vote to change the map gives us 2 more NvN......  This means only 3  options for the most popular format.   If the best maps have just been played then we get only three leftovers...



    No. My post contains all of the factors that goes into selecting maps.

  5. All of these are server side settings, and the official server runs with the defaultsettings. That means you can read your own clients configs to see what the server is running.

    If the playercount is in the threshhold, it will be in the pool for map list.


    MapName Minimum Max


    Walls 0 64
    Oasis 0 30
    Tomb 0 50
    Whiteout 0 56
    Islands 0 64
    Under 0 56
    Mesa 0 50
    Canyon 0 32
    Volcano 0 32
    Field 0 40
    Lakeside 0 64
    GoldRush 0 64
    Complex 0 40
    Snow 0 30
    Xmountain 0 64
    Crash_Site 32 64
    Reservoir 0 64
    Snow_X 0 40
    Storm 20 64
    Arctic_Stronghold 32 64
    Hourglass 20 64
    Field_X 20 64
    Eyes 50 64
    Uphill 20 64
    Desolation 30 64
    CliffSide 20 64
    Outposts 50 64
    Tunnels 30 64
    Daybreak 30 64
    Steppe 30 64
    Islands_X 0 64
    Forest 30 64
    BH-Walls 0 64
    BH-Daybreak 30 64
    BH-Field 0 40
    BH-Snow 0 30
    BH-Lakeside 0 64
    BH-GrassyKnoll 0 64
    BH-Tomb 0 50
    BH-Under 0 56
    BH-Steppe 30 64
    Fort 0 50

    The amount of maps showing up in the vote list is a server setting, MaxMapVoteSize=5 is the default.

    The most recently played maps to exclude is RecentMapsToExclude=4.

    These settings are all in UDKGame\Config\DefaultRenegadeX.ini. If you want to change them on a server, edit UDKRenegadeX.ini, NOT Default one.

    • Like 1
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  6. 4 hours ago, mouse705 said:

    Recently devs nerfed Doza and Chem ammo clip.

    Doza....? Nobody nerfed Doza.

    • Tiberium Auto Rifle (Epic Char version)
      • Increased spread and recoil slightly
      • Reduced clip size from 30 -> 20
      • Reduced splash damage from 200 -> 175

    I specifically wrote EPIC CHAR version of the weapon (which means the green one, on the Armoured Syd and Mutant Rav), NOT Doza weapon.

  7. 15 minutes ago, stopdropkiller said:

    I am Stopdropkiller, the reason why we continued to kick Hicks was because me and a friend were playing 1v1 since I am new to the game in a empty server.  Hicks continued to rush the base with Humvees and played as the Scientist dude and continued to rush base and take down structures when my friend cuckroachking and I were playing peacefully and testing out controls/characters/vehicles.  That fact that Mouse705 is flagrantly lying about us being griefers for having seen us both when it was literally my first day playing the game is laughable.  What Hicks also does not say is how he would literally come in and try to base rush again after being kicked when we asked him to not to.  For a time he did not join but then got another person/friend to join the server and immediately proceeded to taunt about how he could not be kicked now that he had an ally.  Unfortunately my game then crashed on map change and I haven't played since.  I'm glad Hicks gets to portray himself as the victim but I find myself not wishing to come back to the game after not only he but this Mouse guy also claims falsehoods, maybe it's the toxic people like you two that the community suffers. This will most likely be my one and only post let alone foray into the game, hope you enjoy your future games.

    It sounds like a big misunderstanding. If you need a server, I can start one for you and your friends to learn on or whatever, it's not issue. Communication is key to working together :)

    • Like 4
  8. 14 hours ago, mouse705 said:


    There are plenty of tools at the disposable of server owners and moderators, but they have to use them. We globally log most actions, including starting votes.

    We are able to track name changes and who they are, so that is not an issue.

    Votes are on a 60 second cooldown, map votes even higher cooldown.

    Rules are up to the server owner, we can't and will not try to moderate every playstyle, whether or not people like it or not. Same exact thing for defenders or "killwhores". What they do may annoy you, but that's not our problem. That's just how the game is.

    Ask ingame with a !modrequest.

    A lot of the issues you are describing, are solved by Official servers, which is why we have them. Not being able to contact mods, vague or no rules, mod inactivity, etc. I have been a moderator/server admin for years, I am aware of all the tools we have and how to use them, and they are sufficient to moderate any server. Whether or not the owners/mods of the server decide to use them, is a different issue, and not one I, nor the team, can solve for you.

  9. 36 minutes ago, CoolAid said:

    Yesterday a known person trolled me because he thought my heroic mammy was too OP. He openend a kick poll vote on me when i was bussy and i happened to miss it. After that he wanted to steal the mammy. For some reason my team mates didnt press F2 also. So I got kicked from the server and had to rejoin. But i lost all score and for some reason the vehicle kills counter was also reset to 0. Is this ment to be as a punishment or is it a bug? The Veterancy and K/D counter was still the same, it was still there.

    Just a bug that stats don't carry over


    34 minutes ago, CoolAid said:

    A new idea. Please add a warning pop-up message also when someone opened a vote kick about you. That way it's almost impossible to miss it.

    It will be in next patch.

    • Like 1
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  10. Have you tried running the installer as Admin?

    If the folder already exists, try deleting the folder and running it again.

    I think the launcher may have issues trying to install on a different drive, but I am not 100% sure on that.

  11. 17 minutes ago, CoolAid said:


    Ik tried updating Renegade X today and my Malwarebytes Premium showed me a message and blocked an outbound connection for the reason "Trojan". It could be possible there is an infection in the website. Maybe even de game update (i doubt this, but it's not impossible for some developer having an infected/hacked computer)?

    It didnt give this message on all previous updates that where downloaded. I have Malwarebytes Premium running for years.

    I stopped the download of the update as a precausion.

    Please investigate this matter.


    The website and patch mirrors are completely separate, and it's highly unlikely that it would even be able to detect that there was a virus in the patch data, considering it's all in a delta format. The launcher doesn't even download any "regular" files. Unless your antivirus is actively unpacking all the delta files (what the launcher does in the apply phase, partially), I would say it's a false positive.

    We will look anyway, but that one is actually one of the newest patch servers, so I highly doubt anything could be wrong with it.

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